

. new chapter looks lame (another zoning killer i sleep)

. meta is boring (just kicking gens and 3 gen)

. devs are slow to update/ address problems

. maps/perks are unbalanced (5 pallets on shelter woods but 24 on the game rly devs)

. devs have no idea what they are doing anymore (wasting time/effort on uneeded changes instead of glaring issues)

. mmr exists in a game that has more RNG than mario party

. players are noticeably more sweaty (what is the cause)

. subtle cheaters and sus players (minecraft has a better anti cheat)

. most of the killers are boring to play/verse


  • G_Hunters
    G_Hunters Member Posts: 74
    edited February 2023

    You know what?,For once,I'm going to agree to a post of this type.

    My problems with the game are mainly related to the cheaters,both blatant and subtle,how is that nobody is talking about them?

    I meet them (in groups of 2 too!) almost every day since the last update,from people who heal in 3 seconds without related perks or items for it and can complete generators alone in 20 seconds to the classic trolls flying around with speed hacks,teleports etc.

    The game is already terribly boring due to how the general balance is broken (Very fast generators,overpowered perks on both sides,lack of new game modes etc),all of this is not worth the experience no more.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586
  • Kalevi
    Kalevi Member Posts: 72

    i have uninstalled too. this game is not worth my time

  • Xane
    Xane Member Posts: 61

    So glad I am not the only one <3

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Fair enough. It’s easy to burn out on games like this and it’s important to take a break too. I’m just back recently after about 3 months and I’m enjoying the game a ton

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    Honestly, I can understand you

  • Warlord1981NL
    Warlord1981NL Member Posts: 262

    I uninstalled too. Pretty much for the same reasons. BHVR keeps nerfing killers in a gen rush meta while they have all the bs perks in the world that allow them to mess with killers all day long so you as a killer have no choice to use less reputable strategies like tunneling, camping etc if you even want to have a chance at winning (I define winning as a 3K or better). The maps are all set up to have loop after loop after loop which is just irritating as hell. Remove half of them and it will still be horrible. Then the match ends and every survivor throws a hissyfit because of it. There is just no fun to be had in this game anymore.

    But oh wait, light at the horizon, a new killer with new perks!

    /me takes passing glance at new killer

    • lame mori
    • lame power
    • perks that no-one will ever use except for getting adept (the least weak one is the healing slowdown but even that comes with a cooldown and I have to ask: ######### is wrong with you, BHVR)

    Looks at the survivor perks... Oh great, more gen rushing... Right, never mind...

    If BHVR actually wants to save DBD:

    • 60% kill rate is aimed for... its called DEAD by daylight... Make that 80%.
    • Give killers perks that are actually fun to work with and actually have some power to them so killers arent forced to tunnel.
    • Make Agitation basekit. It is ridiculous that killers have to waste a perk slot on it just to prevent sabo and/or flashlight. In fact, remove those two completely.
    • Remove half the loops from the map, there are WAY too many of them.
    • Remove all second chance perks
    • Rework all the survivor tools, the gen rush is far too strong, the near instant blinding by flashlight serves no other purpose than to piss people off.

    Then killers will not feel as forced to tunnel, camp and whatnot and we can actually have some fun again but don't think for a second that if I am loading up a game that I am going to play to lose because that is what I would be doing if I didn't employ those tactics right now and survivors get pissed off by it, which I understand as it is not fun for them but in the "fun" hierarchy me winning ranks higher than some random on the internet not getting to play the game.

    Do with this information as you will, BHVR, just understand that your game is dying and this is feedback on why it is dying. I have no interest in seeing it's death so I am leaving this game now.

  • ironblade
    ironblade Member Posts: 270

    me2. Uninstalled and moving on.