Possible Pinhead new skin

Since the original Pinhead from the 1987 movie Hellraiser is a killer in this game, I wonder if the people behind Dead by Daylight will add a new skin for Pinhead from the 2022 Hellraiser reboot.
I think it would be an epic idea, to have a male and female Pinhead to choose from.
What do you all think?
Would be great. I think BHVR can easily get the rights to the new Hellraiser cause of Clive barker
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It'd be cool, but the Hellraiser IP is still a legal nightmare of spaghetti monster proportions. They would need a seperate licensing agreement from whoever holds the rights from that particular film and would also have to iron out a deal between that publishing firm and Barker's.
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I think it's a terrible idea and that movie is an abomination that should be cast down into the fiery pit from whence it came.
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Wdym it's pretty good, Currently my 2nd favorite Hellraiser film only beaten by the original. Certainly beats every other film that came after the third one.