I feel like I have been robbed by behaviour

On 7th march I had purchased a 4025 cell pack but instead of receiving my cells I received this
Since I got a receipt notifying me I was charged.i restarted my game multiple times but I still didn't receive my cells. I even spent money on the cheapest cell pack to try replicate the issue to see if it was actually a Xbox issue but when I did make that purchase it was fine and I received my 500 cells.
Imediately I got on to customer support and after 6 days of trying to resolve the issue. It took 6 days because they would take 6 hours to reply during the emails. They said that they aren't resolving my issue as they don't do refunds I corrected them saying I did not want a refund just the cells which I was missing they still refused. I had tried to contact Xbox support for a refund after that point but my refund was denied.
I know it's been over a week now but I really want my cells which i originally purchased since I have been charged it is safe to say that behavior received my money from the original purchase I would very much like my cells.
What can I do from here because its really peeing me off that behavior haven't done anything about this and I don't want other people to go though what I did. So I feel it best to tell what happened to me. For others peoples sake.