dying light can be the best perk for killers and survivors
I absolutely love DL, it encourages hooks rather than camping but it's completely useless for a killer as it gives too little slow and adds a fifth healing speed perk to survivors
I think it needs to be buffed or built into the basic with something similar to DL
1 remove bonus healing speed
2 buff speed of unhooking for all survivors, not just obsession
3 increase slow from 3 to 6
4 it stops working if the survivor dies
5 now if you hang a survivor on a hook, he becomes an obsession, so there is no point in tunnel, since there are no points for obsession + with the help of increased unhook speed it will be much easier to resist the camp
as a result, we got opposition to camping and tunneling, and most importantly, it made sense not to camp or tunnel for the killer
I would like to know what you think