A light in the fog with the new chapter

Hey all,
I'm sure everyone has seen the new chapter "Tools of Torment" and heard all the discourse about it. Even I did and I haven't played the game seriously in about 1.5 years now.
But this post isn't about the new Killer, her design, the complete lack of a chase ability or her insane 3 gen potential. It's not about the two new Survivors, the reworked Shelter Woods or any of the new Perks either.
What I want to talk about instead is the Drone hacking action.
Because I think this is a big thing, much bigger than many would realize at a first glance.
What BHVR did here was that they added a new, never before seen in DbD, way of interacting with your environment as a Survivor. Sure, arrow games like this one aren't exactly a groundbreaking thing to achieve, but think about it: this could very easily just have been another "hold M1 for X seconds to complete this action" progress bar simulator - but it isn't.
Now, I have talked in lengths about my distaste for these progress bar objectives Survivors have to do in the past (here's a link to my discussion on the topic, I recommend you read it: https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/discussion/321010/dead-by-daylights-biggest-problem ) and to make a long story short I think objective design like this is the biggest thing that is holding DbD back at this very moment in time.
But with this chapter BHVR has shown their willingness to change things up. They are not afraid of trying out new ways of completing an objective and adding new mechanics to improve the game flow. And it doesn't have to stop here either! Arrow key games are just a start, they don't have to be the final product! Maybe this is the turning point where the Devs finally try to move away from boring progress bar based actions and even rework older actions into something more fresh and fun to do! The sky is the limit with this, there is an endless amount of possibilities for minigames BHVR could add into the game, each tied to a different action to make the game more engaging and fun for everyone.
I know this Chapter is not looking great right now, BHVR. A lot of people are disappointed in it and I don't think it is going to be doing very well - but please don't let this disencourage you from continuing on the path of redesigning objective progress and being creative with it.
Anyway, that's all I have to say for now. Have a nice day / night and I'll see you in a couple of months when I decide to post here again.