Your top 3 wanted licenses

Yeah I know, this has been asked a hundred times. But I just want to know how much the community has changed since the last time I was active on dbd.
So anyways, what do I mean with licenses? Chapters, skins, standalone survivor/killer/map, ...
Here's my top 3:
- FNAF (ofcourse, what else)
- Junji Ito (Tomie as killer, or like a shape shifting killer that can be different monsters from the short-stories would be pretty cool)
- Child's Play (I'd rather have Friday the 13th actually, but I'm pretty sure he'll come into the game sooner or later)
- 4th illegal one: the Overlook hotel from the Shining (just imagine they did that)
Serial Mom. Chucky. Tremors.
You made the post - if you wanted top 4 you could've said top 4 instead of 3. 😂
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Unusual stuff you got there, but it does seem pretty cool. I might even check Serial Mom.
And yeah I guess should've made it top 4 😅
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1) Alien
2) Alien
3) Alien
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Honestly, I'm generally cool with anything except for FNAF and Terrifier
I think maybe Alien, F13 and Predator would be some of my more traditional picks.
Maybe Part 1 Dio, the Volatile from Dying Light and Last of Us for some more non-traditional picks.
Post edited by Pulsar on3 -
Human Centipede
Baby Geniuses
The first Suicide Squad movie.
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Jason Vorhees and the real Freddy Krueger as replacement for the fake one 😅
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1) Alien
2) Alien
3) Alien
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1: The Evil Within
That would be the extent of it, for me personally. Within reason, anyway.
as for wild wishes that’ll never happen…
SCP would be neat, but that’s a creative commons license
Monstrum (the original video game), mostly because of nostalgia. Obviously way too niche
Lobotomy Corp. Very similar to the SCP Foundation, but more accessible, licensing-wise. Still very niche, and probably really hard to adapt into DbD
An original chapter with a heavy emphasis on Tim Burton-esque art style.
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- Phantasm
- Pumpkinhead
- Either Clock Tower (1995) or Ju-On
Honorable mention: Terrifier
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- Alien
- Prey
- Thing
- Lollipop Chainsaw as a Survivor only midchapter type thing.
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Tremors... for sure would be nice to see and play as... but if they made a map it would be Eyrie Of Crows like
Det. Hoffman... would be nice to have another Killer from the SAW series and one that doesn't need to sneak around... And the map could be the Zoo from SAW 6... but I don't know if he'd share the RBT's or have his own power
Spiderman... I would laugh out loud if they put him in the game... especially as a Survivor whom has a unique ability to sling webs to slowdown the Killer... either on Gens, Pallets, Other Survivors and Windows... but not for mobility
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1. Malignant
2. Friday the 13th
3. Alien/Predator (I want them both equally so they're in the same place)
Illegal 4th entry, terrifier.
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- Hotline Miami. Probably as a skin for Legion, but holy #########, that'd be amazing.
- A JJBA villain would be pretty awesome, Part 1 Dio is probably the most realistic option. Jonathan or Joseph would be good survivors too - Joseph is, after all, known for running away.
- Fire Emblem. I could see a lot of cool killers and survivors coming out of that. Maybe Fomortiis, the Demon King, who could summon monsters around the map to help him, or Black Knight, maybe he'd have some ability to negate stuns since he's practically invincible, or he could shoot the lasers out of his sword as a ranged attack.
Illegal 4th option: Dark Souls. I don't really find it super likely a Dark Souls boss could function as a killer, but it'd be really cool to have someone like Looking Glass Knight, Slave Knight Gael, or even Black Dragon Kalameet. In fact, thinking about it, Black Dragon Kalameet effectively Exposes you in-game, since he has a psychic attack that doubles the damage you take.
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Remothered: Tormented Father's
Killer: Red Nun
Survivor: Rosemary Reid
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FNAF, Soma, A plague tale
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2. Friday the 13
3. Chucky
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1. The Evil Within
2. Alien
3. Predator
And a license that I want but will probably never happen: The Mist (IDK how it would work but I would love to see it).
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Cmon baby we need Alien 🤞😑🤞
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Pennywise, like this incredible concept
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Top 3 most wanted licenses:
1. The Addams Family
2. The Addams Family
3. The Addams Family
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- The Maze Runner: Not something anyone really associates with horror or something anyone else wants to see in here I'm sure, but I think its one of my favorite books it would be cool. The Dredge's existance makes me feel better about the idea of a killer like The Greaver existing in the game, and the glade could make for an interesting map. I always remember the portion of the book where the walls don't close and the greavers pick off the gladers one by one at night, and that sounds like a pretty horror-like thing to me. I feel like Thomas and Theresa's telepathy could make for some decently interesting perks.
- The Last of Us: I would love to have the opportunity to play as/against a clicker. I honestly think theyre one of the coolest versions of zombies to be made in basically all of gaming. So many human characters could make for excellent survivors too. Joel, Ellie, Tommy, Dina. The fact that a show for it came out recently makes me feel pretty optimistic about its potential to make it in.
- Hotline Miami: Again, not really a horror thing, but the characters you play as kill enough people to qualify as a slasher for sure. The idea of different masks granting you different powers could be really fun. Obviously my main choice for the killer would be Jacket. For survivors, I think either Evan Wright or Beard could make for cool survivors. A nightclub map could be an interesting setting, and would finally give us a thematically appropriate map for trickster while we're at it.
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The only two responses in this thread that matter
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- Alan Wake
- Fatal Frame
- Junji Ito
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TV/Movie related:
Child's Play/Chucky
Game related:
Dead Space
and this one is def a crack pick but Darkest Dungeon.
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Alien, Chucky & little shop of horrors would be my top 3 picks.
Little shop of horrors would never happen, but I can dream
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Alien is one that interests me quite a bit as they're a few ways of doing it.
Cthulu mythos is one of my favourite kinds of horror however not sure how well it translates to what is essentially slasher horror. Wilbur Whateley, from The Dunwich Horror book, could be interesting. He is never shown to fight in the books but maybe he could collect pieces of the Necronomicon to bring upon his brother and play similarly to a killer like Oni or Myers. The biggest issue would be implying the entity is more powerful than Yog-Sothoth, or at least smarter to trick Wilbur.
Not a chapter but a don't starve cross over with cosmetics would be cute.
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I hadn't considered hotline but yes, or some none horror slasher. Thematically they contrast a lot but even as a legion skin I would love it.
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Alien vs Predator
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Ah ######### i forgot dead space even though i'm literally playing the remake right now
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- Chris Walker from Outlast
- The Thing
- Predator
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Omg a Hotline Miami skin would be awesome, I would love to see a jacket or biker skin for legion.
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FNAF, Friday the 13th, Alien. FNAF first obviously
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Jacket would honestly fit best as a legendary skin yeah, however if there ever were to be an actual Hotline Miami chapter, then there is only one fitting choice for the killer.
Midnight Animal is after all a fictional slasher movie within the Hotline Miami universe itself, so it would make perfect sense having The Pig Butcher featured as Killer of the chapter.
Post edited by Smoe on2 -
1.Dying Light, the Volatile
2.Beldam, Coraline fake mom
3.Harry Potter, Dementor
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The traditionally picks would be sick. Alien at least could be it's own thing and I hope they wouldn't make predator wraith 2.0.
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#1 a game mode with 8 survivors and 1 survivor is the saboteur/killer
#2 terminator (with arnold) his power being that he can periodically destroy vault locations and undropped pallets.
#3 the matrix (with agent smith) his power being that he can periodically "change" locations with a survivor; basically the same thing the agents do in the matrix. and he can "dodge" flashlight beams of course.
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Child's play
Alien- xenomorph
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Aliens, Terminator, The Thing