Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Meta shift complaining..why?

DBD78 Member Posts: 3,476

So more or less everyone was tired of the same meta with DS and such and we asked for meta shifts. The only way to get that is nerfing the strongest perks on both sides now and again and still we see many people upset on both sides with the strongest perks nerfed, like we all forget that we wanted this?

The general complaints about the direction the game is going it's fine don't get me wrong. But strongest perks being nerfed and weak perks being buffed it has to be good overall? To keep the game from going stale. I like not having to just slap on DH all the time knowing it's too good to take out from a build. It keeps the game fresh.


  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,537
    edited March 2023

    I personally just find it distasteful for BHVR to continue to nerf Billy despite them already having the deal with awful map designs; it just feels weird to make a joke about nerfing Pig but continuing to destroy a Killer like Billy.

    Personally, I dont mind the healing changes, I dont mind the perk/meta changes, what I do mind is my Doom Engravings and Death Engravings being touched and my hundreds/thousands of hours of practice being wasted.

  • Pukenplag
    Pukenplag Member Posts: 1,454

    I will voice my honest opinion. People don't want meta shifts, and it's for a good reason. The game's been the same for so long, that we've gotten used to things. The nerfs BHVR provides are not really nerfs; rather they are just straight up removal of content from the game. DBD isn't the type of game where balance changes are constantly made. Heck, our update cycle is a once in a blue moon releases. This makes people unused to meta shifts and clearly unhappy.

    Want to know what the meta will shift to? Gen rushing (no more healing, while CoB and PR are nerfed), while solo q will become unbearable since solos will panick when healing won't be an option anymore.

    ARTRA Member Posts: 939

    Meta shift is nice.

    But some killer changes are weird.

    Billy? What are you doing.

    PHead, here enjoy this egg.

    Oni take just what you wanted 0.1 more when gathering tomatoes.

    Like yeah those are buffs but means nothing.

    PHead needs an addon pass not an egg xD.

    Happy for Wraith enjoyers good for you all.

    Dont know if CoB and Over are toooo nerfed, now both together dont reach 200.

    2 perks for a 50% extra kick regression is rought.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,434

    "Virtually nothing left" lmao

    I haven't run meta perks for months.

    I never run CoH, DH, Eruption, CoB, Overcharge or Pain Res.

    Somehow, I still manage to play the game. It doesn't blow up my ps5, it doesn't cause me to break out in hives, it doesn't kill my mother.

    Stop being meta slaves, and maybe balance changes won't cause you all to lose your minds.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    People like me are immune to meta shifts we've all been here for thousands of hours and we're all getting tired of BHVR lying, what happened to new game modes that were supposed to be developed 4 years ago? You mean to tell me that you're still happy with this boring #########? It's too cut and dry now with the way everything is, you can't have a chill game and meme around because this braindead community thinks it's "toxic" BUT when you sweat and win you're a "toxic try hard who needs to touch grass" not only that but some people literally hide all game still even years later and then you have people who think face camping is fun when they just stand there wasting your time, and don't try playing any killer that takes skill because once you're good with them 1 survivor DCs out of every match due to entitlement refusal to play, these survivors nowadays dc unless you the worst killer in the game with a meme build it's honestly a joke how out of touch the devs are they take anything fun for either side out and it's slowly just gotten more and more stale to the point if you play any other game and I really mean ANY other game you will have more fun than you will on this joke of a game

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,860

    People just like to hate on the devs (in general, not only BHVR) - and especially certain Content Creators like to rile up the community against them even when they supposedly give positive feedback they are throwing in some shade.

    plenty of the things in this dev update have been asked for for a while - especially the hit-and-run playstyle to make a comeback. But now it’s genrush that will be a problem? This is a great example of lose-lose situation for BHVR.

    also - it’s a PTB and some changes might not make it to live at all and some might be intentionally be too much to see the impact but are never meant to make it to live to begin with (hopefully basekit healing time is amongst these).

    overall, them trying to bring more minor changes to various killers in midchapters is huge and doesn’t get enough praise! Sure Billy didn’t deserve the nerfs to his best addons without significant compensation - but again, maybe this doesn’t make it into live and he might get minor changes/buffs this midchapter or on the following.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    I've always stuck up for the devs until now, how about if I put it like this so people in your mindset will understand, years ago we were given a survey about the game and it inquired about new game modes and new features like forge modes and 2v8 and all that jazz on top of the bot practice matches, the former devs that have all quit now acknowledged the community responded better than they expected and they DID plan on implementing them in the future but never would give a date on when it would happen ya know classic BHVR stuff, and now years later the game is completely watered down to a cut and dry playstyle where you're holding m1 the whole game as a survivor if you're trying to win and as a killer your sweating if you wanna win in a really boring playstyle though that gets old fast, I've wasted over 12,000 hours on this game and plenty of money for it to be in a worse state without the game modes we were told we would get years ago to help this game thrive with variety and they've somehow managed to make it not as fun due to killer designs and general gameplay mechanics that sometimes result in stalemates with 40 minute matches

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited March 2023

    My issue is that BHVR haven't seemed to actually have listened to what people want in some ways (they're great at implementing accessibility - I personally love the press rather than hold feature and I'll certainly be using the visual TR option. I'm really glad to see that brought over from the Mobile version: look behind button next please). But rather, do something completely wildcard instead.

    For example, as a survior main I have no issues with, nor have I seen any complaining about, Overcharge and CoB in their original state for some time now. Yes they allow fast regression but that's their Job and they now work fairly. The issue was the holy trinity of Erutption+CoB+Overcharge; it was the incapacitated effect that Eruption offered which made CoB and Overcharge feel oppressive because for the amount of time it took for the effect to wear off, the gen could have almost completely regressed from full. By nerfing Eruption, CoB and Overcharge got a nerf by proxy. They didn't need further nerfs, imo.

    What did need addressing was the emerging 3 gen meta and surprise surprise there hasn't even been a whisper about that despite a clear and concerted effort on BHVRs part to make 3 gens spawn together on nearly every map that killers like Knight and Merchant can too easily defend from the off. The pretence of a 'gen rush' focus from this patch is not going to help fix that, btw.

    Similarly CoH hasn't been nerfed; it's been completely changed to the point of it not being a viable perk anymore. Why bother with it when bringing in a medpack, which will be far easier with the bloodweb changes, plus built to last or We'll make it Will now be FAR more efficient? This isn't the win killers who dislike CoH think it is. Despite the popularity of CoH many killers get 8 hooks and 2-4 kills. Many killers here, the vast majority in fact, have mainly been calling for CoH to simply not stack with med packs, but rather than respond to that measured approach they went nuclear with it.

    I would like to think this is a very balanced example of why some people respond negatively to these types of major meta shake ups.

  • GingerBeard
    GingerBeard Member Posts: 273

    I like seeing change as it keeps me interested, so i'm looking forward to it.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Thing is a lot of perks are conciddert weak not because they are weak but because they are outshined by others.

    There are quite a bit of chase perks for example that are pretty decent but they could never hold up against regression.

    Now that hits are going to mean a lot more and regression isn't as clearly the way to go maybe this is the time we can finally move away from the gen slowdown or bust meta

    I'm intrested to see what happens. I don't think it's going to be as gloom and doom as everyone seems to be predicting. I feel like it's going to make a lot faster paced gameplay for both sides

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,860

    We were never explicitly promised that new game modes will come? Also the former devs didn’t all quit, and they wouldn’t have announced stuff that the team was against, this game is developed by teams and not some individuals.

    survivors having to hold M1 the whole game is nothing new at all.

    or killers having to sweat.

    this is also only fitting for matches where both sides play efficiently and ignored the vast majority of casual matches.

    and plenty of the changes we have gotten are community wishes or suggestions etc. I do not agree with all of their changes at all and have asked for new survivor objectives etc pp often and given my fair share of negative criticism. But many people just complain no matter what and never acknowledge the good parts.

    Maybe after 12K hours you are just burnt out and need to take a significant break, get some distance. I doubt you really would ‚waste‘ that many hours if you didn’t have fun though?

    (Btw i still have my hopes up for new game mode/s being announced in the anniversary stream, but the game has had way more important stuff that needed to be addressed before)

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,476

    Yes I agree this is what we miss. Nerfing strongest perks is very good but last time we got new strong perks from earlier weak perks. We should have seen like four weak perks never used on both sides buffed to top 10 strongest perks.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    When people say they want a Meta shift, what they mean is they want THEIR stuff left alone and the OTHER side's stuff nerfed to oblivion.

  • VideoGameMage
    VideoGameMage Member Posts: 358

    I don't understand why people don't get this. This midchapter nerfs a lot of things, including a lot of meta perks and didn't even give us any perk buffs to lessen the blow.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,434
    edited March 2023

    Then you haven't been paying attention. These are all things that have been consistently complained about, and evidenced as issues with game balance, for some time. This demonstrates without a shadow of a doubt that they are listening. Well, everything except the Billy changes which doesn't appear to benefit anyone and was only done to make their graphs for add-on usage look neater.

    Overcharge and CoB have been THE BIGGEST GRIPES for survivors for months. While the spotlight was mostly on Eruption, the meta combo of those three perks was the cause of permanent and unbreakable 3-gen holds, particularly for Knight, and now Skull merchant as well. They're far more powerful than other regression perks, and combining them together only makes them stronger. They definitely needed nerfs, and when they were buffed in 6.1 it was pretty bewildering. This was the main point of contention for "trading one meta for another" as Ruin and Pop were over-nerfed, while Eruption/CoB/Overcharge are over-buffed.

    CoH has needed a rework since it's original inception, and successive nerfs to it's healing speed have been inconsequential against the core mechanisms that this perk provides. Remember, there was a time before CoH, when survivors weren't significantly worse-off, when perks like Inner Strength were meta. Inner Strength, which gives you one heal in exchange for one totem, let alone unlimited heals that doesn't even consume the totem. CoH single-handedly overturned the healing landscape for the game, deleting hit-and-run playstyles for killers, which disproportionately hurts the weaker M1 killers and completely changed the game for the worst, as it forces these killers to resort to desperate tactics like tunnelling and camping. It was the Pandora's box that has finally, FINALLY been closed.

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    Because the meta shake ups aren't exactly a shake up. It's trading 1 meta perk for a slight weaker one in the same concept. (DS for OTR in 2nd chance, Pop/Ruin for CoB and Overcharge).

    The meta is simply exchanging perks to supplement the same concepts but slightly weaker.

  • DudelPuma
    DudelPuma Member Posts: 329

    everything is fine but bhvr he kills the perks, but that wouldn't be bad if, for example, with the death of DH, the Nurse, Blight players are almost not outplayable, a Nurse who tunnels, you can't do anything about that and much more , but you can endure all that, which is very bad and stupid, if bhvr really brings it in then count the days of dbd until it really dies, I hate statements like that, but here it definitely applies when bhvr heals from 16 to 24 increased is far too exaggerated, small spoiler, understandably, many will not want to play survivor anymore, because there are certain perks and addons that increase the healing time even more, healing simulaitor without almost any escapes, btw that's also the statement by Fog Whisperer "The game will die when that comes in (24sec heal) and you can definitely agree with that

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,003

    Let's put it this way: you want a new car, your old one barely functions and you ask me to get you a new one.

    I show up with a brand new version of your existing car, but I filled the back seat with dirt, there's a dead skunk in the trunk, and ran I over your dog bringing it to you. Why are you upset? You have the new car you asked for...