Dear Devs: What is the reasoning behind the current de-pipping mechanic?

Even though the de-pipping threads have been a staple in the "recent discussions" tab I'm not aware of the issue ever having been addressed by the devs (/a mod relaying their knowledge). Could we please change that? There is an abundance of players pointing out that de-pipping isn't healthy for the game since more often than not de-pipping is entirely out of the players control and leads to frustration and arguably to bitterness and toxicity. I am under the impression BHVR wants a healthy game and doesn't want to foster toxic behaviour, which makes it all the more baffling to me that the issue has remained unaddressed for such a long time. Is there a reason for that? Is there something tied to the pip system we're all missing? I genuinely don't understand.
Staple? Haven't seen one in weeks.
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How about you just click past the pip screen and pretend like you got however many little dots you feel is appropriate? It effects absolutely nothing except some blood points whenever rank resets and who isn't absolutely swimming in BP these days? I honestly dread it because then I have to put on a podcast and spend BP for twenty minutes.
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I want those bp even I earn over 1 million in a day and it feels bad seeing -1 even if you did all you could. It just feels a goal which you have to reach too. I always try to get + 2 pip so I tunnel/slug if need to that also secures safety pip. Normally I don't like to tunnel but it's neccesary to not depip. On survivor I don't care about pipping as you can't control it if killer tunnel/camp you out it's depip most of the time and so many matches also end early when teammates throw. On killer you can somewhat control it at least if you tunnel and get lot of hits.
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You're probably not around very often then. - The last one was just a few days ago with last replies today. They're not the daily flood of DH-related threads - but there is a new thread about it every other week-ish and pretty consistently. Pretty much everyone agrees, so they usually don't get much traction and get drowned out by more controversial topics after a few days or a week or so --- until someone makes a new.
How about you voice your opinion in a less condescending tone?
That being said; many people - me and everyone I know included - cares about pips. Not so much about the grand total at the end of the month but on a match by match basis. And just like the "gg ez" of a player who employs scummy/toxic tactics is adding insult to injury, a de-pip after something entirely out of your control happened is also adding insult to injury. The difference is that the latter is literally built into the game - when it doesn't serve an actual purpose anymore. (Safe from discouraging DCing / AFKing)
Additionally, since escapes/sacrifices aren't a particularly good measurement of how well you did in a match the next best thing are the emblems. They are the game giving you feedback on how well you did in certain aspects. - If it actually worked, that would be great. But certain mechanics inherent to the game make it impossible for you to get points in certain categories - no matter how well you play.
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I'm not obsessed with pips, and I certainly won't play like a selfish sweatlord to secure an extra pip, but I would like to hit that iri1 and get the BP that comes with it.
And it does feel crappy to be punished because someone(s) DC'd, killed themselves on hook, etc. I won't get irate about it or anything, but if you're going to have the system in place, it should be fair.
I think a baseline solution is simple: if someone DCs, or dies on hook without attempting to hit a skill check, no one else in that match can de-pip.
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A lot of people want those BP. Just because you or others might be swimming in points and don’t care doesn’t mean others don’t. The game has set up pips and those BP as a reward system and if that’s gonna be in the game, people want the system to be fair to them. That’s not too much to ask for.
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A lot of people want those BP. Just because you or others might be swimming in points and don’t care doesn’t mean others don’t. The game has set up pips and those BP as a reward system and if that’s gonna be in the game, people want the system to be fair to them. That’s not too much to ask for.
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This forum already adulterates my speech to a startling degree. Not gonna water it down more just to make you happy.
You're right in that I'm atypical in not caring about pips. I also don't pay attention to emblems or know what actions contribute to what category. The only thing I care about on the endgame screen is what build my opponent brought and to chat with them if the censor is having a good day. It's weird to me that anyone pays attention to the skinner box gold star mechanics in games that don't actually do anything. We're all strange animals in that way.
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I'm here way too much. Doc says it may be insanity.
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I think the de-pip should stay.
But I also think you shouldn't de-pip when you get tunneled or facecamped, some people just want the achivement of reaching rank 1 and the tons of ppl facecamping at red ranks it's way higher than low ranks.
I would rework the system rathen than deleting the de-pip.
bloodpoints it's clearly not a good idea as someone can just do boons to get the first 10k easy.
Eventhough I've had games I got 35k-40k points where I didn't won a pip (at rank 2, always almost to get a pip lol) and I've also had games with 25k-30k bp and still lost a pip.
I think the system works, but it needs a rework on some mechanics of the game. For example, doing boons gives you BP but it doesn't help getting a pip. But destroying a totem does help, but now you can't make a boon.