Is Killer FOV being tied to perks an accessibility issue/do you feel it should be tied to perks?
I've seen a number of people now complain that Killer FOV being modified by Monitor & Abuse/Shadowborn is a highly outdated mechanic, and I for one agree; players with sensitivity to FOVs below certain thresholds should not be forced to use a quarter of their perk slots just to be able to play without motion sickness issues, in addition to it just being a silly mechanic overall (if a wider FOV grants that significant of an advantage over survivors, we'd be seeing Call Of Brine, Overcharge, Eruption, and Shadowborn every match).
Do you feel that FOV should stay tied to perks?
Is Killer FOV being tied to perks an accessibility issue/do you feel it should be tied to perks? 26 votes
FOV should be an option I control (I dislike the mechanic)
in my opinion the killer should be able to increase his FOV through the settings, but unfortunately knowing the developers, as soon as the killers get something the survivors get it in x2 size, so most likely either the survivors will get an increase in FOV which will mean a loss in any design, or survivors will get even more perks
so it's better to stay with 81 (yes the real FOV is 81, not 87) than the survivors will just get another upgrade
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Neither. - I think the FOV should be flat out slightly increased. The thing with a FOV slider is that it makes an aspect of the game rather unpredictable. You'd always have to assume a killer has max FOV (and I honestly don't see why killers wouldn't all increase their FOV to the max). Passing a killer out of FOV is a mssive part of the game.
Make it a flat out increase for everyone - and then see how it affects gameplay. (Personally, I do think it'd be a pretty significant buff to killers overall as well as increasing accessibility, so it is more than QoL. How much it would impact the game idk.) - If required adjust elsewhere accordingly. (Depending on if/how the SoloQ QoL changes affect match outcomes this might be a good "trade"; both intended as QoL changes that just so happen to also impact the overall escape/killrates.)
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FOV should be an option I control (I dislike the mechanic)
you overestimate the FOV, 80 or 360, the killers will not catch faster because of this, the killers, as it took at least 30 seconds against shift w, will still be required, but if the killers increase the FOV, the survivors will start crying and get some more significant buff
so in the end it will make life worse for killers
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I disagree. The amount of times you can play a tile --- or avoid chase altogether by sneaking past the killer --- because you're staying just barely out of the FOV are nothing to scoff at. It has less to do with "catching faster" but more with spotting them in the first place. Surprise hits on survs who would've sneaked past you or who you spot coincidentally would be more frequent - and surprise hits inherently come with zero chase time. Which is why I think it would have a significant impact.
Do I know how much of an impact that would have overall? No. - But the fact that Shadowborn is not exclusively used for accessibility reasons means it is useful to at least some extent. And as such the FOV should always be fixed. - At whatever angle. In case it wasn't clear: I'm not at all saying there should be no FOV increasae. - I don't really have a strong opinion on that. But for monitoring and balancing reasons I think a slider is not the way to go. Just increase the FOV. If it doesn't have a significant impact on match outcomes, yay, it's QoL and accessibility and everyone is happy. If FOV does have a significant impact on match outcomes then there has to be more re-balancing.
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Whatever the maximum value is added would need to be the default, only with the option to reduce your FoV from that default value.
The concern lies more with tracking survivors after/during animation locks and around corners… Misdirects.
That being said Tiles should have more misdirect potential with opaque passable terrain than just corners anyway. (Think bushes/sheets/corners with no global illumination)
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FOV should be an option I control (I dislike the mechanic)
Survivors will say it is unfair, because killers that have motion sickness and turned their FOV up will be less susceptible to the 360. If it is a competitive advantage for the killer in any way, the survivors will complain, but I do believe it should be implemented.