Any update on the standardised survivor audio volumes?

I remember just after the Iron will nerf BHVR announced that survivor audio would be standardised so that some survivors aren’t much louder than others (Jeff, Jane and Ash for example)
But as far as I know there’s been no update on this change. Some newer survivors like Rebecca are even super loud now which makes me think they’ve abandoned the system completely
If any dev has an update on this I’d love to hear it!
Same point of time as the Spine Chill change with promise of baseline/accessibility option for visual TR I think?
they just need much much time for these kind of changes. And I assume especially audio changes in this game seem pretty sensitive/prone to be buggy so..
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I'm in the minority who doesn't mind the various levels of injury noises. To me it's kind of like wearing the flashy cosmetics. If you're confident, then pick the loud survivors. Not so confident? Get the quieter ones.
Also things like various volumes in breathing or footsteps would be cool. Only because survivors are already pretty much just different skins, so it'd be nice to have other features to distinguish them from each other. And like how killers have their level of difficulty displayed in the menu, survivors could have their noise levels displayed. I dunno, just kind of spitballing here.
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it isnt a high priority
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Stumbled upon this in the other thread. Mandy re-stated it early January so I guess it hasn’t been forgotten about and is still planned.
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dont worry that change is definetly coming in 3 years or 2 like they did with the solo Q hud , take ur time BHVR 😅
Pssss BHVR what about finally adding an antialising setting in-game , i think is about time...
its been 4 year since u guys talked about adding that....
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Pretty sure it has taken one year between them talking about survivor action HUD and adding it? (Still pretty long but well, they did state it was just an idea and nothing finalized at all as they have just shown a fan concept as a possibility)
also they have talked about adding AA settings? Do you have a source on that? (Not doubting you, just genuinely interested in this kinda stuff)
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2023 - 2021 is when the hud got change , soo yeah was 2 years....they said when they changed the hud back them about doing that change for new tracking stuff and future additions for the hud
(however took 2 years and a lot of solo Q complains for that to happen..)
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The whole game audio needs rebalancing.
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Yes. We need more info so someone in the community can make a compilation of all of the new noises. Then someone else can remix it into a pop song that becomes a meme.