Bloody Sweaty Tryhard's!!!

I'm definitely one of them! Scourge Hooks (Pain)/Overcharge/COB/Eruption on almost all the killers I play!
Good survivor addon's (not Brand New Parts or Odd Bulbs bc that's just broken) Sabo/Dead Hard/Breakout/Empathy with Alex's Toolbox charges (yellow) and speed addon's!
3 gen strat from the very beginning. Don't engage in bait chases! I disengage chase after a pallet break and go to someone else (I know about this haha)!
If I can I'll burn map offerings to go on a non disadvantage killer map (there's over 80% of them) I burn cut coins and I bring purple coins as survivor!
Im.always slugging for the 4k! I want my 4K even if the survivor completely bleeds out. I didn't go through all this to not potentially get my 4k lol!
I'm a bloody Sweaty tryhard in "all" things and DBD is no exception that's how I am! I always found that term try hard funny, it's used by casual to very casual players. They don't like the sweat lol
Good for you.
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Genuine question: Is that still fun for you? Doesn't that get repetetive after a while?
I'm not judging. I know some people will try to be the best and give themselves every advantage but for me this becomes tedious rather quick.
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Nah not at all because I'm super competitive! It's because I come from the fgc (fighting game community) so I'm naturally like this. The term is used in fgc to funny enough but no where near as much as it is here in the DBD community. I very much have fun so yeah.
I hear ya, to each his own!
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The ones who only play Nurse! The ones who play Nurse and Blight! The ones who play Blight and Spirit with sweaty perks (COB/Eruption/Scourge Hooks/Overcharge or Dead Man's Switch and addon's all the time!
Your a bloody Sweaty tryhard! lol
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As long as you’re having fun