How should Eruption be changed? Considering the ‘proposed’ nerf basically nuked it.

big day it’s been on forums since the eruption nerf was announced. The perk absolutely needed nerfs or changes, but the current (proposed, it can still be updated) change basically nukes its viability. Completely getting rid of any consistency it had.
my take on a nerf for it would be removing the incapacitated, instead giving it an entity block on the gen at a 5-10 second duration (allowing it to be more consistent against SWF on comms) and giving it a longer cooldown (around 60 to 90 second mark.)
i’d like to hear you guy’s opinions on how should be changed or if you think it’s still viable (because now it just feels like a weaker jolt).
Entity block, decrease duration, go from there. Small steps, not sledgehammer everything and hope the resulting outcome is balanced ex nihilo.
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revert the incapacitated to 16s but remove cooldown. boom
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Here's how i would want Eruption to work :
- Damaging a generator applies Eruption, which highlights it in yellow.
- Whenever a survivor enters the dying state affected generators explode losing 10% of it's total progress
- Survivors that are within 8 meters of affected geneators when they explode will scream, and be affected by the Blindness and Oblivious status effects for 45 seconds
Eruption has a cool-down of 30 seconds.
So basically this version of eruption replaces the incapacitated with effects that allow a killer to do a stealth attack on these survivors. Instead of affecting repairing survivors it affects survivors that are close to it, therefore this makes it difficult for a swf to counter it as easily so that it's on the same level against solos.
I don't like the new version because they acknowledged the discrepancy about the swf vs solo aspect but they didn't really fix it, they just nerfed it so that solo survivors are affected in a different (and weaker) way.
I suspect that they just wanted to kill the perk so that people stop running it and choose a different gen perk. It's basically as if they are kill switching the perk.
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Here how I personally would do it. Keep it as is with a gen timer. Simple. One of the biggest problems is that Eruption is a permanent status effect on the gen that will pop whether or not the killer downs someone in 1 minute or 10. Several perks similar to it have timers. If that actually changes nothing, (and by that i mean the game/match quality as a whole goes unaffected, not just people qq'ing over eruption) then simply reduce the incap timer OR make the incap apply when you TOUCH and Eruption gen rather than when it pops off. Obviously numbers changes can come with these changes.
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Honestly I think this perk will be fine as is. Sure they nuked it, but literally any logical change would of been a nuke with how strong it was
I see Eruption working on killers that can snowball really well like Oni, Billy or Dredge. Dredge I can imagine will thrive with it since his snowball potential comes from Nightfall, which makes one of the best snowballing perks in the game Infectious Fright not work. This also goes for any killer with a shorter TR.
Eruption will definitely still have its place in the meta, it just wont be nearly as oppressive or irritating
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Reduce the incapacitated effect from 25 to 10 seconds. That’s it.
I don’t like seeing this perk in most of my survivor matches but I feel like they went overboard like they did when they nerfed Iron Will.
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it should cause survivors to scream revealing their location, stun/blind survivors the same way blast mine stuns/blinds killers for 5 seconds and cause effected survivors to suffer from blindness effect (can't see auras) for 60 seconds. it shouldn't just effect survivors working on the generator but be an AOE stun that causes all survivors within 10 meters to be effected as well.
lets remove any element of gen regression and turn it into a fun perk.
you might think this isn't strong but imagine not being able to see the downed survivors location or where they are hooked for 60 seconds. would be strong in a different way.
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I just personally disagree with your take. There are much better perks that give you better info than new eruption and also it just encourages slugging. We already know survivors hate being slugged and don't forget the base kit unbreakable change they tested in a PTB a while back can still happen. If that does happen then snowballing and Eruption's new 10s aura will completely be made useless. It's, in my opinion, the new Eruption will not have a place in the meta and honestly will not see any use at all due to the fact it's a bad regression perk and a bad info perk.
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some ideas with the new eruption
killer: wraith
build: eruption, lethal pursuer, knockout, call of brine
strategy: kick gens, use silent bell, down a survivor, leave them slugged, immediately go to the closest survivor with aura revealed and try to get a quick grab or hit. if any other survivors release or start running towards the downed survivor you can cut them off. 12 seconds of aura reveal is a long time and will give you plenty of information for planning your best attack.
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I like that idea. It would be a fun perk run similar to Blast Mine. Even if it's not that effective just seeing a BP for Survivor Blinded notification (preferably with a boom audio effect) would be fun enough to justify the perks existence.
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Reminder that Pain res got the info part removed because it's meant to be a regression perk.
Eruption now gives info in the most meaningless way possible unless you're slugging or are Pyramidhead.
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Staying in line with the concept of the perk:
When a survivor enters dying state, affected gens within TR explode, losing 10% and begin to regress. Any survivors working on affected gen scream and suffer hindered + exhausted for 20 seconds. Cool down of whatever. If hindered is too OP, blindness could replace it. People hated the incapacitated, which is fair enough. Making it terror radius related also seems like a reasonable change.
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I'd be happy with basically anything else. They should at least have the guts and just nuke it instead of reworking it to do something useless. Why do we need more perks that aren't just bad but literally provide you with something you don't want or need.
A more useful version would be 10% + another 5% per survivor on that gen. Or just give it a completely new effect. Something that killers could actually use.
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SImple solution. Keep the new aura part and keep the regression part (current progress is always a horrible change). Maybe buff the regression to 15%
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Ok so why was this approach not taken with DH or CoH, "extremely strong perks"? One of which has received 4 nerfs and is still a top tier perk pick and the other went from the #1 most picked survivor the #1 most picked survivor perk.
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Where in this post did I say I didn't think these perks need changing? I mean CoH I don't think needs it, I just think healing in general needs a look at.
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Entity Block would just be another Dead Hard situation, sure the perk would be weaker but the same frustrations would be there
The perk will lead to slugging yes, how ever the killers that will benefit from this perk the most would slug anyway.
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There have already been a ton of good suggestions on this forum, but the devs ignored all of them.
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There is only 1 other information perk that fills the niche Eruption does tho, and thats Infectious Fright. The reason why you'd take Eruption over it is simple, some killers with good snowballing capabilities don't have a large TR. The added slowdown is also pretty nice considering the rest of the gens you don't get an aura reveal from you now know will be regressing. Will it be the best regression perk? No. Will it be the best information perk? No. But its the only perk in the game that will fill that niche for a single perk slot.
As for basekit unbreakable making it weaker, more than likely yes. How ever a 45 second window is also a pretty large window and this perk will keep shining where it is now, which is in mid to late game.
This is of course all speculative, can't really make any real judgement yet since we don't have our hands on it. Reason why I'm trying to be optimistic is because everyone loves to act as if its the end of the world the moment they see a perk they've been crutching on is in the next Patch Notes or Dev Update (See DH and Pain Res)
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Simple solution: change the Incapacitation requirement slightly.
When a Survivor enters the Dying State, all affected generators play an audio cue (probably a hissing fuse or the like) for 3/2/1 seconds. If a Survivor is working on the generator when the cue ends, they scream and become Incapacitated. Regardless, the generator explodes for 10% progress like normal.
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Just revert it back to what it was pre nerf, 6% regression and 16 second incapacitated.
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I just say I agree to disagree bc I truly think its a dead perk and will offer no value to anyone other than an Oni who wants to slug. Even then I think slugging is just as unhealthy as the 25s incap effect since it's the same thing, you are left on the ground to do nothing for x amount of time. At the end of the day tho personally the change doesn't effect me bc I rarely ran Eruption in the first place. Last night I went through all my builds on all 30 killers I saw Eruption being used 3 times. I just replace it with overcharge, CoB, or Pop. I just don't like the fact a perk is being nuked just to make ppl stop using it.
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They need to revert it to its original form and:
- remove the incapacitated effect simply blocking gens that were being worked on and nothing else.
- keep incapacitated but allow a tell for observant players to react like with Pain Res. That's all that needed doing.
Survivor main btw.
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If you let a dredge which is basically an m1 killer snowball your team you have a very big skill issue, oni, billy, blight, nurse and huntress I get, but who gets snowballed by a dredge? You have yo be really bad at looping.
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Nightfall and being able to recharge your power every 5 seconds turns any loop into a 50/50. Mixed with pretty good mobility, and he is definitely nothing to brush off
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Idk ill have to take your opinion for it since at least in my experience a dredge on nightfall is no more dangerous than he is outside of it, the game is darker and thats all you can still waste his time in a loop to make nightfall run out.
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I mean yes you can loop him, but that can be said for literally any killer. Thing is some killers aren't meant to loop, Dredge is one of them. Even then he still has options