Fellow Nemesis players, help!

ARTRA Member Posts: 888
edited March 2023 in General Discussions

Hi there fellow Nemis, i have some doubts about zombie detection noises.

Y saw in wiki perks that works with them, i have been using discordance for years now.

But what about Call of brine? I dont have sadako so i dont know.

Also what about thwak from SM survs scream do zombies detect those?

What about the new scream radious? Did someone tested with this?

Any help is welcome or perk that is not listed in the wiki that should work with zombies good to know.


  • Bedslamb
    Bedslamb Member Posts: 70

    CoB should work ( though seems variable ) , as should screams & missed skill checks

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,280

    Anything that creates the same effect as a loud noise notif as a gen will alert a Zombie

    From the top of my head those are: Failed Skill Checks on Gens/Heals, Sabotaging Hooks, Fast Vaulting, Throwing a Pallet, Quickly Jumping in/out of a Locker and Unhooks. Certain Survivor perks can also alert the zombies, such as Red Herring, Diversion, and Deception. As for killer perks, I believe only Discordance works

    Perks that have the sound of a loud noise notif, but not the generic bubble, will not alert Zombies. These are perks like Spies From the Shadows, Tinkerer, and of course Call of Brine

    Everything is from my own observation, I will gladly be corrected