What is your opinion on The Trickster?

TinyGayGuitar Member Posts: 9

This poll is anonymous, so don't be afraid to answer honestly.

What is your opinion on The Trickster? 23 votes

The Trickster is fine in his current state.
13% 3 votes
The Trickster is balanced, but no fun to play as/against
39% 9 votes
The Trickster is too good and should be nerfed
8% 2 votes
The Trickster is weak in his current state and needs a buff
39% 9 votes


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    He's weak but also not fun to play as/against. Bad design.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 981
    edited January 2023

    Trickster is the second worst killer in the game, only losing to Myers and yet I get it why people hate to play against him. His design is just terrible while also being outclassed by everyone?

    Want to play a ranged killer? Play Deathslinger.

    Want to face camp? Play Bubba.

    Want to annoy survivors? Play Hag.

    Want to be a sexy killer? Play Pyramidhead.

    Want to play a killer that sings? Play Plague.