Reasonable Pig buffs

- Combat Straps and Rule Set No.2 become base kit
-Base terror radius of 24 meters
-Crouching makes you immune to detection perks such as Spine Chill, like Haunting Spirit and Level 1 Myers. 

Nay or yay? 


  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    These changes seem fair and reasonable, Combat Straps is not a huge thing in her addons, most of her addons have more powerful variations but Combat Straps is just Combat Straps. And Rules 2 just makes sense, I love going against Pig and I never take the trap off until it's activated anyway because that's when it gets fun. It's not thrilling or entertaining to get this thing on my head that does nothing and then take it off before it's a threat. I mean that's the smart thing to do of course but it's not fun so this being base kit would be awesome. And it would help her out SO MUCH because you wouldn't have Survivors rushing to get it off before it's even a threat. This needs to happen, @Peanits your thoughts? or is there another person to @ that would be more appropriate?

  • DexyIV
    DexyIV Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    The third is a bit obscene, since T1 Myers is (usually) T1 for only the first part of the game. He needs that for a reason, to be able to pop T2. Another buff would probably be more favorable. The rest is fine though.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    I don't know how to feel about the third suggestion, but I'm on board with the other two.  I think she needs a fair bit more than this, though.
  • Doulldozer
    Doulldozer Member Posts: 21

    I like the first two suggestions but in my eyes the pig is one of the most balanced killers in the game, the main issue she faces is her addons are pretty bad and she is so heavily RNG based.
    In my eyes to buff the pig make it the first box will always be a fail, you must search at least 2 to get the key making her stall much more effective.
    As well as this I feel like her add ons need to be changed up the 1/2/3% skill check chance why does that even exist? Given how RNG her bear traps are some add ons for her stealth/ambush would probably help her out more such as a delayed warning on the ambush making her more likely to actually surprise survivors.