lets discuss what survivor perks do you use in the current meta?

i use a jack of all trades build with one exhaustion perk(usually sprint burst), one terror radius reading perk for killer(tenacity, spinechill, fogwise) , a utility perk (prove thyself or built to last if i am using a medkit or circle of healing/flashbang if i am using a different tool), and windows of opportunity(to useful not to have that looping info).
it might not be the most ideal build but it is the build i have the most fun using.
What are your perks and build ideas?
That’s similar to the survivor build I prefer as well. I love Fogwise in solo queue, as it helps me be more efficient on gens and get a head start on leaving the area if the killer is headed my way. I usually prefer Lithe to Sprint Burst. Instead of the “utility” perks you mention, I like to bring CoH. So many survivors don’t bring any way to heal themselves, I usually see my team get some value out of it.
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my exact build: Prove thyself, Autodidact, Stake out, Sprint burst. I usually bring a medkit too. I know how to 99 sprint burst, and stake out will always be used on gens or healing myself (i usually bring a sponge, making it much more worth it).
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I have a few "builds" I go with depending on my mood. Lately, I've been playing a lot more of my "Fun!" builds because...well...they're fun!
Two perks I have on every build is Kindred and Lithe. Kindred because i feel useless as a solo player if I can't have it and Lithe because ZOOM ZOOM ZOOOOOOM! (even though that stupid perk gets me killed a lot because it seems like even after you've taken a step away from the window, you're still getting hit...)
Then pending what I'm doing, I throw on a different perk and interchange them. Bond if I feel like I want to be more useful on the team. Circle of Healing if I'm feeling sweaty. Prove Thyself if I'm using a high objective offering. Really the only one super useful perk I just won't use it Dead Hard.
Then my current favorite mix of stuff when I'm having fun; Distraction, Blast Mine, or Flashbang! I really like those three in particular because they allow me to "work" for something. Just watching the little bar fill up before I can chuck a pebble at the killer or blow something up in their face is super fun!
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Distortion and Leader are part of Pretty much every build I've played over the last few months.The other two slots are more variable but I really do like Wake Up, WGLF, We'll Make It and Desperate and usually fill the remaining slots with those.
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It changes around a lot but currently it's adrenaline/hope/resilience/x. The 4th perk has changed around a lot so far it's been parental guidance, distortion, and a few exhaustion perks but nothing has really felt great so far so still testing a lot of things for that last slot. But yeah speeding up the last gen to get that massive power spike end game is always really hype and been enjoying the build a lot so far.
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The last perks I used were dead hard, left behind, self care and Dwight's gen perk. I'm pretty happy with that.
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I usually run: DH, DS, Reassurance, Hope. But will sometimes change reassurance and hope to OTR and Adrenaline.
Other meta perks you could use: CoH, SB, Prove Thyself. Deliverance and For The People are nice too sometimes.
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We have "theme" builds for our survivors so everyones different (running the same thing again and again gets stale for us). Dweet is an omni tool (leader, prove, small game, we'll make it), cybil is as close as we could make her to be like on Silent hill (no one left behind, desperate measures, BT, calm spirit), Unbreaka Bill (Unbreakable, deliverance, BT, DS), etc.
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Bond (i never play without it), Prove Thyself, CoH and SB.
But i´ll take everything except Bond out, if i have a challenge.
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Bond is a must have in solo queue
Distortion is too because of all the insane aura perks atm
Exhaustion (Usually Balanced landing)
Totem tracker because I like boldness points (Counterforce is my personal favourite)
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For some time it is:
Adrenaline --> Just because I really like the Perk, even tho most of the time I am either dead before Endgame or just get it while sitting on a Gen, it just feels great to get it mid-chase, even if it is happening rarely.
Off the Record --> The best available Anti-Tunnel-Perk. Not that it is really good to achieve anything against tunneling, but it is the best option. Also the effect of being silent is neat...
Resilience --> Currently my 4th Perk (the other 3 are fixed) which I am trying out for some weeks. I just like the extra vault speed and sometimes it prevented me from getting hit. Also turns a 90 second Gen into a 82 second Gen, which helps a bit.
Borrowed Time --> Still using it, again, mostly because of tunneling. Because Killers can indeed count to 10 and they dont expect BT so the person rescued has a better chance to escape. Also helps with Endgame Saves.
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My build on all survivors. Adrealine, Aftercare, DH and Reassurance. Adrealine i can change to we'll make it sometimes but mostly its these 4 or 5 perks i change between in. Aftercare will never leave my perk slot. I love that perk and its given me so much value.
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My standard is distortion, windows and dead hard, with one free perk to play fun stuff. Distortion is amazing for information as well as preventing aura reads, if you know your killer perks it's so useful to know when your aura is read because you can often work out what the killer is running. Windows and dh are my crutch perks, I'm not great at chase so I need them to run a chase of any decent length because I don't have the tiles memorised 😅
Switching in and out 4th perk gives me a bit of variety, currently favouring blast mine because it's a lot of fun and often saves me from a chase if killer kicks my gen before coming after me.
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Lithe, Distortion, Deja Vu and Windows.
Usually with a Common Med-kit.
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Sprint Burst (reliable exhaustion perk)
Windows of opportunity, utility and helps in extending chases and avoid dead zones
The other two rotate between: Distortion, Adrenaline, Reassurance, Any means Necessary, We will make it, Prove thyself. If in solo q, bond or kingdred
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Pipping up build until Iri 4:
- Kindred: To know what's happening
- Decisive Strike: To waste the killer's time as much as possible
- Off The Record: ^
- Lithe: ^^
BP farming build afterwards:
- Kindred: To know what's happening
- Prove Thyself: Sweet, sweet objective value
- We'll Make It: Sweet, sweet altruism value
- B:COH: Sweet, sweet boldness and potentially survival value
I'm having a horrible day and I just want to escape once:
- Distortion: First to be found gets tunneled out
- Plunderer's Instinct: Need that key!
- Left Behind: For hatch
- Wake Up: When all else fails
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I play what ever I want exapt the meta. The only perk I run sometimes that is meta is PTS. Perks I really like to play is Diseption, Distortion, Balance, open Handed withe some aura perk, any means nessasaryl and Pharmacy, Plunders with ace in the hole. Yesterday I started to bring Deja-vu to prevent three gens even more. But most of the time I bring a full build to suport my challange in the tomes.
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Not that i play only solo queue as survivor.
My build usual is
Bond: to get the information what my teammates are doing, and where. More than once an injured survivor in a chase came straight at me, and i could take over the chase or tank a hit for him, or avoid them completely if i was on dead hook.
Clairvoyance: way to many matches start with a dc or a hook suicide. At least i got a fighting chance.
Boon:CoH or self care, depending if there is an active totem challenge in the rift. You cant even depend on teammates to heal you, way too often i had teammates that leave you injured so you are the easy target if the killer shows up.
Last one depends on mood, or dailys, or whatever, usually lithe, because it activates when you want to, sometimes proof thyself, if noone else brings it (although most people dont even answer in pregame lobby), sometimes fogwise, or something else.
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When it comes to Solo Q, Ive been running Sprint Burst, Vigil, Bond and Object of Obsession. Object is a more recent addition to my build and provides A LOT of information.
Vigil just makes Sprint Burst that much better and usually makes me be able to start off or completely prevent a chase. At the very least it reduces the cooldown far enough to let me activate it in the middle of a chase.
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I was running Inner Healing + Dectives Hunch, Windows OP + Kindred for ages. Too bad Inner Healing was indirectly nerfed due Pentimento and CoH. Imo it's still great against Sloppy. With the new UI, you don't really need Kindred anymore, but it still gives pinpoint information when you need it the most (to see who or who not goes for safes, which gens are worked on).
If you don't want to bring items and learned totem spots before i still suggest Inner Healing (just don't waste it if a mate can heal you safely), OTR (for a bit anti-tunnel protection. if you cleansed a totem before, healing in a locker won't stop OTR from working), Windows OP and Kindred. Sometimes i replace Inner Healing with Reassuarance for extra time on gens. Works in solo, team still must be good.
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My usual build atm is bond, flashbang, tenacity and adrenaline
I can't play without tenacity, i crawl too slow otherwise
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lithe is pretty fun but there are times when there isnt a close pallet or window by a gen and i prefer the headstart with sprint burst to reach a loopable tile. taking the aggro is important if the killer decides to chase me and i try to buy as much time as possible
coh is technically a utility perk ^_^
you are right about fogwise being a godsend in solo queue (comboed with windows and tenacity it more than makes up for efficient gameplay)
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Usually one exhaustion perk, something to help team like We'll Make It, usually Windows of Opportunity, and if I have a medkit I'll stack charges with Built to Last. This build let's me be aggressive in chase and heal myself as well as my teammates without wasting too much time.
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I almost always use Dead Hard, Circle of Healing and Windows of Opportunity. The 4th perk is the only one I change for some variety, but I usually use Distortion, Resilience, Kindred or Off the Record as 4th perk.
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Depends on my mood, but I have three main build themes. The first is the medic: Botany, Desperate Measures, We'll Make It, and We're Gonna Live Forever. Second is the support: Better Than New, Leader, Prove Thyself, and Vigil. And third is the psychic: Empathic Connection, Empathy, Kindred, and Situational Awareness.
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My go to is just: Lithe, Windows, Open Handed, and Bond. And I bring a medkit with 3 heals. I primarily play solo, and even with the HUD, this build just helps me know where to go and what to do. And it turns a bad looper like me into a mediocre looper.
However, if I want to just gen-rush hard (usually for a tome challenge), I bring Streetwise, Built to Last, Fast Track, and Inner Healing. Along with a commodious Toolbox with the wire spool and socket add-ons. Sometimes I'll throw on Prove instead of fast track or IH, but you pip less running prove, so I prefer to solo gens.
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didnt know that prove does not help to pip as much but i guess it makes sense since you are sharing the gen points with another survivor
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Same. And I've two p100 survivors! If anyhting I notice PTS makes me get the lightbringer emblem red extremely easy.
Without it, I usually have to do a lot more repairs!
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Depends on my mood but there are two builds I switch between right now. My all seeing build: Alert, Kindred, Bond, and Open-Handed.
I feel completely blind w/o that build to be honest.
Next I play my more well- rounded build with Alert, Windows, Prove, and Desperate Measures. This way I'm good on gens, in chase, and I'm quick on healing and unhooking.
Honestly, alert is slept on with how much killers are kicking gens these days.
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I run Adrenaline/Prove/Balanced/Windows
It's a very generalized build that will almost always get me value from all 4 perks every game.
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DH, adrenaline, resilience, windows / floater perk
Sprint burst, vigil, self aware, iron will (beam save build)
balanced, DH, vigil, resilience
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Windows, Alert, Object of Obsession and Fixated
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For awhile now I've been running Kindred, Wire Tap, Wake Up, and Distortion.
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unless i'm running a looting build i always run coh and almost always with botany, the other 2 changes depending on how i feel. i'm running flashbang and any means currently, used blast mine reassurance, or just head on q&q and lightweight
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interesting builds...going to try both of the but really intrigued by the second build