Who Says You Can't Win Matches As Weaker Killers?
While I agree yes it's definitely more of a challenge to win with these killers considering certain maps and very good cordinated teams can make it very hard it's still possible to win with these killers.
Now let's see it done over a longer period of time/large amount of matches and see what the stats are for your wins/loss withsaid Killers :P . Like nobody said people can't ever win with any Killer ever, personal skill notwithstanding.
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Did anyone say you cant win matches as weaker killers? Obviously it will be harder but personal skill is the biggest difference.
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There's been a few people saying it's impossible to win with weaker killers and maybe they're just trolling or they don't want to put the time and effort into it.
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Yeah depending on the caliber of the team you can win perkless/with all kinds of handicaps
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Now do it against this team:
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Of course you can win matches as weak killers.
Every killer's global average kill rate falls within a 10% range around 50%-60%. SO statistically, all killers win roughly half their games.
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Screenshots mean nothing. Show us videos that reveal the caliber of the survivors you're facing.
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The ones who like to believe top MMR means anything and they insist they go against teams the equivalent of Oracle every game
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"Now play against a comp team"
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You can. It just depends on matchmaking.
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"Go play against a comp team in a public match where neither side knows how hard the other side is going to be sweating"*
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I mean I main Mikey who is seen as "weak" and I win most of my games with him. And no I don't use tombstone.
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Oddly enough I do extremely well with Sadako.
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Anyone can have good games with any killer at an average level (which is most of the playerbase), provided they have some amount of experience with this killer.
What people are saying is that it's extremely difficult to win at high level with those killers, which the official stats do not wholly corroborate.
Now, why would someone want to rise to high mmr (aka the salt mines and the black hole of fun), I personally cannot comprehend. Game is perfectly fine with any killer when you don't care about your invisible number.
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You can win as any killer, that's for sure. However you can also win as a survivor with no perks and 30s afk at the start. Anything is possible in DBD.
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Its weird that whenever I say I play chill and prefer to stay at mid MMR. There is someone telling me to play Fornite or Minecraft (which I dont play both) if I want to play casual.
Im like...then why do you complain when survivors put you through challenge?
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You taking one screenshot of 1 match doesn't prove anything im sad to say. Also what i noticed it that your opponents arent too high on prestige so we can't say how many hours they had in the game.
Its not impossible to win matches as weaker killer but its harder and requires more sweatier perks and mistakes from survivors. Good survivors with good perks, items and map... well goodluck.
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I know killers like to say every match is a 4-man SWF seal team 6 and oh god they’re so strong yadayada but what are the actual odds of facing a comp SWF? Less than 5% of all players are top MMR, at least half of them must play killer exclusively. It would just seem super rare to face Ayrun’s team. And he doesn’t do as well when he solo’s (neither does Otz).
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Nobody says that.
What people are saying is that you're going to struggle to beat an organized team at around the same skill level, particularly on a bad map.
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True !
Or like... I've been accused of "mmr manipulation" for just saying I don't care too much about losing as killer and that I'm not gonna sweat to secure kills if I'm outmatched. Which is. The point of the system ? Adjusting according to what you can and can't manage while playing normally.
Competitiveness makes me sad, haha.
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...Literally nobody says that. And you know it.
Why strawman?
What 'killers' are saying is that every match has the potential to be a monster SWF who'll send you to Garden of Joy with a full 'melt the gens and see the killer for the entire match' build, and that if you don't go in expecting one and play accordingly, by the time you realize that you're facing one, you've already lost.
I'm pretty competitive, but I also won't super sweat unless it's a sweaty game. I'll generally at least try to ease up if I start stomping - but if I've learned one thing over Bonechill, it's that you need to go into matches hard.
'Challenge' isn't the issue.
Sometimes SBMM poops the bed (generally lobby dodges, or it could be SWFs smurfing down their MMR) and puts you up against a monster SWF with quadruple your hours played on their weakest member, who'll send you to an awful map and then gloat at you incessantly before constantly trying to add you on Steam/get their viewers to do the same.
Anonymous mode was a frigging godsend, I swear.
Matches like this definitely stick with you, and - at least for me - definitely make me less likely to play/build chill for a while.
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By looking at the prestiges and builds they don't look that good/experienced, keep playing and go up MMR, then show us what you can do
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I’m a Trapper main and I destroy high prestige SWF’s pretty regularly. He’s very underrated. Now he just needs to be able to start with all his traps 😭
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I am an average Dead By Daylight player and I have this. So yeah, winning with "weak" killers has never been impossible.
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This is a pretty fair statement.
I’ve won against very high prestige teams and then been completely destroyed by teams I thought were babies based on prestige numbers. You just never know.
Prestige numbers are a good indication, but you don’t know if level 77 Nea is just playing level 1 Feng this match.
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You can win with any killer but it depends what survivors you are up against, how hard you play, which map you are in, your build, rng etc. There are so many factors that can decide the outcome of the match. I got a 1K 7 stages as trapper on the rotten fields and with the same killer and build a 3k 11 Stages on Shattered Square. In both matches survivors brought very strong loadouts but the survivors in the first game were much more coordinated. And rotten fields is a terrible map for trapper (although Shattered Square is also pretty bad for him.). I played in both matches with Deadlock, Corrupt, STBFL and No Way Out, no addons and no offerings.
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Seeing thr latest stats, you can apparently win while not using your power, blindfolded and without audio, the fact that even at the 5% top mmr people still die to meme killers like sadako, and also die to killers as easy to counter as dredge speaks volumes about how good people are at the game, id say your chance of actually encountering someone who is not awfull at the game is probable like 5% or lower, meaning you can play how you want, wanna play trapless trapper? Go ahead, most survivors will somehow get wrecked by that and call it OP and boring.
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Sorry if I'm bursting some bubbles, but if you win with a trash tier killer (Legion, Pig, Wraith etc) it wasn't because you are good at the game (although you might be!) The only reason is that the survivors were complete potatoes.
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CM Winters is past the softcap with Pig and does very well. I would modify the statement to say that it was because the survivors were outmatched since the soft cap is low enough that high mmr is a myth. It needs to stay that way so queue times don't kill the game but if I would guess 40% of the players can be matched against each other there is effectively no high MMR.
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Weaker players.