I saw a lot but that is new.

Veroles Member Posts: 868
edited March 2023 in General Discussions

In my whole gametime i saw a lot cheaters around, but people who can control my character and make me doing things i cant control (as survivor) is something new to me. I had right now a game on"The Game" against myers. There was a Mikaela which could spawn every item and flooded the whole room, opened and closed the exit gate, blinded killer in a millisecond and also manipulated my controls so i did suddenly locker animations and also were stuck in place. So i would be also very suspicious when i would be the killer, i would have thought i cheated. What the hell? Sadly i don't recorded it but did other people also had those experiences?

Added: As i realized the massive cheat i disconnected, because i don't wanted to support that in any way.