Useless or SUPER Niche



Beast of Prey

Furtive Chase

Hangman's Trick

Huntress Lullaby



Couldn't find any useless survivor perks because all of them synergize with some good perk at least but these ones ^^^ I've tried and they seem like garbage and I've never played against them besides maybe insidious and unrelenting and the wraith perks because of what I assume was someone doing a rift challenge. I think these should be change because useless things bother me same with brown offerings but i guess they need to stuff some garbage in the bloodweb so everything else is worth more.

Any thoughts on what they could do to make these sad lads somewhat useful or if you think some are already useful.

Personally I always thought Furtive Chase could give reduced TR all the time not just in chase with a cap or less meters per stack like 2 or 3 instead of 4 or a percent of TR like -10% per stack so its less effective on sneakier killers and more useful on big lads


  • TheWheelOfCheese
    TheWheelOfCheese Member Posts: 710
    edited January 2023

    Couldn't find any useless survivor perks

    You didn't look hard enough then.

    • Corrective Action
    • Red Herring and Diversion (both fun, but bad)
    • Buckle Up (made redundant by the new survivor action icons)
    • No Mither (-1 health state for unlimited Unbreakable is a horrible trade, if anything this is an anti-perk)

    That's just off the top of my head.

  • Warlord1981NL
    Warlord1981NL Member Posts: 262
    edited January 2023

    Bloodhound : No idea what could fix this pile of garbage

    Predator : No idea what could fix this pile of garbage

    Beast of Prey : they should reveal the aura of the chased survivor while within 4/6/8 meters.

    Furtive Chase : Seems fine to me.

    Hangman's Trick : No idea what could fix this pile of garbage

    Huntress Lullaby : increase regression penalty to 6/8/10 percent.

    Insidious : No idea what could fix this pile of garbage

    Unrelenting : add start running at full speed without the buildup

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Buckle up got changed

    Unlocks potential in your Aura-reading ability.

    • When healing another Survivor from the Dying State  to the Injured State , they are granted a 10 % Haste  Status Effect for 6/8/10 seconds and the Killer's Aura is revealed to the both of you for the same duration.

    Not amazing by any streched but not useless

  • scenicpickle
    scenicpickle Member Posts: 265

    corrective action isn't bad i've used it while introducing friend to the game and it good against doctor but point taken red herring and distraction are can buy you time ive had games where its a 2v1 and i made the killer go to the other side of the map with red herring while we duoed a gen. buckle up got changed. and ya no mither is dogshit

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,233

    I've actually used quite a few of these "useless" perks.

    Bloodhound: It's a bit of a noob perk, but its a useful one. Makes it really easy to find injured survivors. The additional time blood pools stay visible isn't bad either, sometimes you'll come across a trail of blood and it will point the direction you should be going.

    -Sloppy Butcher + Bloodhound + Willingness to Tunnel, anytime someone gets unhooked race back to the hook, even if they've fled you'll still be able to track them down.

    Predator: Again, more for players who aren't that experienced, but does make it easier to follow survivors.

    Beast of Prey: I was actually giving this one a go recently. Can be helpful against a survivor playing mind games in high walled loops. I've had survivors who had been looping me efficiently suddenly not know what to do once the blood lust kicked in.

    Furtive Chase: Never really tried.

    Hangman's Trick: It's a middling aura reading perk. The warning about the hook sabotage is not a big deal. The better use is while carrying the survivor to the hook you'll usually see a survivor or two (requires you to spin around while walking), and occasionally it will let you know if they are grouping up to body block the hook. It's inferior to other aura reading perks, but does avoid some of their downsides.

    -if they increased the radius of the hook reads it would easily be viable.

    Huntress Lullaby: Devastating to newer players. Makes skill check failures really frequent.

    Insidious: Yeah, outside camping Bubbas, it's awful, though for him its necessary.

    Unrelenting: If you find yourself getting juked by survivors this can turn the tables as they aren't prepared for how quickly you can swing again. But if you usually don't miss swings its pointless.


    I don't think any of these perks are "useless" (though I hate basement Bubbas and would be happy for Insidious to disappear), though most of them are clearly geared toward newer players. None of them are close to being the strongest perks, but that's more of an issue that killers have some perks that are just really powerful.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,753

    Hey, Beast of Prey is useful.

    For Bloodpoints. And nothing else.

    If they wanted to make it niche instead of useless, they could make it activate after 15s in chase regardless of Bloodlust, and persist till the chase ends.

    Would be useless against SWF though.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Perks usually require combo to make it greater than it should be.

    Killers have 4 perks, so use most perk slots to change play style isnt ideal, something like this perks combo will help me shorten each chase by 15sec if everything goes as planned. While putting 4 slowdown and they add 5min Gen time, and suddenly every problems are solved.

    For survivors, many perks are really weak and niche, but (One) you can freely combo with other perks, since you have your teammates go either 2nd chance or Gen boost. (Two) you can combo with your teammate's build to make it even stronger; Boil over with Sabo / Breakout / MoM for example

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 1,192
    edited January 2023

    Bloodhound - This used to be an accessibility option for players with color blindness, but since the color blindness mode was already added this perk becomes just useless.

    Predator - This one is thrash and the worst killer perk. It actually is detrimental to you since it makes scratch marks harder to see. One rework would be to make each survivor have a different scratch marks color. This would be useful for killers like Spirit since one of the counterplay to her is mudding your teammate's scratch marks.

    Beast of Prey - I have seen some people use it with Discipline Doctor, but overall there is no usage. It's just a thrash perk.

    Furtive Chase - I guess you can use it with Make your Choice and Floods of Rage, but the effect in itself isn't good so it is still kinda of useless. If it reduced your Terror Radius to 0 while in chase it would actually be interesting.

    Hangman's Trick - When I was doing my Pig adept, I found this perk more useful than Make your Choice for her. It isn't completely useless, but you just have so many better information perks that it becomes just kinda of bad.

    Huntress Lullaby - If you REALLY want to use this you could do impossible skill checks Doctor/Blight/Freddy. However, it is still a bad perk for the fact that it is a Hex. It doesn't need to be a hex anymore to be honest.

    Insidious - Basement Bubba. That's it.

    Unrelenting - Hag with this perk isn't that bad, since she will be often swinging on nothing after teleporting.

    Bonus - Territorial Imperative is just as bad if not worse than the perks you mentioned. It should be useful for camping, but it has an anti camping mechanic, so it is completely useless.

    Bonus 2 - Overwhelming Presence is simply outclassed by Franklin's, so it is also useless.

  • scenicpickle
    scenicpickle Member Posts: 265

    ya i thought about territorial but i have had games where i got early basement downs because some one wanted a chest and ya overwhelming is pretty bad too maybe if everyone is running a different item and your playing wsker it would be half decent but besides that

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    Bloodhound- nothing needs to be done to this perk

    Predator- maybe adding in a direction of the Survivor

    Beast Of Pray- IDK either

    Furtive Chase- IDK either

    Hangman's Trick- just needs to be reverted (there's enough aura reading perks that are better)

    Huntress Lullaby- nothing can be done

    Insidious- IDK either

    Unrelenting- Doesn't need to be changed

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Huntress' Lullaby is.... usable in certain builds. I wouldn't put it in the bottom tier of perks at least.

    The others you mentioned are all pretty useless, though if they only slightly buffed Unrelenting it could be decent.

  • jinx3d
    jinx3d Member Posts: 519

    no shot you think furtive chase is fine lmao

    it reduces your terror radius while ALREADY IN A CHASE, the one time your tr doesnt matter

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    One pretty neat way to improve Beast of Prey could be to also increase the time Bloodlust is active once you drop chase by 10 seconds or so.

    That way you can chase a survivor and then break off with undetectable and haste to another survivor to maybe get the drop on them.

    Still wouldn't good but it would atleast be neat

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    I've only used Furtive Chase in a build for getting "Hook/Kill the Obssession" challenges knocked out. It's good for getting a new obsession after killing off the previous one. Aside from that...yeah.

  • scenicpickle
    scenicpickle Member Posts: 265

    For wraith's perks I think they should be really strong beginner friendly tracking perks that make stealth almost impossible in certain situations like a true bloodhound or predator would.

    Bloodhound - Injured survivor's trigger killer instinct within 6 meters of the killer on top of old trash effects

    Predator- walking and crouch walking leave less noticeable scratch marks

    Beast of Prey- no Red stain outside of chase. I think this would make the game so much more fun and scary like the killers red headlights turn on when you are in his or her sights

    Furtive Chase- each obsession hook lowers TR by 5% with old obsessions' replacement passive. so at the potential 12 hooks TR would be 60% smaller

    Hangman's Trick- Sabotaging hooks exposes survivor for 30 Seconds

    Huntress Lullaby- Remove Hex and it only works outside killers TR

    Insidious- Start match undetectable for 15 second every gen finished makes killer undetectable for 15 seconds and/or extend all undetectable effects by 5 seconds

    Unrelenting- bloodlust increases vault speed and break speed - since pallet breaks stop bloodlust it should consume the bloodlust tokens upto 3 and for each one you break the pallet 20% quicker for each one

    What do yall think they seem fun and interesting to me

  • scenicpickle
    scenicpickle Member Posts: 265

    Beast of Prey- no Red stain outside of chase. I think this would make the game so much more fun and scary like the killers red headlights turn on when you are in his or her sights

  • Chadku
    Chadku Member Posts: 735

    Useless Survivor perks that are locked behind a DLC character.

    Technician - 8m sound reduction only when repairing by yourself, silences failed skillchecks for a -15% gen progress

    Visionary - 32m gen aura reading that turns off with a cooldown when touching a gen

    Corrective Action - Perk that requires your teammates to fail at basic skillchecks.

    Rookie Spirit - Aura reading on regressing gens after performing 3 good/great skillchecks, there are better perks to see the killer, you´re most likely doing a gen while regressing gens are lit up or the gen is too far away that it isn´t worth running to it.

  • scenicpickle
    scenicpickle Member Posts: 265

    Ive used all of these and they are all really good besides corrective action that one is pretty meh and technician would be fine if it didn't have extra penalty

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 1,192
    edited January 2023

    Bonus 3 - Septic Touch is garbage. It is basically Mind breaker but for healing and with more limitations. I don't know why this perk exists as well.

    Bonus 4 - Ruin became a detrimental perk since it's nerf. The only usage it has is with Surveillance.

    Bonus 5 - Nemesis. The only purpose to this perk is to be combined with Play with your Food, which is a weak perk regardless.

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464

    They should be basekit

  • Warlord1981NL
    Warlord1981NL Member Posts: 262

    I wouldn't pick FC for TR reduction... That is it's least interesting property.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I wouldn't call Visionary and Rookie Spirit useless

    I wish my solo teammates used those perks instead of DH tbh

    Maybe they would do gens instead of dead harding in the open

    They are very underrated in my opinion, Especially Rookie spirit can tell you which gens have Eruption on them and which don't

  • Chadku
    Chadku Member Posts: 735

    Issue for me is that they're locked behind DLC chars and atleast especially Visionary being "intended for new/beginner players"

    If you don't spend money on original DLCs you've grinded up to 30+ hours for a perk that would've been useful in your first hours of DbD.

    I wish Visionary would highlight gen progress, Corrective consuming three tokens to make basics into great skillchecks and Technician having the -5% removed.