How to fix tunneling
In DBD there’s 3 major problems with the game
Tunneling, Camping and Gen regression. Survivors hate tunneling and camping and killers hate having to run gen regression to deal with the pressure. It feels almost mandatory to run these perks. I came up with a idea to fix the issue at its core without changing the base game to much and will adjust the perks accordingly. Here’s my fix
Tunneling, camping, Gen regression
A huge issue survivors have is getting tunneled and camped. It’s not fun and it’s annoying but it’s sometimes mandatory for some killers. To fix this where going to encourage killers not to tunnel.
For each Unique survivor hooked the gen kick regression increases by 2.5%
No survivors hooked=2.5%
1 survivor hooked=5%
2 survivors hooked=7.5%
3 survivors hooked=10%
4 survivors hooked=12.5%
When 1 survivor is sacrificed or killed the gen regression will permanently go back to 2.5%.
With this change it encourages killers to go after more targets and not camp so in return he can kick gens and regress them more. And it cuts down on some perks cause now you don’t need any to keep up.
Perk changes
with this change we can’t keep some perks the same cause having 12.5% at base with some perks can be overbearing so here’s my changes with some getting a minor buff.
Brutal strength
-Added a Extra 2.5% regression to gen kick along with increased kicking speed.
Pop goes the weasel
-Increased the timer back to 40/50/60 seconds(was 35/40/45).
-Gen regression is now 7.5% TOTAL(was 20% current).
-kicking a gen will pause the timer
Call Of Brine
-Gen regression is now 125/150/175%(was 150/175/200%).
-incapacitated is now 9/12/15 seconds(was 15/20/25).
-gen regression is now 12.5%(was 10%)
-cooldown is 80/70/60 seconds(was 120/100/80).
-(note does not apply other gen perks PGTW, COB, Overcharge, Eruption, Brutal, etc).
-removed basic attack requirement.
these changes I feel would fix the game without doing any major changes cause it encourages killers to go after more targets for more gen regression and the perk changes takes these into account to make them more like a addon and not a necessity. Let me know how you like these changes.
EDIT:changed the title to not false advertise.
Ok so your title said no perk changes then I read perk changes... can you please fix that for everyone else
Why do you think Call Of Brine gets used a lot more then it used to?
Why do you think Eruption gets used more now then it did before?
Why do you think Oppression doesn't get used a lot?
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I feel like the biggest problem right now is map sizes and gen spread. When there's a decent gen spread where every killer can compete without running 3-4 slowdown then it would be good to make perk changes towards gen regression.
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Literally every map has an impossible 3gen to repair as surv if killer decides to defende by any means, but ok
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Just me personally, but the kick buff is not an incentive worth the effort. It's much better for the killer to eliminate someone than a minor buff ( which by your account isn't even a permanent effect).
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Ehhh. That’s why you prioritize middle gens. It’s not hard.
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^ This is actually the main issue as well as tile strength and tiles chained together.
Most maps need to be significantly reduced in size and most loops need to be significantly less safe. Most killers can't properly pressure maps with how big they are and most pallets are auto breaks because the loop is nearly unplayable while the pallet is thrown if the survivor is even semi decent.
Those are the real issues. If those things are done then we can start throwing some strong nerfs to regression perks.
That said, as OP mentions the game needs to reward killers who play "fair". Playing fair (spreading hooks around, not camping/tunneling) needs to made to be the most optimal way of playing, it's currently not.
The ideal size that we should have all maps based around roughly is Coal Tower. Talking size here, not layout. Coal Tower is the size that even m1 killers without map mobility can have a chance of pressuring.
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Fixed the title.
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It’s not a permanent effect cause it wouldn’t be fair for 2 people left to have 12.5% regression all game. It’s for killers that don’t want to tunnel and give them an incentive not to tunnel or camp
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Ok thanks...
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As if the last 2 survivor would ever try to do gens instead of trying to outstealth each other.
You would need a whole other incentive for survivor at that point, besides getting reported.
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Not the worst ideas I've seen, to be honest. Balance is a bit all over the place, but I see what you're driving at.
I'd also add:
- Killers cannot use their powers while within a certain radius of a hooked survivor and remaining there for a few seconds. If a chase begins outside of this radius, entering this radius while in chase will not trigger this effect.
- Hook grabs removed completely.
- Kobes removed completely, and the relevant perks reworked.
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I think if we figure out why Perks are being used then we can solve the issues in the game
Same thing with Camping and Tunneling... But I do like the changes you suggested
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I agree on hook grabs it’s a pretty dated mechanic.
I don’t agree on the power portion cause that would make the game kinda clunky and it doesn’t really need that.
I’m mixed on kobe cause it’s very funny when you dominate an entire game just for the 4% luck to screw you over. I don’t think it should be removed
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I'd say about 1/3 of my losses in solo are because of a quitter, and all the kobe represents is a 'I quit but don't want a DC penalty' button. That other 4% of the time - it just feels obnoxious for the killer as it can represent a 'I lost a kill because luck' moment.
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I think you would have to have an reinforcement,but it defeats the purpose of playing DBD the way or how it has all the way
with the 12.5 regression as base until a survivor is sacrificed, who's to say that the killer won't tunnel the player out anyway by reinforcement,I mean you would have to be punished for hooking the same survivor twice and then theirs not a sure way to tell if survivor ran in your path directly or you tunneled them.
And let's be honest gen regression doesn't do much unless there's only two alive . That's why Eruption is fine how it is. 25 sec's with 9 % regression helps tremendously for the killer in any ranks but taking away the incapacitated status or lowering will only kill the perk.Which isn't so bad survivors could just rotate to the next gen and knowing the killer has it they'll be better prepared.From what I've seen most survivors complain about not being able to do anything but they can go for hook saves,hide in the locker like they would do for madness to lower or inner strength.Get the killers position but instead it seems like they just want to jump on the Gen right away and continue 🤷IDK I've had a game just today
I didn't escape but the other three did the killer ran Overcharge, Eruption Corrupt intervention and Nowhere to Hide.I was trying to get that RPD trophy so this is why,I didn't escape because he monitored that gen but if I had just went to other gen like over then I would have escaped
I've also played against Eruption,CoB,but couldn't really notice a difference in the match.I think the same could be said for any other survivor, because every survivor I play against usually plays like their life depends on it , even if there solo q.
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Nothing that operates on an invincible bubble of screw powers around hooks will ever work, be balanced, or be a good idea. This is a game where chases can be blocked by obstacles you can see over because you're not literally gazing upon a survivor's backside; "if you go near a hooked survivor and a chase hasn't started you are now an M1 killer regardless" is a terrible idea. Plus being plain confusing and nonintuitive about radiuses like every other thing in this game.
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I like what you said and agree.
I think the biggest issue facing this game is that some of the killers just can not be enjoyably played well beyond a certain MMR point, and that sucks. Users want to play the one they want, not be feel forced into a tiny group to remain competitive. Just like survivors that can pick a skin and keep going.
Maps just feel broken, often you'll have three gens spawn within Wesker's bound distance from each other, and Its game tossingly stupid not to control that point. But, its not really fun for either side to play this way all the time. Also, it doesn't mean the killer will win. Certain tile set ups, as you mentioned leave the killer unable to catch the survivor twice, and combined with a COH across the map leaves a camping stalemate that drags until the survivors win or make a mistake.
I think the play styles can open up and get away from gen regression, camping, and tunneling, once the killers are all equally viable, the maps are better, and a few addon/perk things are added to make other styles possible.
Addressing the original point, I don't feel minor adjustments to regression perks can fix the core issues.
Tunneling isn't an issue, its more like a response to capitalize on weakness on that specific survivor. And I know its not really a fun tactic.
Camping is generally know as a dumb thing to do, its only really good in specific map layouts at specific times, and SWF seems to love it. They enjoy the back and forth around the hook at end game collapse or near a three gen, if they didn't they would just leave while you stare at your one hooked survivor. I don't think anyone really wants that camping to go. And I know no one likes a five gen face camp Bubba.
How is gen regression a problem? Its boring? I mean, what is the killer supposed to do? Play full offense with no perks that support that available? I guess, I think if the map/killer balance issues are addressed, you'll see that style of play, if the developers make it viable.
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I literally never said it was a side specific issue...
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I can't believe people really want maps to be smaller and gens to be closer to each other. Like, should kill rates increase to 75/80% then?
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Well if those map and layout issues were actually fixed properly I’d give even as heavy as a 50% nerf to regression perks, cut their power in half. I also think people default to them because honestly most the non gen regression perks are really, really undertuned bar a few exceptions. Most the chase perks and information perks need hefty buffs to be more competitive. The information the killer gains and how much the chase is shortened by the anti chase perks needs to be equivalent to how much time is being saved with gen regression perks. Currently it’s not even remotely close.
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It's not the most elegant solution, but it's the best I can think of.
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Camping can only be fixed by player bevaviour. Don't go down next a 3-gen, and don't brazenly run around in front of the killer, making it clear you want to do a hook save and aren't doing generators.
Regression perk spam can only be fixed by changing the balance so that they aren't necessary and so that other perks can give similar levels of value. And, of course, stop giving survivors perks that let them rush gens even faster.
Tunneling can only be fixed by fundamentally overhauling the game on a level that BHVR has never even dreamed of. It will never happen. The game is fundamentally designed around tunneling and it is the way the game is meant to be played.
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How to fix Camping:
- Don't leave gens the picosecond your friend goes down. Wait to see if the Killer leaves the hook.
- If he does not; keep doing gens. Once enough Killers get a maximum of 1-2 Kills in enough matches; they will abandon camping as a valid tactic. Though trills will still do it, but just laugh at them.
How to fix Tunneling:
- You can't. If Survivors can bring their A-Game to do gens; Killers can bring their A-Game to kill Survivors. You can't let one side play at 100%, with META perks, addons, and SWF with voice, and tell the other side 'You have to play badly because you winning means people are removed from the game. And that makes them sad. So stop trying.'