Bloody Sweaty Tryhard's!!!

Edilibs Member Posts: 699

I'm definitely one of them! Scourge Hooks (Pain)/Overcharge/COB/Eruption on almost all the killers I play!

Good survivor addon's (not Brand New Parts or Odd Bulbs bc that's just broken) Sabo/Dead Hard/Breakout/Empathy with Alex's Toolbox charges (yellow) and speed addon's!

3 gen strat from the very beginning. Don't engage in bait chases! I disengage chase after a pallet break and go to someone else (I know about this haha)!

If I can I'll burn map offerings to go on a non disadvantage killer map (there's over 80% of them) I burn cut coins and I bring purple coins as survivor!

Im.always slugging for the 4k! I want my 4K even if the survivor completely bleeds out. I didn't go through all this to not potentially get my 4k lol!

I'm a bloody Sweaty tryhard in "all" things and DBD is no exception that's how I am! I always found that term try hard funny, it's used by casual to very casual players. They don't like the sweat lol
