Unable to solve Lament Configuration during chain hunt

This has been a problem for a while now, I’ve had game after game where if I try and solve the box during chain hunt I’m still continuously harassed by chains making solving impossible as my progress is repeatedly interrupted
surely this is a bug? Otherwise it’s pretty much a complete death sentence for all survivors once the chain hunt has started with no way to end it
the box itself will still spawn chains on you, while pausing the chain hunt for everyone else. on of my major complaints with pinhead tbh, it should remove all chains from you when you start to solve it.
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Only way I've found to do it is sometimes if you're in a corner or against a wall, chains will miss you and hit the wall.
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it has been said a 1000 times
dodge 3 chains then start solving and you won't get interrupted ( you have to dodge them and not make them hit you) use a rock or a wall to your advantage or just spin.
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It’s amazing how many people still don’t know this. 😂
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Chains spawn in groups of Survivors Alive - 1. With 4 survivors alive, a Chain Hunt will spawn 3 chains. Dodge 3 of them and then begin to solve the box. No new chain groups will spawn while you're solving, but chains will continue to spawn if they're already in groups.
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There is a brief window after picking up the box where chains will not spawn. If your grabbing it while chains are about to spawn on you then that window can be interrupted.
It's more a matter of your timing than the feature itself resulting in the problem.
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You shouldn’t need to do all that though, seems like a workaround for bad design
the second you start solving the box no more new chains should spawn on you
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I mean it isn't explained anywhere in the game
Not everyone goes out of their way to research a game strangly enough
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I mean... it's probably a bad mechanic if it's not explained anywhere in-game, causes frustration, and the only way a player would know about it is by being on PC for endgame chat or talking about the game online.
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with that i agree, maybe bhvr thought they would give the pinhead a chance to interrupt the solve not considering how frustrating this is against him.
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The really insane thing is nearly every killer is like this. If you don't research it you'd never know Trapper and Pig's trap logic, Nemesis's points based mutation meter, Dredge's charge based nightfall meter, Knight's guards, etc all work. This game is insanely complex for a game with basically no competitive scene and unless you do crazy amounts of research you don't know how most of it works.
And that's the stuff they don't tell you but even what they do tell you is complex. Like for example say your a survivor playing against doctor. Unless you know what specific affliction corresponds with which add-on good luck figuring out what you're playing against. Is it stealth doc with calm add-ons? Is it doc that can see the fake doctor hallucinations? Better hope you studied what the associated afflictions are for each so you can figure it out. Now have that level of knowledge for the other 29 killers.
Personally I can nerd out and study these things cuz I like the complexity and don't play many other games but for your casual gamer this game probably seems like navigating a maze with no directions.
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Literally everything frustrates survivors and almost nothing is explained (kind of the point of the game is the unknown)... kind of a bad metric to judge a mechanic on.
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to be fair bhvr does nothing to hint at this. The least they could have done is add a hint in the menu or give the box chains a special design.