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Different ideas for Killer slowdown perks

Ideas for balance:

Remove incapacitated from a gen affected by Eruption but make the gen lose 20% progress upon a down.

Gen regression perks can't stack like exhaustion perks can't stack. When a slowdown perk is activated the killer is given an exhausted like effect for 30 to 40 seconds.

When a survivor dies all gen regression perks deactivate like how the new hex ruin does.

Jolt effects every gen map wide upon a down.

Basekit killer regression speed is buffed to 150% upon a kick and the gen loses 5% but the regression speed will be capped at 200% max with perks.

It takes a survivor 3 seconds of working on a generator to stop regression.

Block all gens and totems by the entity for 10-20 seconds at the start of ever match.

Just ideas. Not all of these need to be implemented.


  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    An exhaustion-like timer for slowdown perks would be pretty incoherent, given, uh... ruin exists. There are better ways to prevent slowdown stacking than "only one perk may come into effect than X time".

    And no, copying Ruin's deactivation to every slowdown perk is a terrible idea. That seizes way too hard on the idea that if one Survivor goes down and there's multiple gens left, it's impossible to compete with. But you can also get games where one person gets killed and there's only one gen left. Countering tunnelling by making removing someone late in the game make you more vulnerable would do all sorts of strange things to balance.

  • Justinradtke14
    Justinradtke14 Member Posts: 45

    Yes Ruin exists... Then they can buff ruin to 150% because right now it's weaker and there's better options. No perk should do what another perk does but way way better.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    No, I mean 'how do you implement an exhaustion-like effect when you have an effect that triggers CONSTANTLY as soon as someone leaves a gen'. Does something like Eruption trigger on kick or on down; what happens if someone has PGTW and Eruption (or one of those and CoB).

    Exhaustion perks are based around Survivor does some mutually exclusive thing -> exhaustion is applied. That doesn't work with gen regression; many of them are applied the same way, or triggered at the same time. PGTW and PR both come into play on hooking; Jolt and Eruption both have their effect on a down; a whole bunch are applied to a gen on kicking it (Eruption only doing its thing on down, though), etc.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077


    In order:

    • No, that's really boring. Change the incap to a block, call it a day.
    • You'd have to balance regression perks substantially, and rework them in places because some need to be layered with other regression perks to function.
    • Ahahaha no. Ruin is now completely useless.
    • That's...actually not a terrible idea.
    • Ditto. Would open up far more build possibilities.
  • Justinradtke14
    Justinradtke14 Member Posts: 45

    I totally agree. The way it would work would be like how ruin and pop worked back in the day. Ruin is plan A and Pop was plan B. After Ruin was cleansed you had Pop. The "exhaustion like" effect would be active at all times until Ruin got cleansed.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,152

    I do think Incapacitation should only be for killer powers like madness tier 3 or Victor on your back. Have Eruption instead instantly block the gen for 25 seconds with 15% regression (up from 10%).

    Perks like Eruption, Pain Resonance, and Jolt could have an exhaustion like cool down so you can't use them back to back in short time. Then have regression cap for perks like Ruin, Overcharge and COB.

    Gen speeds should have a maximum speed and slowdown to stop stacking that has them completed too quickly or slowly.

    Survivors should need several seconds on a gen to stop regression, similar to how if you have Blastmine or Wiretap ready to go when you hop on a gen you need to be on it for several seconds before you can activate it.

    If deactivating regression perks at all I would only do it once one gen remains since that is when the 3 gen delay until time runs out strategy is used - I would say also when one survivor is dead but killer could just not death hook a survivor so their regression perks don't get deactivated.

    Blocking all gens and totems at start of a match is a bad idea - survivors would just hide until the entity blocker goes away because they have nothing to do. You want there to be available gens/totems so survivors go and do something other than hide.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    Okay, but what happens with all the perks that have overlapping triggers? There's already more gen regression than exhaustion perks, and Killers can't do that many things universally.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    The suggestion I've liked is that Hex totems don't come into play lit--there's some delay before they pop on, so survivors can't spawn on the bloody things.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,152

    I think they shouldn't look lit unless you are close to it so you can't see the glow from a distance. If you can hear the fire crackling then you can see the glow, otherwise it looks like a dull totem.