How Do Yall Feel About Older Event Cosmetics Returning?

BHVR has been releasing a lot of the older Lunar New Year cosmetics that could have been earned for free through codes recently and I wanted to gage people's thoughts on them.
Some of these cosmetics use to be rare (and while owning a lot of them on my PS4 account), I feel as if it is pointless to complain about cosmetics returning since it at least gives newer players the opportunity to be able to use them.
Cosmetics, are well, just cosmetics, I can understand being upset over FOMO but removing FOMO elements from the game by bringing old cosmetics back should be praised and not be seen with such negativity in my opinion.
It's a lose/lose for BHVR.
Put a limited time cosmetic in? People complain about FOMO.
Put those cosmetics back in? People call you lazy.
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I'm glad they're returning, because I wasn't around during the last new year event, having started during the 6th anniversary. =)
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its a good thing, theyre just free event cosmetics it doesnt really matter. plus that feeling of joining something late and not being able to get a limited cosmetic sucks.
but, it also just sucks that theres no other reward if you already have all the cosmetics? like they couldve just given out a certain amount of shards per code if you already had them in your inventory.
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As long as they're the free ones, I couldn't care less
Even if they weren't the free ones, I personally wouldn't care but I would be able to understand if people were mad about it (since presumably they paid for a cosmetic and it's now free). But even then, I wouldn't really care all that much, lots of things go on sale and/or become free that you may have paid money for.
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I mean the cosmetics they are releasing are just a lead-up to the actual event which is on the 24th.
Also Im kind of just hoping they re-release that Year of the Rat Nea shirt since it's one of the few things Im missing from the Lunar New Year event.
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Year of the Rat nea shirt will be available through a promo code on January 23rd, so keep an eye on dbd twitter on that day : D
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Good, it removes FOMO.
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There are soo many cosmetics now and we are getting new ones almost every two weeks at least, so who cares?
Except for legacy 😁
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I think it's great they are bringing back previous event cosmetics. I think all event, rift, and prime cosmetics should be available for purchase 6 months later. I say this as someone that has all of these cosmetics that I've earned since I started playing in fall of 2018.
I main Zarina she has 3 rift cosmetics and 3 event heads. I want them all available year round in the shop so players, especially new players, see she has options and will have incentive to start playing her more. A new player coming in and seeing Dwight, Feng, and Meg with over 100 cosmetic options while characters like Zarina, Jeff and Adam have less than 60 will make it extremely unlikely the new player will bother playing Zarina, Jeff or Adam - which leads to them getting pushed aside when it comes to new cosmetic releases while Dwight, Feng, and Meg get more added to their already large collection.
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Everything should be brought back...this fake scarce for digital items is just dumb and something that's been plaguing games for many years now. And I don't care if a bunch of people have access to cosmetics and skins that I had years prior....let people have their fun and earn the stuff during the event, make it available to buy afterwards.
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oh i know theres more rewards, im just saying that theres no like "thanks for sticking with us!" type of reward.
dbd is one of the only games ive played where they dont support their veteran players, lol.
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And the people who have been here supporting the game? Get what...nothing? Yes, its awesome.
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Should be like what happened with old Frosty/Hallowed Eyes, old Lunar New Year cosmetics (think the Rooster shirt, or the Feng Mon Phoenix shirt), and the Re-released Event cosmetics (think Howling Grounds David + Huntress or Summer BBQ Kate + Billy), in that after the event, provided they were earned by the community (like through the Event Tome) they're just in everyone's inventory by default. Even a brand new player should have access to them all.
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It's great. I'm currently too frustrated with DbD to play.
Means I can safely ignore the new event completely and get the new cosmetics next year by a code or just logging in.
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I agree with how short term most codes are if anyone is like me and works a lot they will miss the codes or a chance to even use them. I have missed so many codes because they were released during the week and by th weekend when I go to use them they said code not valid anymore
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Wait wait wait. After the event they will be unavailable until next year. Isn't that FOMO?!?!
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Yes.And if they didn't did those giveaway codes, that would be FOMO too.
At least now, new players have a chance to own those cosmetics. But it still can be better if they were put in the store.
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None of the event rewards have been hard to get so I don't see why anyone would care tbh. If they were skill-based rewards then I could see being a little grumpy about it.
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I'm glad they're returning so it gives others a chance to earn them. I have most of them already, just missing a few.
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Devalues my FOMO only account.
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The purchasable ones shouldn't be removed from the store in the first place. Earnable ones should be MUCH cheaper than a standard cosmetic if they're going to charge for them.
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I never understand this "supporting the game" logic. When you play a game, you aren't supporting it, you're playing it. When you buy DLC or cosmetics, you are a consumer making consumer decision, you buy product, you get something from the exchange. You aren't donating to a charity, so don't feel like you can pat yourself on the back. "Oh I was there in the early days when only 100 players were playing it, it was some obscure game that didn't win any awards or anything." By the same logic, those early cosmetics should remain exclusive, because I was there, you weren't. Sorry you missed out from being in the exclusive cosmetic club.
No, I think exclusive time-limited cosmetics shouldn't be have forced scarcity because it is part of a cancerous live service paradigm, I think is outdated and a hang-over from early naughts game design. Now it is about player retention. I think games more likely to retain players if they don't have a FOMO environment, but one of abundance.
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This is Canadian based independent game.. so before you go pounding your chest like a freemium user with no impulse control sighting FOMO.
The community supported the game by attending live streams, intracting on social media and purchasing costemics/ dlc's.
Dead by Daylight has become a 'game as a service' because of the communities continued patronage.
We've been through the game breaking bugs, poor balance and broken updates.
Releasing codes on social media is something I would argue serves a smaller demographic than what this thread is arguing originally.
With the average user not knowing how to imput them properly or even caring to.
Releasing old costmeics with time gated codes bennifit the community or does it serve a small group of users?
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IMO, if someone is angry at old event cosmetics being made available to newer players, well... you've got an inflated and selfish sense of entitlement.
Another game example, I have played an MMO for eleven years. I bought the Collector's Edition when it came out. This gave me access to a special vendor in the game that has unique items that you can only get from that vendor and cannot be traded to other players. Now, they have finally put a way for players to buy a digital Collector's Edition that gives them access to this vendor. Now, am I angry about this? No. I'm not. I had access to the vendor for 11 years and new players being able to buy access, well... it doesn't affect my access at all. The only way it possibly affects me is that I can't wear the unique and highly sought after outfit and laugh at the plebs who don't have it and can't get it. But, that's not who I am. I am actually happy that now I can say "Yea, its on the Collector's Edition vendor, you just have to buy digital access."
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I already had most of them but i don't see any issue. Free stuff is a win for everyone.
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i do hope all old costmetic come back, even if we have to pay for them with auric cells ^^
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I'm fine with Event Cosmetics not coming back. They tell that you participated in an Event.
It's like wearing the concert bracelet of a tour. It "proves" that you were there that day.
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honestly, i think it's great that old skins and cosmetics are coming back from old events and rifts. i started playing DBD in 2021, but i've never been that invested than i am now. it's been a few months since i began playing more seriously, even buying every single DLC to get all the characters, complete old tomes, and all. getting to know all the options from the store makes me want to dedicate myself even more, and i hope one day behaviour will bring back DECK THE TRIALS collection and both BEWITCHING BARISTA mikaela's skins 😅
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Exclusives are dumb.
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Never redeemed Feng Min’s Supernova Nexus Ranger outfit
…really want that😔
Edit: It’s a rubber knife🫣☺️
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I don't really care for the same reason I don't care about skins being time limited
If I want them, I probably already have them, if I don't want them, I don't get them
I'm happy for the people who want these cosmetics, and I'm not going to have a fit over a bunch of pixels being made a little less special
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Please dont use this to defend FOMO...
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I dont think most people even checked the dates on the thread, I posted this back in January... it's nearly a year old now lol.
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The people who get upset over this sort of thing are... strange to say the least. It's like the people who got upset over Stranger Things returning. Oh no i'm not special in a video game anymore!
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it's great. seasonal cosmetics are fine by me and them returning means bhvr isn't aiming for (further??) fomo.