hook screams the same as ptb?

In my match Jonah was screaming for so long on hook it sounded like he was singing haha.
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So did a Leon lmao I actually stopped what I was doing because I was concerned he had glitched and was going to scream for the entirety of the match
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I like it personally but some are way longer than others especially leon
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Haven't been reverted on the bots, at least. Played several bot games and the hook screams were loud and went on for a laughably long time on multiple survivors.
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Unfortunately I reckon there's probably some bugs because I've definitely had some year-long screams in live.
I'll go digging through bug reports in a bit and if there isn't one made I'll open one
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The screams are awful
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i like long screams they sound pretty cool and natural but some screams last for like 7 seconds they need to be adjusted and also long screams were in the game back many years ago so i dont get why some people so mad about them being in the game again
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I really like the long screams. Feels like old DBD when survivors get hooked and scream really long :)
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Yes, there is clearly a problem, survivors are screaming longer than before, it's too long!
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Hang yourself on a hook and you'll scream for more than 8 seconds 😂
Wish it was a permanent change, or even if it was the odd random long scream in a match
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Now there’s a good reason to hit on hook.
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Just bring up Steam overlay. It's been confirmed to be unintended anyway so they'll remove it at some point.