Healing Regression Meta

leowt Member Posts: 44

I predict that there will be a healing regression meta that will be way more oppressive than any meta we've ever had.

This will be enabled with the Hemorrhage status remaining as it is, all heals in general being lengthened to 24 seconds and the loss of Boon COH.

Having 20+ seconds worth of healing progress on your teammate be instantly wiped out in a manner of seconds due to the killer harassing you out of your heal is going to be so painful. Very few gen slowdown perks in the game's history can buy the killer that amount of slowdown.

Camping will be buffed because survivors need to heal up before going for the save. With Mangled and Hemorrhage, the window of time to go for a safe unhook is significantly tightened and trading becomes much more necessary. As a killer, if I see multiple people injured and I have someone on hook, I basically know the most profitable thing to do is to proxy camp the hook while survivors reset, and I will still get free hits or a free trade.

Tunneling will be buffed because survivors cannot afford to take hits to protect the survivor being tunneled because each hit will give significant amounts of free slowdown to the killer. Shouldn't the game be designed to encourage altruistic plays? Survivors will just stick on gens while someone gets tunneled out, and this will become the optimal play.

The reason why I know where these healing changes lead is that I have never lost a game as Wraith with Sloppy Butcher and A Nurse's Calling. I have employed the tactics of hit-and-run and took advantage of healing regression to camp and tunnel. And I accomplished this even in the current era of medkits and boons.

I'm really not sure whether the devs have thought through the full implications of increasing all healing times by 50% while keeping other things unchanged. This is a huger change than anything we've ever seen before. 90s gens, 10% faster pallet breaks or 10% faster basic hit cooldown is nothing compared to this fundamental change to the game.

Go ahead and nuke boon COH and medkits, but keep altruistic healing at 16 seconds. If you devs insist on going ahead with the basekit healing change, please rework Hemorrhage.


  • Nirgendwohin
    Nirgendwohin Member Posts: 1,251

    and all on soloQ's back

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,178

    4 Gen slowdowns will stay in meta.

    The base healing time is already bad and not reward compared to doing Gens.

    Putting Heal slowdowns just to ensure Survivors will never heal and only do Gens.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,149

    Guarantee the 24 second healing change won't last. The PTB will show how bad it is.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    I'd like to say it's a bold prediction, but in reality the writing's on the wall.