How i would change Dying Light

Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976
edited March 2023 in General Discussions

So imo Dying Light is one of the worst if not the worst perks in the game. Here's how i personally would change to not only make it better but healthier too

Dying Light

Everytime you hook a survivor they gain a stackable 8/9/10% decrease in repair, healing and sabotaging action speed

This penalty does not take affect while within 8m of the obsession

For reference 10% penalty makes the gen time 100 seconds and 20% penalty 112.5 seconds.

My reasoning behind these changes is first that this is a fairly strong slowdown affect but to take advantage of it you need to spread hooks. It would be a perk that discourages tunneling

Second the counterplay to it is opposite what you usually want to do, do you group up to counter this perk but allow the killer to harras you both when they come or do you deal with the penalty and still do the optimal strat of splitting up? Imo it makes it interresting by giving you choises

Third it's a lot more simple while i think still keeps the theme this perk was going for the same

I'm not trying to make a new meta perk here but rather a decent perk that people who want to spread hooks could use, i know it's not better then most of the meta we have now but that isn't what i'm trying to do.

What do you think? Is it better? Worse? Would you use it? Let me know what you think!


  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    I mean yea... I would use it just so I get a feel for what it does good and what it's bad at

  • ironblade
    ironblade Member Posts: 270

    If these changes were to go live then dying light might actually become living light.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I think it's better (can't really argue that it's worse), and perks that make survivors aware of each other's presence are fun, but the numbers are too high. That's just my opinion though.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I went for pretty high numbers as it does push you in a ineffective playstyle

    For reference gift of pain gives you a 16% penalty if you heal after a unhook.

    That said it's mostly a concept, numbers could change

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,223

    It's definitely better than the current one especially since it doesn't buff the obsession. Numbers might be a little high but I'm not sure. I do like the concept because it incentivizes healthy gameplay so maybe it's fine being a bit strong.

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    On its own it's fine but could be very painful combod with things. Pentimento + dying light + gift of pain sounds very annoying. Perhaps giving it a duration in some form like if injured it remains indefinitely but if healed by a non obsession the effects linger for 60 seconds and if the obsession heals anywhere from instantly removing the debuff to making it last 30 seconds.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    edited March 2023

    I mean... plenty of people do very well while spreading hooks, so it's not like it'd be going too much out of normal gameplay, or like killers would be inflicting themselves with a dramatic handicap. At higher mmr maybe, but in lower and mid where you can get 4ks by sneezing a little too hard on survivors, it would raise killrates by a lot. (Exaggeration for dramatic effect)

    Gift of Pain is from 4 select scourge hooks on the map, not every hook. By comparison, 10% / 20% would be like an inescapable 4 stack Thana that can't be gotten rid of the later in the game you get.

    The reason early 3v1 are so punishing is precisely that those last gens are extremely hard to pop when killer deals pressure, especially since 90s gens. That's even the reason why people think on how to compensate losing teammates early to not make escaping impossible.

    A 3gen with this perk would be impossible to break. But more than that, when you have a few last gens to do, doing them without spreading out is exposing the team to losing all progress if killer comes to this one gen. Considering the natural efficiency debuff of 15% per survivor on a gen, it'd be a win win on the killer side : either 20% speed debuff alone or 15% speed debuff and only one presssure point.

    I get wanting an incentive to spread out hooks, but it's a moot point if gens take eons to pop and make reaching endgame extremely hard, all that by having killer play naturally.

    It could also incentive survivors to stealth instead of taking agro and sharing pressure, because their teammate having a debuff makes them less valuable as a gen jockey.

    That's why I'm skeptical.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    I like the idea a lot, just a couple changes.

    Should effect the obsession as well and you didn’t mention it but it shouldn’t go away if the obsession dies but just freeze where it’s at.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Dying Light is a stupid perk because it buffs one survivor.

    Imagine if taking Dead Hard buffed the killer with 1% movement (stackable).

    You want to buff Dying Light? It's very simple.

    1) Every time you hook a survivor that was not the last survivor hooked give all survivors a 4% stackable debuff on healing, generators, totems, chests and doors.

    2) The player that begins the trial as the obsession plays the trial broken.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Yeah that's fair, like i said it's more the concept numbers don't need to be set in stone.

    You could even say like 8% for the first hook and 4% for the second for a total of 12% to really incentivise first hooks

    I feel like that would probably be a bit too weak but it is true that you need to keep all skill ranges in mind

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    Sounds more reasonable to me !

    Or maybe make it a long timer ? Like, for the next 120s after being unhooked, you get the efficiency debuff unless near a teammate? That way it can have a reasonably higher number (10% on first hook and 10%+5% on second hook sounds okay to me on these conditions) and will not last forever.

    Food for thought !

  • Yippiekiyah
    Yippiekiyah Member Posts: 508

    Dying Light can be ok in some builds. What makes it unappealing is the massive buff to the obsession right from the start of the game. Maybe they should change it that the obsession gets a 3% increase to healing and unhooking every time a non obsession gets hooked that way the healing buff is more mild.