Question for developers about skull merchant for live release

It is said that her claw trap battery life is increased to 45 seconds, and that her overcharge add-on will be adjusted accordingly. However there is another add-on that i am curious about.

It's a very rare add-on and i think it was called something like Expired alkaline batteries. What the add-on did was give survivors claw traps at the start of the match, and those and only those claw traps would have 150% increased battery life. These claw traps would automatically be removed when they run out. On the ptb when the default battery life was 25 seconds this meant this add-on gave you tracking for 62.5 seconds at the start of the match.

However with this claw trap buff this would mean the add-on would give you tracking for 112.5 seconds at the start of the match. I am wondering if the developers approved of this or if this got changed too?

So that is my question, will this add-on be changed for the live release?
