Resident Evil 4 Remake launching soon, hows likely we will see another DBD collab

As you know, Resident Evil 4 Remake will be launched this month. So, hows likely we will another collab happen?
I feel like Capcom are very generous with the usage of their IP so far in term of scope and character.
Thought on
- Ashley Skins (very likely)
- Another Ada Skins
- Another Leon
- Wesker Skin
- Chief Botores Mendes (Nemesis Skins likely)
- Salazar (twin)
- Krauser skin
- Village or Castle Map
Unfortunately, it seems very likely.
I'd rather get some variety before we go back to the Resident Evil Bargain Bin. To be clear, I'm not opposed to another RE Chapter, I just am not even remotely interested at this time.
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Resident Evil collabs have been the only reason for keeping me playing this game, even when DBD was at it's lowest, back when SoloQ had no buffs, DH for distance still existed etc., so I hope we do :)
Well that and Scream obviously.
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Likely, yes.
As for when… hopefully not too soon. Developing some serious RE fatigue.
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Hopefully not at all this year, and even better if not next year
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I hope we won't get any more RE chapters. It's cool once, but then it gets tiring and boring.
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Hopefully more skins and legendary; yeah.
but not another chapter plz. There are so many other licenses offering fresh and unique ideas. I already fear due to the movie contract we will see other uninspired licenses…
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Hopefully not for a while. I'm not opposed to another one happening but it needs to be down the line.
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Krauser legendary skin for wesker would be good, they could even replace the uroboros with las plagas
he would also need voicelines specific to leon (and maybe ada)
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really hoping for an ashley legendary
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Skins only most likely.
I doubt they will release another RE chapter any time soon, since the last one was pretty recent still.