Is sleeping Survivors being Oblivious a benefit or a downside?

RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326
edited January 2023 in Polls

Sleeping Survivors having the oblivious status effect is no doubt helpful in giving Freddy a sort of pseudo-stealth, but I fear that it also aids in hurting variety on a Killer who is already fairly basic and stale. I used dissolution earlier today, forgetting it's terror radius requirement, and found myself disappointed when I realised it wouldn't be nearly as useful on Freddy as I'd hoped. Many other strategies and perks relating to the terror radius are also much less effective than normal because of the in-built oblivious mechanic. However, I'm curious, what do you lot think? Is allowing a variety in playstyles more important? Or is the oblivious mechanic useful for Freddy and better kept, even if it hurts variety?


Is sleeping Survivors being Oblivious a benefit or a downside? 7 votes

It's a benefit (even if it hurts variety).
Seraphorsizzlingmario4Stang119HugTheHagCBT137sanees 6 votes
It's a downside (it hurts variety and should be changed).
genipreys 1 vote
It's a downside (but it should remain to avoid inadvertadnerfing him).


  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,548
    It's a benefit (even if it hurts variety).

    It's a benefit on its own but indeed it does limit perk variety on him.

    One time I saw an idea for a rework to the Kid's Drawing addon (the joke addon that reduces the Hindered penalty from snares) where it would reverse the terror radius/lullaby to work the opposite way, eg. awake survivors would be Oblivious and hear the lullaby, and asleep survivors would hear the terror radius, which would allow TR-based perks to work in the dream world. I think that'd be an interesting idea.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,138
    It's a benefit (even if it hurts variety).

    I had the same kind of disappointment with Plaything on Legion.

    I think it's fine that some perks don't work on some killers. It comes with having a lot of power variety.