My thoughts on Merchant changes

Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

As someone who’s mained merchant since her release I felt like I should post my thoughts about her changes

Firstly is the Claw traps. This change is pretty good overall and gives some actually threat in disarming a drone. Extra haste per claw trap is going to be very strong in a chase especially combined with the pallet add-on becoming base kit. Merchant will now have decent chase potential and a way to somewhat mitigate holding W if enough traps are active

Her drones being disabled until claw traps run out is another good change. It nerfs her 3 gen potential while leaving her chase since you’ll be recalling the same 1-2 drones during chase each time they leave a loop. Never liked her 3 gen ability and this will allow survivors breathing room when they hack drones

My only complaint is that her stealth is still pretty weak. The lingering undetectable should be buffed a bit more I’d say. Otherwise these are great changes that’ll make her much more fun to play as
