Still to imbalanced matchups

LadLord Member Posts: 18
edited January 2023 in General Discussions


There has been somehting bugging me about my games for the last 4-5 weeks.

When I play as killer, I either play vs the most novice survivor team out there, and I win a couple of those matches, then all of a sudden, I get matches with like 2-3 chases and only 1 hook, but 4 gens are already done. and sometimes not a single kill in like 3-4 matches in row(once or twice even like 10-12 matches lost in row), then again I meet the most basic of novices that makes all the classic novice misstakes... but that is not fun at all... I just want a middleground to this.

I got over 1k hours in this game... should be enough stats to match me a little better maybe?

Or its everything about que-time only?

And yeah sure, maps play a bit of a role.. but I feel like the survivor teams I face are extremely unevenly mixed in skills, and it has gotten worse as of late.

I've started to disconnect every game that gets to 3-4 gens done without a single hook or scratch on the survivors. it makes me so mad and sad at the same time, often those teams are the most toxic also, like "gg ez win" "gl with next you novice" and blablabla. it's like this community is very toxic at times. I sometimes get the urge to put 100% of my energy to make people stop playing this game, out of rage ofc. (But I don't)


  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    What is your region and when do you play? I am on na and when I was queueing up between 12AM-4AM before Christmas break I was getting really good matches for me. I've kinda weened off dbd since Christmas break because the matches are way more inconsistent.