What do you think of the current state of Hillbilly?

TinyGayGuitar Member Posts: 9

This poll is anonymous, so don't be afraid to answer honestly.

What do you think of the current state of Hillbilly? 24 votes

Yes, a full reversion would be best (including addons)
20% 5 votes
The overheat mechanic should be scrapped, but I think instasaw was a problem
41% 10 votes
Overheat is a good idea, but needs some changes/fine tuning
29% 7 votes
The Hillbilly is perfectly fine in his current state
8% 2 votes


  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Old Hillbilly was fine and didn't need any changes. The only problem was insta saw.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,270

    I don't actually know old Billy, so I can't say too much about it. - But while I agree the overheat is ridiculous when you just want to use the chainsaw in chase and want to be smart about it - I dread the image of Billy's who rather perfect the art of camping hooks with a ready chainsaw. If overheat should stay simply because of that - or if it should be removed but you can't use Billy's power in close proximity to the hook, similar to artist - or overheat only happens in some situations that are likely to occur when camping a hook but unlikely when in chase, idk.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 981

    The overheat mechanic is just unnecessary. Regardless, he is still a B tier killer with his map mobility and instadowns.

  • Thralfazuz
    Thralfazuz Member Posts: 165

    Bubba should have gotten the overheat mechanic not Hillbilly

  • littlepaw
    littlepaw Member Posts: 67

    idk if i agree with any of these, i think the best start is making yellow engraving basekit/1 chainsaw heat cooling addon basekit and maybe go from there? maybe i'm biased as i don't have too much fun against hillbilly and don't actually want to face against too many of them (chases w em just aren't as fun to me anymore) but he does need a buff to his basekit regardless cause he's in bit of a sad state rn.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,703

    The overheat thing was kinda a pointless addition, but it also doesn't feel super impactful. His addons are definitely worse off now though.