Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

is it me or revealing ghost face is EXTREMELY HARD now?????

i've stared at him 14 meters away vaulting a window the whole time, no reveal and once he's done vaulting THEN it starts to reveal but there's cover after the vault, he walks next to a hill with no cover and I stare at him 20 meters away for 2 seconds nothing then the reveal begins but he gets behind a tree.

wtf is going on???? why is is so complicated to reveal him when he's in the open like that??????


  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707

    His maximum reveal range has been bugged for a long time, it’s supposed to be 32 meters but it’s actually considerably less than that.

  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 968
    edited January 2023

    can confirm that is broken , even when looking directly ,the maximun range is way less than it supposed to or sometimes not even starting to reveal at all , making technically ghostface a bit more strong on open maps ..

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    It must be you, because just yesterday I had a stream were a friend watched me playing Ghostface and I just tried to get my daily, ie mark 4 survivors and I was constantly revealed from the most rediculous angles, no matter if I was leaning or 135° behind them. Within seconds or starting my stalk they had their eyes on me and started to reveal me. It was such a miserable experience.

    One of the more outragious ones was a Mikaela who opened a red envelop and I was closing in from about 90° to her side. She fully revealed me before she had the envelop opened, tea bagged me for good measure and was off and away before I could turn the corner.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,862

    GF is glitched in a number of ways; it isn’t OP. Sometimes he cannot be revealed at 32 meters, sometimes there is like a delay with his reveal (what OP experienced), sometimes he can be revealed at what seems like a distance further than 32 meters. I haven’t seen the latter very often but I’ve experienced it a couple of times when playing him. I see the delayed reveal thing more commonly, as both GF and survivor. These glitches started with his rework.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited January 2023

    This Is exactly why I originally advised that the devs change the 2d Reveal area on the survivors screen (which can be blocked by the survivors model btw) to a 3d invisible Red Stain-esque/Flashlight model that emanates from male survivors heads, and slightly above Female survivors heads.

    Basically, think of a flashlight that has a wide area of effect + 32 meter Length/range, that's attached to your survivors head, and if the core of GF's hitbox is caught in it, then he gets revealed.


    Ensures survivors looking at GF at any time can reveal him in full view, but allows him to hide better behind objects.

    Ensures if GF is leaning around a corner, and his core hitbox is behind it, no reveal is made.

    Ensures survivors actually reveal GF no matter how far or close because where their models point becomes the reveal area for up to 32 meters away.

    Viewing him from behind walls or ducking under objects no longer reveals him, which means he no longer gets and indicator of your direction if you are spying on him from safety.

    A survivors inability to reveal GF from behind objects, ensures that they are out a line of sight of him, and thus he can't stalk them either.

    Reveal Area no longer blocked by Character models.


    Survivor can no longer reveal GF from their 180 degree 3rd person camera, if there is an object directly in their character models face. e.g. Revealing GF while ducking behind a low wall, or around a corner. (TBF, I always thought this felt like cheating for the survivors, if not for the directional reveal indicator and Killer Instinct effect once revealed)

    Survivors have to present themselves as a potential stalk target in order to reveal GF.

    Reveal area starts at the Character model and where it's head is facing, meaning that the remaining 15% of the screen behind the character model is an area in which GF can safely approach without being revealed.

    Basically, If your character can't see him, they can't reveal him. However, that also means he can't stalk you either. So, it's a trade off, if you want to reveal him, you have to expose yourself to the possibility to being seen/stalked. To me, at the time of suggesting this change, that felt like a reasonable trade. TBH, I still feel like this would overall be better, because at least the reveal mechanic would also be far more consistent.

    Regardless Does anyone else think this would be LOADS better than the current 2d reveal area model?