Community Discord looking for Friendly and Active members


I run a new and burgeoning community discord that has a heavy focus on Dead By Daylight, my hope is to build it into a server where people can consistently find players that they enjoy playing with to do swf and kyf with. My discord is not 100% DBD as I intend for it to be as well a general gaming space, channels dedicated to FPS games like COD and Overwatch as well as casual gaming like nintendo switch or jackbox party games.

For the Dead By Daylight side of things I already have about 8-10 active members who play here and there throughout the week but I wouldn't mind having more people so that if people want a swf or kyf it would be less difficult to find players who are interested. My discord currently has Nitro and Boost Level 2 and I have a wide array of custom roles and role icons that make it fun as well, players can have a role/icon to represent their best or favorite killer and survivor.

If anyone might be interested in joining my discord please let me know by adding me on discord to discuss it, but please be aware, I do have set rules in my discord in relation to behaviors that I will not tolerate such as racism, harassment and spamming.

#7423My discord is BloodBird
