
drsoontm Member Posts: 4,610

I've been playing DbD for a few years. from about right after Plague's release ...

There were ups and downs and I've left several times out of frustration, sometimes for months. (One of these times was after the Boons release). During that time, the friends who have showed me the game have left (right around Billy's nerf) and never came back.

When I ask them about it, they tell me that yes they have good memories but a lot of very bad ones. They know they'll get awful games and lots of frustration. Besides, survivors have so many new perks to learn now, and there are new killers with perks as well : they know it will take too much effort before having some fun so it's not worth it.

I kind of understood but for me there was always a reason to come back, until recently that is.

After the solo queue improvements (needed, granted, that's not the point) I've stopped playing for a while because I don't like to tunnel nor to be tunneled.

Since the 1st of February, I only came back two or three times for one night each.

As survivor it was nice. I was still shocked at the generator progress indicator but it only means we can optimize unhooks and leave easily. I was rusted so it was OK. I've been tunneled and camped a few times but I did my rifts and that's what I cared for the most.

As killer though, I had no fun at all. Most games were tunnel-or-lose. One of these nights I went five times to the Garden of Pain, one of these thanks to an offering. The other maps were mostly awful : Ormond, Corn, The Game (with another killer than Nurse) ...

And finally, yet another map offering (Midwich) where survivors had a specialized build to hide all game. After a couple of minutes trying to find them, I've left.

I've checked I had dodged yet another 45 minutes bore and closed the game.

That was my last match.

This time is different from the other times I've stopped playing:

I still look at the forums

I simply have lost the will to play the game. I'm not even angry : just apathetic.

After more than 3000 hours, the realization I don't want to play anymore feels kind of weird.

The new killer didn't help of course.

I suspect if the next anniversary isn't gold, I may even stop checking the forums.
