Immediately knowing the outcome when you spawn in

leowt Member Posts: 44

Do you ever spawn in and immediately know the outcome of the match?

As a solo survivor, when I spawn in on Haddonfield/RPD/Suffo Pit/Azarov's (and other maps that spawn easily defensible 3/4/5 gens) and find out I'm playing against Knight/Skull Merchant, I know that it'll be a 30+ min war of attrition where we solo survivors are guaranteed to lose. Even if we somehow win, I'm not sure if it'll be worth it. Also, when I load in and see urban evasioning and spine chill-enjoying teammates, I know the team is doomed.

As a killer, when I spawn in on Garden of Pain/Cowshed/Mother's Dwelling/Badham and Lethal Pursuer shows that all 4 survivors spawn split up, I'm gonna need to sweat super hard to get a chance at killing anyone (unless I'm playing against potatoes).

In these busted scenarios, I usually try to lower my expectations and do my best. I don't get emotional when I eventually lose.

At the same time, I think these are issues with game design. No player on either side should face a scenario in which they know they're going to lose from the get-go.

I think there are several things the devs can do to improve the game

  1. Improve gen spawn logic by imposing a minimum and maximum range between gens (much like totems). Move them manually if needed. The minimum range is to prevent ridiculous 3/4/5 gen scenarios. The maximum range is to make it not too difficult for killers to defend gens.
  2. Normalize RNG in tile generation so that no side has a busted setup. Survivors shouldn't have strong connected tiles clustered in an area and neither should they have a bald map.
  3. Normalize the size of maps in general.
  4. Make all survivors spawn together by default.

What about you guys? Have you ever loaded into a match immediately knowing the outcome?


  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,280

    I know a game wont be nearly as enjoyable if I play Trickster on a map like RPD or Lerys.

    I think each killer should have a certain map pool that they can go to. This way balancing killers would be MUCH easier since Billy on a map like Wreckers Yard is basically a completely different game than on Gideon.

    This would make balancing SO much easier, as each killers performance will be much more consistent.