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How to I beat good loopers as Doctor?

Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,440

I've been playing killer more lately due to burn out. I've been having fun running Undying, Haunted Ground, Devour Hope and Whispers. I only use brown add-ons unless I see them equip items and then switch to yellow. Most of the teams I face are bad and don't know how to loop, which is okay with me because I like to harass them a bit, hook each of them two times and then show them the totem and let them escape in the end. The only time I "sweat" is when someone is playing super aggressively (doing gens in my face, body blocking with BT while it's obvious I'm going for the unhooker or plain old t-baggers) or when they rush gens with tool boxes and let the hooked person get to second stage.

I fully admit I am bad at this game and it doesn't matter what role I play. I prefer M1 killers because my old brain can't handle movement killers like Blight, Oni or Nurse (she gives me headaches as well). I settled upon Doc because he was fun and I like his power. The problem arises when I get put up against a team of people who all know how to loop. It's like my power becomes useless because they either run long before I get to their gen, which basically feels like they're taking me on a trip all over the world or they just run strong loop to strong loop. I know how to use my shock to prevent them from dropping or vaulting a pallet at a weak loop, but it's like there's nothing to be done. Either I let them stun me, break the pallet and chase them to the next loop, or I try to use my power which just gives them more distance.

I just had a match on The Temple of Purgation and felt like it was a hopeless situation. The score screen showed they had two strong toolboxes with a brand new part and all of my totems were out in the open and cleansed almost at the same time. Is there really no hope for M1 killers but to run gen slowdown and just tunnel the first person you hook? Anyone have a recommendation for a Good Doc main on Youtube?


  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    I went through a doctor phase a little while ago. It was all fun and games while my mmr was building and I was facing average teams. Then I faced some good teams and I got my ######### pushed in.

    Depending on the loop, I’ll just get them tier 3 madness and then force them to drop the pallet. Don’t even go for the power. On smaller pallets, you can mind game it with your power (shock them as they vault or drop it.

    I would suggest watching D3ad’s doctor videos. He’s got some really good ones.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    You run purple discipline and green electrode.

    If survivors greed, you fake the shock sometimes.

  • Wampirita
    Wampirita Member Posts: 809
    1. Pallets are your best friends, you have to learn which pallets should NOT be destroyed
    2. Discipline addon makes timing harder for survivors, but also I don't encourage using it, because you'll end up forced to use it 24/7 because you will get used to the timing. I'm personally more of an Order enthusiast, because even the best players fall for fake pallets
    3. DON'T spam shocks, you lose speed and make chases last longer because of it. Learn how and when to shock.
    4. If you want to watch a dedicated Doctor main, I HIGHLY recommend HermanTheDoctor on Twitch. He's got thousands of hours on him, and also he's very open when it comes to teaching people how to Doctor
  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,946

    I used to main Doctor and got quite descent on him, to say the least. If you want to learn the killer I recommend going about it without addons at first. For perks I recommend Lethal Pursuer, BBQ, Zanshin Tactics and Brutal Strength. Zanshin is crucial, Brutal Strength is nice to have but not too important. Zanshin will help you get better with your power and sometimes even identify how people will run certain structures while you push in on them using your shock. The first thing you'll learn is survivor paterns due to the nature of Docs power. In general you should always have an idea of the location of at least 2 survivors and keep track of them so you won't waste time looking for survivors. This comes naturally with experience on Doc. To learn how to use his anti-loop, the normal shock, you should honestly just chase. Don't be affraid to lose games going for the best survivor in a team. You will eventually learn how to time the shock and how to use it for mindgames. Try to prevent survivors from dropping pallets if you can and identify pallets that aren't worth playing around with the shock once they're dropped. You might get a hit eventually but if you have to give up too much time it's better to just break it. The highest form of skill you can achieve on Doc is managing the madness in a way that allows you to put survivors in tier 3 at convenient times. For that you want to keep them on tier 2 as long as you're not in chase and use the Static Blast to affect all of them at once. This can be especially useful when you need to strategically tunnel or camp and everyone is injured or you just need to catch a break to kick gens and slow the survivors's momentum a bit.

    You can get quite far with Doc just by playing good but eventually you will get a match that is pretty much unwinnable with the perks I recommended above (probably on Eyrie, Badham or Mothers Dwelling). But even on those maps you have the potential to get rather quick downs.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    You play a different killer. No seriously - I know that is not the answer you want to hear but it is the truth.

    I would say considering all addons Doc is probably the lowest tier killer. I'll be happy to play a KYF game with what you think is a "lesser" killer (usually people say trapper/MM) who are both easily in the "A" tier range if you bring best in slot addons. Trapper honestly should have bloody coil base kit and start with 4 traps in hand. Purple sack should just be start with +2 more in hand and add +2 more traps on the map (meaning he could have +3 total with green +1 trap addon).

    Doctor has no good addons like Pinky Finger or Infinite T3. He has no M2 attack so he can't safely run STBFL. Doctor has weak antiloop that can take 6 shocks vs a good survivor to get a hit in worst case scenario. If we could find the best doctor in the world he would pale in comparison to say just a "decent' Nemesis. Doctor would be a complete afterthought to just a mediocre Nurse/Blight.

    Doc has : no movement powers, weak antiloop, minimal 4v1 pressure with madness and instead of being more lethal in chases he has detection. Since his kit is based around detection he has a severely low maximum skill ceiling. Detection is something you learn to do by being a good observer as killer. You notice when people touch gens/ and see birds moving around. You don't need Doc's Blast to find people except when you are new to the game.

    Doctor is pretty much tied to those addons. When I main a killer I normally run no addons because it gets expensive game after game otherwise. Doctor is a complete joke without some of his better addons (such as the ones he mentioned).

    And even then Pinky finger Clown in a skilled player's hands is going to be miles ahead of what a good doctor can achieve. Simply put Doctor doesn't get more lethal with addons - he just sucks less.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,176

    Short answer: You don't.

  • Killing_Time
    Killing_Time Member Posts: 894

    As a Docktah fan... You're right. I reverted to Billy and straight up bubba camping because of him.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,440

    This is how I feel after playing him for the last month. He's a noob stomper, but he doesn't really have much going for him. Even after watching some videos last night (I checked out D3ad on youtube) and I still don't see much potential other than hoping the survivors screw up.

    I actually like Trapper, he used to be my main killer when I first started, but as you point out, he's add-on reliant. He can get rushed so fast, which basically forces you to tunnel can camp, but I did have some memorable Devour Hope matches with him where I was blessed with a well hidden totem (That I trapped out the wazoo).

    I'll watch more vids, but I may just try out others. I did buy Bubba just in case they're losing his license.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    I hate to be the one to tell you this but LF needs purple Chili and green engravings to have antiloop on his power. He also is pretty much stuck running the Bamboozle perk every game.

    Trapper and Michael Myers need to run corrupt intervention more than any other killers in the game.

    -"This is how I feel after playing him for the last month. He's a noob stomper"

    Doctor is a "gateway drug" into playing killer. He's for noobs who play survivor and want to try killer or for baby killers who don't have game sense yet to know where survivors are hiding.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    Timing of the blast?