Is anyone else dealing with this lately?

I’ve been playing for probably two years and always had fun, I mean sure I would get your occasional crap matches and everything but it was relatively good. But over the last like few weeks I feel like I NEVER have a good game, like people letting me die first hook SO often and just like other survivors not helping at all and just hiding, ect. I’ve literally died first hook like 20 times over the last few days and that never used to happen. Ill get body blocked by a survivor who hasn’t done a thing all match. I thought maybe once the grades reset on the 13th it would help, but no😂 maybe I just have some bad luck or something getting matched with these people


  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    Probably bad luck... But it's more like where you live and time of day you play

    Maybe take a break from playing the game... Like a day or two then come back

  • MikeyBoi
    MikeyBoi Member Posts: 544

    I think your issue has something to do with inexperience on your teams end and the killers end. If the killer is camping hooks because they are too scared to leave and are afraid they might not down anyone else if they leave then there’s not much you can do, because currently if the killer is camping you while hooked and you are solo queue your team in order to get you off the hook safely will either have to bait out a hit while fake pulling you off the hook so they don’t get grabbed trying to unhook you , get hit and trade with you or have another survivor body block the other survivor that’s unhooking you so nobody will go down while trying to get you off the hook. Having survivor teammates try to do what I just said while solo queue is like getting struck by lightning…

    Thats why I hate perks like STBFL, it’s a cringy crutch perk that screams don’t leave the hook if you have 6+ stacks, I wish the devs would nerf/rework that perk into something else. If it’s a leatherface you might aswell try and attempt to unhook yourself and go next..

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,408

    are you playing in EU servers? Because, in that case yes, I've noticed the same and stopped playing lol.