Fan-Chapter: The Brothers Grin

Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732
edited March 2019 in Creations

Killer: The Servant

A magical killer, able to track down survivors and use harming curses.

His personal perks are Eye for Death, Hex: Hunter's Plaything, and Damnation.


Timothy Reveil was never popular with the other kids in his school. This was in fact not a small fault of his, as his obsession with dangerous spells and the occult have earned him a spot at the bottom of the social ladder. Timothy had chosen to ignore this and seek to expand his knowledge elsewhere, searching the town and grounds that he had lived in for his life. This of course worried his brother Matthew, who had vowed to not leave his older sibling to go down a dark path. His words had fallen on deaf ears as the eldest had grown more and more obsessed.

This was not to say that Timothy did not care for his brother, but in his mind, he was now alone. So with a twisted grin etched on his face, he left to study the occult in more detail. The whereabouts of disasters and what had caused them.

In his studies and findings he had gotten word of strange happenings. People have been disappearing around certain areas, so he choose to investigate the spots in hope to learn more. He first visited the Estate that once belonged to Archie McMillan. Where at one point he would not have cared, his dangerous fascination with the occult had lead him feeling a strange connection with the area. And upon using a spell that opened his mind's eye, he saw it.

Evil, the likes of which that he had never seen. A creature that defiled the land that it surrounded, in sheer terror the boy fled. He ran as fast as he could to his home and spoke nothing of what he had seen. It took a month to recover and by then, his fascination had sparked up, he HAD to see it again. But not there, no, he was sure he could find it in another location. So against his brother's pleading he left for a new location, outside of the country for the Autohaven Wreckers. He used his spell again, and saw it once more. Knowing what to expect this time he walked to this being, this Entity.

How could he have known he was followed that day. That his brother had trailed behind him in hopes of bringing him back home.

No one would hear from the brothers, and no one would know where they were.

"I had at first thought it was one of us that was standing in the unfamiliar street. But I realized my mistake too late as the man turned to face me, a grin that defied description made my blood stop cold. 'Warn them.' The man spoke as he walked past me. 'Warn them of the Master's Servant.'"
~ Unknown

Power: Mind's Eye

The Servant's mind was always brilliant even as he fell deeper and deeper into partial insanity and obsession. His Mind's Eye can see what many others could not see.

  • Survivors in your terror radius leave behind a faint trail that could only be seen using Mind's Eye, the trail becomes stronger when survivors run, and weaker when they crouch.
  • You cannot attack while channeling Mind's Eye.
  • The trail only appears at the point of the terror radius, and decays if you leave the location of the trail.
  • Survivors that leave your terror radius will cut off the trail at that point.
  • Survivors in direct line of sight charge up your mind's eye, granting up to three tokens.
  • These tokens grant you a attack ability, Curse.
  • Curse causes hit survivors to have a random curse inflicted on them, curses last for 60 seconds.
  • Charging up requires ten seconds for one token. To apply a curse, you must hit survivors with a full lunge attack.


Eye for Death:
Unlocks great potential in one's aura reading. Whenever you knock down a survivor, all survivors auras are revealed to you in a 16/32/48 meter radius of the downed survivor.
Downed survivors are able to recover 15/20/25% faster and can bring themselves back to the injured state when in the terror radius.
Perks that increase recovery time stacks.
"I can see you all, you cannot run from me."
~Timothy Reveil

Hex: Hunter's Plaything:
A hex rooting its power in brutality. When you injure a survivor but let them go, this totem gains a token up to 6 tokens.

  • Token 4: Your missed attack cooldowns and successful attack cooldowns are reduced by 12/24/32%
  • Token 5: Survivors suffer from the exposed effect
  • Token 6: Gain the ability to mori the obsession.
  • Increases the chance to make a obsession.
  • When the totem is destroyed, you gain a 4/8/12% reduction in missed and successful cooldowns.
  • Every other effect is lost

"Everyone expects a twist at the end. There are no twists, just endings."
~Timothy Reveil

It is fun to watch your prey squirm in fear as death closes in. You become obsessed with one survivor. Killing your obsession causes the following effects:

  • Altruistic actions are decreased by 8/16/24%
  • Remaining survivor auras are revealed for five seconds after five seconds of the obsession's death.
  • Other action speeds are decreased by 5/10/15%
  • You will gain a 5% movement speed bonus for five seconds every ten seconds. Or after you wound a survivor.

"Tick. Tock. Your time is running out."
~Timothy Reveil



Eye statue
A statue that is shaped like a eye. Opens the Servant's mind to a bigger perspective.

  • Mind's Eye can detect traces slightly further away from the terror radius.
  • Your movement speed is moderately reduced while using mind's eye.

Piece of a Hook
A broken hook torn down by a survivor. The sight fills The Servant with rage.

  • A loud noise notification fires off when survivors go near hooks.
    "Get. Away. From. My. Hooks."
    ~Timothy Reveil

Basic Curse Book
A book containing basic spells on curses. The Servant uses this new knowledge to his advantage.

  • Curses have a slightly increased chance to apply the hindered effect.
  • Time taken to charge a curse is increased slightly.

Carter's Notes
A notebook with heavily annotated notes of the Doctor. The Servant knows he can learn a thing or two.

  • Curses can now be sent out in a cone of dark lightning.
  • Survivors shocked by the wave will scream and have one random curse placed on them each shock.
  • You can gain up to five curse tokens.

Entity's Gift
The Servant had willingly chosen to follow the Entity. And thus was given a gift.

  • You may now have one extra token


Broken Glasses
Glasses that had belonged to a victim. The glasses hold trapped life essence in them.

  • Mind's Eye can detect survivor traces moderately further away from the terror radius.
  • Your movement speed is slightly reduced when using Mind's Eye.

Pallet Piece
A pallet piece left behind from a previous trial. Memories of the stun sharpen The Servant's focus.

  • Survivor auras are revealed to you for 5 seconds after you get stunned or you break a pallet.
  • Must be using mind's eye to see auras.
    ~Timothy Reveil

Novice Curse Book
A book containing curse spells for novice students. Upon studying, the servant gains a better understanding.

  • Curses have a moderately increased chance to apply the mangled effect.
  • Time to charge a curse is increased slightly
  • Cursed victim action speeds are reduced slightly for a short time.
  • Curses lasts slightly longer.
    "So if I do this, and that. Yes yes."
    ~Timothy Reveil

Broken Trap
A broken bear trap that a survivor had sabotaged. The Servant decides to make use of it.

  • Bear traps now have a random chance to spawn at pallets and windows.
  • The traps disappear upon being disarmed.
  • Up to a maximum of five traps may be active.

Skull Piece
A piece of a shattered human skull. The Servant channels it's trapped life essence.

  • When standing still you become completely invisible and give off no terror radius.
  • Upon moving you become visible and have a terror radius again.

Entity's Touch
As The Servant shows his loyalty the Entity gives better rewards.

  • You can now get two tokens.
  • Time to charge a curse is decreased slightly.


Untouched Glasses
Glasses that had yet to even be used. The Servant is alerted that there are other perspectives.

  • Mind's Eye can now see survivor auras within 16 meters.
  • Your movement speed is considerably reduced while using Mind's Eye
  • Survivor trails are moderately fainter

Blood in a Jar
Survivor blood collected in a jar. The trapped life essence allows the Servant to differencient survivor trails and to better track them.

  • Different survivors leave different colored trails.
  • Direction can now be determined.

Adept Curse Book
A book containing adept spells for curse users. Fervent study of the book has given the Servant a better understanding.

  • Considerably increases the chance to apply a advanced version of a curse.
  • Applies a second normal curse on hit.
  • Time to charge a curse is moderately increased.
  • Curses last slightly longer.
  • Cursed victims suffer from a moderately decreased action speed.
    "These curses will help me in my time of need."
    ~Timothy Reveil

Broken Chainsaw Chain
A broken chain belonging to Max Thompson. The Servant has found a use for it.

  • Having max tokens improve your lunge for one hit.
  • Hitting a survivor with maxed tokens brings them into the dying state, and inflicts all other survivors with a random weakened version of a curse.
  • Time to charge a curse is moderately longer.
  • Lose all tokens when using this ability.
  • Trumps all other curse changes.

Sally's Last Breath
The breath of Sally Smithson, the breath shivers and pools up in The Servant's hands.

  • Curses can now be shot at a survivor.
  • You can only get two tokens.
  • Trumps all other add-ons that increase tokens.
  • Trumps all other curse changes
  • Shot curses pass through objects.
  • To shoot curses use [Whatever the activate ability button is]

Tribal Markings
Markings drawn by Lisa Sherwood, blessings from a fellow cursed person improves The Servant's power.

  • You can now place down curse markings.
  • When activated by survivors walking over it, the survivors suffer from hindered and another random curse.
  • You can now gain a maximum of ten tokens.
  • Time to charge a curse is tremendously shorter.
  • Trumps all other curse changes.

Incense Burner
A incense burner belonging to Adiris. The smoke of the devoted calms The Servant's mind.

  • Objects hit are now considered cursed objects and will give a random debuff to survivors.
  • Cursed hits last slightly longer.
  • Time to charge a curse is slightly decreased.

Entity's Grasp
The Servant's continued devotion to his master's will is greatly rewarded.

  • You can gain up to two tokens.
  • Time to charge for a curse is considerably faster.
  • Bypasses token gain restrictions.
  • Field of View is moderately increased.

Very Rare:

Human Eyeball
An eye seemingly taken straight out the socket, the trapped life essence gives the holder great power.

  • Mind's Eye can now see survivor auras within 32 meters.
  • You are tremendously slow when using Mind's eye.
  • You no longer see trails.
  • Your normal movement speed is slightly decreased.

Bloody Hook Piece
A hook that was broken after sacrificing a survivor. Seeing this makes The Servant smile even more.

  • Survivor auras are revealed to you when they are 16 meters from a hooked survivor.

Bloody Broken Pallet
A pallet bloodied from a injured vaulting survivor. The trapped life essence empowers the Servant.

  • Survivors vaulting a pallet suffer from the hindered effect if they've been cursed.
  • If they are already hindered, they are afflicted with a extra hindered curse.

Timothy's Curse Notes
A detailed list of curses that The Servant had learned. Blood covers the bottom of the page, reminding The Servant of his choices.

  • Guarantees that a cursed hit will apply a advanced curse.
  • Moderately increases the chance to apply a random second advanced curse will be applied.
  • Slightly increases the chance a cursed hit will apply a third curse affliction.
  • Increases the maximum tokens by 2.
  • Moderately increases the time to charge a curse.
    "Okay, if I do that... Then that happens. Perfect!"
    ~Timothy Reveil

Sword Piece
A piece of a shattered sword that tasted the blood of it's kin. The rage within displaces The Servant.

  • You will now begin to passively phase in and out from existence.
  • Your curses now last considerably longer.
  • Randomly gain or lose curse tokens.

Broken Bottle
A broken bottle that was once filled with a mind numbing mixture. The Servant decides to restore it.

  • Curses can now be sent as a fog. The fog will curse those who breath it in.
  • You can now gain up to four tokens.
  • Time to charge a curse is moderately increased.
  • Curses are considerably shorter.

Hatchet Head
A hatchet head belonging to Anna. The Servant gets a brilliant yet insane idea.

  • Curses come from hatchets.
  • Time to charge a curse is moderately increased.
  • You can now gain up to five tokens.
  • Cursed Hatchets have a chance to instantly down survivors hit.

Bloody Knife
A knife borrowed from the Legion. Ideas come to mind.

  • Curses can now be chained inflicted.
  • You can only gain one token.
  • Curses are moderately shorter.
  • Placing a curse on a survivor reveals the other survivors expect for those already cursed.
  • Time to charge a curse is considerably increased.
  • Trumps all other add-on effects.

Entity's Beckoning
The Servant is richly rewarded for his service. He grows ever stronger.

  • Curses last longer.
  • Time to charge for a curse is tremendously decreased.
  • You can earn up to 6 tokens.
  • Your Field of View is moderately larger.

Ultra Rare:

Two eyes
Eyes taken straight from a victim. The life energy trapped within give amazing power.

  • See survivor auras when they are working on objectives while using Mind's Eye.
  • See survivor when they are within 32 meters from you while using Mind's Eye.
  • You cannot move while using Mind's Eye.
  • Trails are not visible.

Grimoire of Curses
A book reverberating with dark magic. Bound by flesh and blood, the book should never see the light of day.

  • Cursed hits guarantees that hit survivors will suffer from two advanced curses.
  • Cursed hits guarantees that hit survivors will suffer from two not yet afflicted curses.
  • Has a chance to apply two weaker versions of curses that were not applied.
  • Curses last considerably longer.
  • Time to charge a curse is considerably shorter.
  • Having max tokens applies the exposed effect on the obsession.
  • Has a chance to create a obsession.
    "This is perfect! No one will make it out unscathed."
    ~Timothy Reveil

Entity's Blessing
The Servant's dedication to the hunt and his master has aroused the Entity's attention. It has decided to bless it's Servant with tremendous power.

  • Curses last tremendously longer.
  • Time to charge for a curse is tremendously decreased.
  • You can earn up to 8 tokens.
  • Your Field of View is Tremendously larger.
  • Removes restrictions of other add-ons.
  • Your terror radius is considerably increased.


The survivor begins to attempt to stand on their own. However Timothy walks over and raises his hands slightly. He will then look like he is muttering something, before the Entity materializes and impales the survivor who has stood up by this time. The survivor's soul will instead be sent toward the Timothy. The body will be gone.



Twisted grin (Default Head)
The grin of a killer who enjoys what he is doing. His sadistic smile sends shivers down one's back.
(Brown hair, orange eyes. His teeth are shown and are white.)

Masked Fiend (Rare)
A metal stylistic lower half face mask. Good for preventing blood from getting in your mouth.
(The mask is engraved and his hair is straightened down.)


Plain Cloak (Default Torso)
A plain blue cloak that covers the entire body. Only opening to allow the use of curses or attacks.
(Blue and fully closed. There is a slight spread at the bottom.)

Warlock's Cloak (Rare)
A cloak reminiscent of a warlock. The hood is pulled down.
(A reddish orange cloak. Has a slight opening at the front end.)


War Axe (Default)
A large axe that has cleaved through many. And much more will fall to that blade.
(The handle is a sturdy hardwood. The axe head is large and made of a unknown silverish metal..)

Warlock Staff (Rare)
The staff makes the wielder seem more dramatic.
(The staff is black and made of strong wood.)

Survivor: A Helping Hand

A altruistic survivor who wants to save as much as he could.

His personal perks are Savior's Dream, Save or Be Saved, and Salvation.


Matthew Reveil was generally well liked. His combat skills might not have earned him much but his healing spells and friendly nature kept him as a person who others could approach easily. As such he was almost never without a friend, but his main concern would come to be his older brother, Timothy Reveil. He first noticed his brother's downfall from a mostly ignored individual to a actively avoided weirdo. And while this had not affected Matthew's own reputation, he still sought to help out his sibling.

It did not matter in the end though. Timothy ended up avoiding even Matthew, whose words continuously fell on ears that refused to listen. So he gathered his determination and continued to try, even as he noticed how helpless the situation was becoming. Time he knew, would not be on his side as one day his brother stormed into the house like a banshee was haunting him. When asked what was wrong his brother refused to speak a word. Matthew had thought, hoped, his brother would stop. But the eldest eventually went back to old habits. And one day just left altogether. Matthew had trailed after his brother hoping to find him, and he did, but by then it was too late.

His brother had done something, and what could Matthew do but follow his brother? The two were not heard from again.

"I had felt a sense of hope rush through me. This was different from the hope of escape from this dreadful place. After searching for a minute I happened across a figure working on the generators. Within him I felt the highest amount of hope. As if sensing my presence he turned to face me, a calm grin plastered on his face. He gave me a wink and continued to work, I don't know who he is, but I have hope he makes it out the trials."
~ Unknown


Savior's Dream:
You dream of a better world where everyone is happy and healthy. You hold onto this dream with a grasp of iron.

  • When all survivors are in the healthy state, you perform action speeds 6/12/18% faster
  • When survivors are not in the healthy state, you perform altruistic actions 25/50/75% faster.
  • Injured survivors can see your aura at a 0/75/128 meter range
  • Gain 25/50/75% more Bonus Bloodpoints in the Altruism category.
    "My brother had once told me dreams won't take me anywhere. But it was my dreams which led me to save you."
    ~Matthew Reveil

Keep Going:
Despite all the pain, you will find it in yourself to keep going.

  • When you are put into the injured state, you gain a token.
  • Each token used decreases your bleeding frequency slightly/moderately/considerably, and decreases/decreases/prevents scratch marks for five seconds.
  • Use the activate ability to spend a token.
  • You can get up to 2/3/4 tokens.
    "Practice was hell, but hey, if you keep going you'll get past anything!"
    ~Matthew Reveil

You are motivated when escape is in your grasp. This feeling is contagious and spreads to other survivors still left in the trial.

  • Everytime a generator is completed, you gain a 1% haste increase.
  • When there is 1/2/3 or less generators remaining, you get a 5/10/15% increase to all actions except generators.
  • (Tier Three Only) If you are down at the time the last generator is completed, you are put into the injured state.
    "Salvation is just a few minutes away. I believe in us."
    Matthew Reveil



Charming Grin (Default Head)
Go on our child, let the world see your bright grin!
(The default head will always have his default torso and bloody torso to have the hood up. His eyes are orange and his grin is soft.)

Bad Hair Day (Rare Head)
Waking up in the mornings could be hell. Never leave home without fixing that up!
(Brown messy hair that reaches down to the cheek. His eyes are orange and he keeps his grin.)


Matthew's Standard Grays (Default Torso)
A gray hood works well with many types of pants. This hood was well worn and well maintained.
(Gray hood with a patch oddly resembling the Altruism Symbol on the chest. Matthew wears black fingerless gloves)

Morning Pajama Shirt (Rare Torso)
Matthew was not ready to wake up today.
(A black shirt with a angel depicted on the front and a gate depicted on the back.)


Matthew's Day Out Jeans (Default Leggings)
Jeans fit for running and cowering in a locker.
(Blue colored jeans)

Morning Pajama Pants (Rare Leggings)
For when you can't be bothered to wear shoes.
(Black pants with gray socks. The pants are soft to the touch.)

Realm: Grinning Brother's Neighborhood


Folklore Street- The street in which two brothers grew up in. In what once was a thriving community, only horror and screams fill the empty space.

School of Magic- A now empty school with a large parking space nearby. Where there was once hope, now lies despair.

Hey guys, I hope you've taken the time to look this over. Timothy and Matthew are two people I've had ideas on for a while. I hope you can give me back feed back on where I did well and where I need to fix and tweak these two in whatever you deem it necessary. Bare in mind I have drew these two but my art is... Pitiful. So I will not share them here.

Anyways if you have questions about these two as well please do ask me. Also let me tell you the lore of where they come from. So you understand the magic bizz.

Timothy and Matthew come from a universe where magic exists, that same universe also coincides with our own universe. So whatever happens here happens in their world. Evan's story is still the same in the magical world as here so that would explain why Evan wouldn't have magical powers.

Myers, Freddy, and all the licensed characters existed in this magical world but had no magic of their own. As only some of the population (however enough so that it'd be considered normal) would be able to wield this magic. Matthew would have specialized in healing magic while Timothy focused on curses. It was his obsession with the dark side of magic that led him to be outcasted.

Edited as of 1/30/19 to include entries based on first encounters and realm/maps.

Post edited by Shad03 on


  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564
    I really like the ability. I assume his terror radius would be 32m. Maybe need to clarify what curses they will be. I don't know how strong he is, hard to know.

    Eye For Death I was about to say op it was until I saw the ability to recover from dying state. I would say the range is still a bit big in my opinion but cool idea. Maybe max 48 metres just because it would be too strong with Insta down killers.

    Hex: Hunter's Plaything needs a bit of clarity because I believe if you hit a survivor it ends the chase. Would be very strong on Legion though I think. I also think the obsession should be chosen after the first token is gained, so they know the totem is active.

    Damnation wouldn't be fair. Coupled with Remember Me it would be horrible, potentially 60 seconds. What actions would this affect? If healing then it'd be horrible with clowns healing perk. Personally would like it changed.

    Savior's Dream is really strong if repairs are included. If all 4 survivors run this perk it'd be too strong. Even if 2 survivors run this perk its too strong.
    Save or Be Saved is too strong. No need for borrowed time I believe. I would hate having this used against me.Salvation again all depends on if it affects repairs. I also feel it has to many similar things to your other perk. Having 2 perks that affect healing and other actions is a bit much.I am a survivor main by the way so I hope you understand that even as a survivor I could see how strong some perks are. I hope my feedback was helpful. Good work on the idea.
  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @CashelP14 Thank you for your comment. I appreciate it and this is why I posted my idea here, so I could get a criticism of what I may have did wrong. The survivor perks, now that you have pointed it out, I agree are a bit too strong. I may or may not double down on Save or Be Saved, since paired with Borrowed Time it would completely ruin campers, and tunnelers (okay, maybe it's too powerful, but it could save lives.) I will address your points as you've made them from here on out.

    • His Terror Radius is 32 meters. Curses would be the afflictions like Mangled and the such. So one hit from a normal Curse attack would have a random chance of applying any random debilitating effect (Except for things like Broken or Exposed).
    • Yeah, I'll change the range. That or I'll change the conditions needed for range, maybe a combo of both ideas (Having the range reduced while also having a condition for it).
    • If you hit a survivor it just resets your bloodlust. I'd imagine this perk would be a new meta for Wraith players since the Wraith can just end chases by going invisible. Now having it activate after the first token is gained, while as a killer main I would like that, but as a player I feel it would be fair being able to take it out from the get go. (-sniff sniff- Devour Hope -sniff-)
    • The idea for Damnation was exactly for that, Damning everyone. However I had forgotten to put in something to keep such things in check. I swear to the Entity I had put something that would prevent afflictions like that from stacking. I will put that in when I get the chance to. Shouldn't be long. Damnation USED to be a Hex Perk, but has been changed to something that will make Survivors afraid. Assuming they don't T-Bag the killer at the gate after they had 360'd the same killer to oblivion.
    • If all survivors run this perk, it'd be negated hard if someone were to run No Mither, as the increased action speeds REQUIRES everyone to be uninjured. Otherwise you just perform altruistic actions faster and nothing else.
    • I've already mentioned SoBS, but I will say some of the abilities are only tier three for a reason. And the more powerful effects are only applied on your LAST hook. So if you were already in the second phase and you were saved, or the other way around if you saved someone with the perk, you'd get the effects. As it is, if someone was running borrowed time, then paired with this perk it'd be like the old BT, where it gave the savior and the saved the endurance effect.
    • The point for Matthew is that he is centered around Hope and Altruism, so his perks would reflect his desire to save people. Salvation would activate once the conditions are met, much like Freddy's Fire Up.

    Killer Main here, I'm glad you gave me your feedback regarding my idea. I found your feedback to be very helpful and changes will be made when I find the time, which should be soon. Check back time to time if you have the chance, and see if you like the changes I would make.

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143
    Nice chapter you should check out mine called Join the Murder
  • Mrrgle_the_Mediocre
    Mrrgle_the_Mediocre Member Posts: 346

    I wasn't too intrigued by the killer or Survivor themselves, but the 4th wall breaking of having add-ons relating to other killers and past trials is really cool.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @Mrrgle_the_Mediocre said:
    I wasn't too intrigued by the killer or Survivor themselves, but the 4th wall breaking of having add-ons relating to other killers and past trials is really cool.

    Lel. It isn't specifically fourth wall breaking, there is a lore related reason as to why he would be able to collect these add-ons.

  • Mrrgle_the_Mediocre
    Mrrgle_the_Mediocre Member Posts: 346

    @Shad03 said:

    @Mrrgle_the_Mediocre said:
    I wasn't too intrigued by the killer or Survivor themselves, but the 4th wall breaking of having add-ons relating to other killers and past trials is really cool.

    Lel. It isn't specifically fourth wall breaking, there is a lore related reason as to why he would be able to collect these add-ons.

    Well, you know what I mean. It's not something any one else has been noted as doing and isn't really even hinted at in the lore, though with everything we know it could be possible. So I guess it'd be more like... 3rd wall breaking. Which isn't a thing. But you get the implication.

    Though it is a seriously good idea and now I want to make a killer with a similar scavenging theme. Everything else would be completely thematically different, I just adore that specific idea so much. I didn't want to be one of those people that just snatch an entire idea as my own so I figured I would ask first.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    Eye for Death: its just like BBQ why tho
    Hex: Hunter's Plaything:devour hope v2.0 kinda cool tho
    Damnation: dying light v2.0 but op its powerful tho if the survivor its the obssesion needs to have something similar like dying light but better

    and all the perks of survivors just awesome

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @Mrrgle_the_Mediocre said:

    @Shad03 said:

    @Mrrgle_the_Mediocre said:
    I wasn't too intrigued by the killer or Survivor themselves, but the 4th wall breaking of having add-ons relating to other killers and past trials is really cool.

    Lel. It isn't specifically fourth wall breaking, there is a lore related reason as to why he would be able to collect these add-ons.

    Well, you know what I mean. It's not something any one else has been noted as doing and isn't really even hinted at in the lore, though with everything we know it could be possible. So I guess it'd be more like... 3rd wall breaking. Which isn't a thing. But you get the implication.

    Though it is a seriously good idea and now I want to make a killer with a similar scavenging theme. Everything else would be completely thematically different, I just adore that specific idea so much. I didn't want to be one of those people that just snatch an entire idea as my own so I figured I would ask first.

    If you got a idea then go for it :D I'm happy to give inspiration.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @Tru3Lemon said:
    Eye for Death: its just like BBQ why tho
    Hex: Hunter's Plaything:devour hope v2.0 kinda cool tho
    Damnation: dying light v2.0 but op its powerful tho if the survivor its the obssesion needs to have something similar like dying light but better

    and all the perks of survivors just awesome

    1) Eh, it does something a bit different and trust me, it was a lot more overpowered until someone pointed it out. So count your blessings.
    2) Thanks, though it only let's you mori a single survivor (obsession), and token gains are gained differently.
    3) The whole point is that you are damned once the obsession is dead. I might give the obsession some kind of bonus but I'll have to figure out what. Besides, the effects do not stack with other perks. So equipping Dying Light would be useless as Damnation has the better action speed cost.

  • Toxicity23
    Toxicity23 Member Posts: 387

    "Save or Be Saved" might become the new Borrowed Time. However, you can negate this by making this ONLY activate on a SAFE unhook.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @Toxicity23 said:
    "Save or Be Saved" might become the new Borrowed Time. However, you can negate this by making this ONLY activate on a SAFE unhook.

    I assume you mean for the savior effect, so as I've said it gives it to the savior. So it doesn't make much sense if you save someone running this perk, go down, get the safe hook, and then get enduring while you are bleeding out or get put on the hook.

    It already has the requirement that the saved person MUST be on the second phase. My response to CashelP14 explains this:

    • I've already mentioned SoBS, but I will say some of the abilities are only tier three for a reason. And the more powerful effects are only applied on your LAST hook. So if you were already in the second phase and you were saved, or the other way around if you saved someone with the perk, you'd get the effects. As it is, if someone was running borrowed time, then paired with this perk it'd be like the old BT, where it gave the savior and the saved the endurance effect.
  • Mockingbird_X
    Mockingbird_X Member Posts: 44

    You weren't kidding - these are very detailed ideas.
    I'm loving how you're playing off other killers, but I'm not sure what the Hatchet Heads do? Do they allow you to actually get a ranged attack? That's kind of ... too much I think.
    I'm also having trouble understanding what is an "advanced curse" is.

    The issues I see with power is that it's random. It doesn't guarantee you anything really. Randomness means you will probably get things you don't want in a certain situation: like getting blind or hemorrhage on a looping survivor - both are kinda useless at that moment.

    Basically, the power is very situational, and doesn't provide enough control, I think.

    As for the perks - the issue I have is that your perks do A LOT: each one of them has multiple effects, which should be a rarity rather than a rule. And survivor perks are borderline godlike, each one containing enough effects for three comarable in-game perks.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @Mockingbird_X said:
    You weren't kidding - these are very detailed ideas.
    I'm loving how you're playing off other killers, but I'm not sure what the Hatchet Heads do? Do they allow you to actually get a ranged attack? That's kind of ... too much I think.
    I'm also having trouble understanding what is an "advanced curse" is.

    The issues I see with power is that it's random. It doesn't guarantee you anything really. Randomness means you will probably get things you don't want in a certain situation: like getting blind or hemorrhage on a looping survivor - both are kinda useless at that moment.

    Basically, the power is very situational, and doesn't provide enough control, I think.

    As for the perks - the issue I have is that your perks do A LOT: each one of them has multiple effects, which should be a rarity rather than a rule. And survivor perks are borderline godlike, each one containing enough effects for three comarable in-game perks.

    Yes, hatchets give him a ranged attack now, however he still needs to charge to gain a token AND he suffers from what the Huntress has to suffer. Bad hitboxes and occasional aim.
    Advanced curses just have things like extra time or stronger effects.

    Yeah, but then curses in real life generally don't mean anything either. But that's why I made one or two add ons that have a increased chance of causing something else.

    The power is slightly situational, but you never know when it could pay off.

    As with everything, balance. The killer perks are powerful because they have some level of counter play. Eye for Death allows the slugged victim to pick themselves up when in the terror radius. Hex: Hunter's Plaything is... Well a hex perk. And Damnation does not stack with other perks that do the same thing. Survivor perks are powerful, but have their own things. Saviors dream requires everyone to be healthy to benefit from faster general speed, Save or Be Saved is under revision, and Salvation is probably gonna go under revision.

    Thank you for feedback.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    Changed Matthew's 'Save or be Saved' and turned it into 'Keep Going' with new effects.

    Changed the effects of 'Salvation'.

    Changed the effects of The Servant's 'Damnation' perk.

    Added two new add ons: 'Carter's Notes' and 'Incense Burner'.

    Let me know what you think.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    I will say that I have wanted a warlock/dark arts type killer that has some type of cursing power just seems like an interesting concept to me.