A week of hell and frustration has finally paid off....

Just for context I recently got my hands on a PS5 last month. The PS5 version of the game is seen as a new game so you have to earn your achievements all over again. Its been a roller coaster so far but this one had me tearing my hair out.
Any of you familiar with me here know I am a Mikey main on killer so my MMR is sky high on him. For the last week I've been trying daily to get this. A week of survivors jumping in lockers, killing themselves on first hook, dc'ing, or last person finding the hatch. I was starting to lose my sanity!
When I first earned this on the PS4 back in the day, and by back in the day I mean back in 2017, Dbd was simpler times then as I don't remember struggling this hard to get it even though I know its an exceptionally hard achievement to get.
As a Mikey main I just felt incomplete not having this. But my goodness was it an uphill battle. Even Michael was getting ticked off. I swear his mask breathing was intensifying!!!!
I had to do this twice for PS4 & PS5 too and I’m so glad I somehow managed to get it first try on PS5
I was about to lose my mind on PS4 though…
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Got my PS5 a few months ago, and found out achievements and playtime is separate for both versions. Immediately uninstalled the PS5 version and never looked back. No way I'm losing my playtime tracker! 5K+ hours, I'm keeping that ticker going!
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Lmao I kept the ps4 version of the game on PS5. I actually got that achievement first try in 2020 (very first time I used double pink add-ons with mikey) with an extreme bit of luck and I'm glad u can end up getting it. I was ready to rage and break my TV screen going into the achievement grind but I was so surprised I got it first try I may of creamed my pants a little. I'm mid mmr with most of my killers and ended up having to take everyone to the corner of the map with a locker deadzone. It was coaltower so it wasn't terrible cause that forest part of it is pretty dead with lockers
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But the PS5 version of the game runs so much smoother. Its like a whole different game.