Venting about survivors

Sastock Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3

I played both killer and survivor today. Survivor side was way too easy and when I played killer, I barely got one kill. Why? Maybe I am not that great at dbd however I say survivors need a lot of their tools nerfed. They will whine and cry but seriously they have way too much right now. I went against multiple squads today some I went against twice because I recognized both of their names and all it was flashlights, dead hard, looping, boons, Windows of opportunity, saboteur and stuff just to make a killer's life hell. None of the games were fun. One guy messaged saying GG EZ so I responded gg to be respectful even though I was very upset with no hooks trying to run a dredge blindness build. He then proceeded to tell me that I need to get good and that I suck. I got very angry but didn't respond anymore. My biggest issue is the whole excuse of GeTtInG gOoD. If you make a mistake all people will tell you is get good. How does that help? Tell me how to outplay looping when the person has a flashlight, Windows of opportunity, Lithe, Dead Hard, and everyone else is popping gens with Prove Thyself, hyperfocus, and potential energy. (Seriously what I went against today TWICE) So I decided that I would do a meta build with Knight and Gen defense which I got put and Springwood (Worst map in the game btw) and proceeded to get looped to infinity and the last three gens were too far away with 2 of them being in basements of different buildings. I then proceeded to get teabagged and mocked in the endgame chat. I got frustrated and walked away. I used the build that EVERY survivor complains about. COB, Eruption, Overcharge, Oppression and still couldn't win yet the survivors were Eruption is too strong and you can't do anything about it. I am writing this while angry so I might respond later while I am calmer but if they nerf Eruption and gen defense THEY BETTER NERF GEN RUSHING. Survivors themselves need nerfs to gen speeds, pallet locations, item abuse, etc. This game is way too survivor sided and the survivors complain about any little thing that happens to them. I don't want anyone telling me to GET GOOD when they have all this help. I will probably come back later after I have breathed but seriously I do not like survivors right now


  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Killer has never been a stronger role than right now.

    I play both roles (I'd say about 60/40 favoring killer) and the 6.1.0 patch was a massive killer buff.

    There are a few things that probably do need to be fixed - Garden of Joy main structure is bullpoop on toast, some of the 'faster gen' perks can be a bit much, Fogwise is ridiculously OP in SWFs (it's almost as bonkers as prenerf OoO) and some of the crappier killers still need some buffing/reworks.

    However, right now the balance focus seems to be on trying to help out solo survivor, which is a miserable experience at present - and I'm...broadly okay with that. For now.

    And yes, this game seriously needs a jerk fumigation - but sadly, the devs seem to have an attitude towards toxicity that basically reads as 'it's an important part of online gaming'. Ugh. Just...turn postgame chat off and keep it off. If you've got something to say and it was a fun game, turn it back on. Then turn it back off.

    Also - if you have a public Steam profile, use Anonymous mode. Trust me on this.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,697

    The DBD community is full of some of the most toxic people that you'll ever have the misfortune of playing against. They're not all like that of course, but it's far too common to experience toxicity than a pleasant gaming experience.

    That being said, it sounds like you're new to the game. If so, then I can't recommend the bots enough. SBMM isn't nearly as accurate as we're led to believe, which is why playing against the bots is the best overdue training tool that DBD has ever seen. Spend time polishing your skills there before playing against other people. Hell, I play against them all the time since I'm guaranteed to not experience any toxicity, and at some point we'll be able to equip them with perks too, and when that day comes I'll never play on live servers again unless I need blood points.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    This game is also almost designed to be annoying, with how snowbally it can be and how stupidly easy it is to depip or wind up having complete 'waste of time' games as survivor, when you get downed first and facecamped by a Ghostface running LP. I can either suicide and basically kill my entire team, or stick it out and waste my time with almost no BP and then depip.

    A few matches like that, and I can feel myself getting irritable. And I'm usually very mellow.

    Killer is the same.

    Do well or play hard? People will suicide or DC just to deny you BP and emblems.

    Do badly or play chill? Get ready to have people literally post on your Steam wall to tell you how much you suck and why you're too cowardly to stay around and get gloated at in postgame.

    Dead by Daylight is a toxicity generating machine.

  • TigerSnake
    TigerSnake Member Posts: 531

    Don’t worry, I’m sure Eruption will be nerfed into uselessness like Thana, while CoB and OC will also be nerfed to please survivors.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,697

    "Dead by Daylight is a toxicity generating machine"

    I couldn't have said it better myself. I think it's getting to the point to where BHVR's hand is going to be forced into creating other game modes. These days most people can barely play more than a few matches at a time before they've had their fill, and if those matches were nothing but a miserable affair (solo survivor, sweaty Killers, teammates disconnecting, etc) then naturally no one's going to want to stick around.

    6 years is a long time to devote to a single game mode, and these days putting in new killers and new survivors doesn't cut it anymore.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987
    edited December 2022

    Have you considered that maybe you’re just bad at killer and good at survivor?

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,382

    The dunning Kruger effect is big in the killer community.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,949

    Both sides could use a few nerfs. Perks, items, addons and map offerings should not to tip the scales to the extend they do right now. If one side is running something decent while the other brings the strongest stuff they have, the game will be one-sided and mostly boring (often with very little interaction between both sides). The preset loadout impacts the game more than actual skill and that is where most complaints about the game are coming from. I play both sides, but I'd still consider myself a killer main, and my matches depend very hard on how much slowdown / extra gen speed there is in the game. That's what makes many games boring and even miserable.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Yes, really. Kill rates are up pretty substantially across the board.

    Sure, there are some fringe examples with crazily stacked SWFs at the higher end of things, and those do indeed need a look - but as a whole, killers have never been stronger.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I'd have to dig up the list, but the only killer that really seems to be struggling now is Demo, and that's probably because Shred didn't get the attack cooldown change in 6.1.0, because abandoned killer.