
harvan Member Posts: 8
edited March 2023 in General Discussions

Hello everyone,

I have a question regarding the overheat mechanic for Hillbilly. I apologize in advance, but I just can't seem to wrap my head around why this mechanic exists. I have been playing Dead by Daylight for quite some time now, and I still cannot wrap my head around the reasoning behind the overheat mechanic for Hillbilly. Initially, the developers mentioned that it was meant to be a small drawback to misusing the chainsaw and to add depth to the chainsaw's resource management (source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a34dL8xjHQM). However, with the recent dev notes, the gained heat during the sprint has been increased, which has left me wondering - why does this mechanic exist?

I understand that the chainsaw is a powerful tool that can quickly down survivors, but the overheat mechanic seems to limit Hillbilly's potential, making him less viable compared to other killers (Blight, Oni, even Leatherface). It's frustrating to see a mechanic that doesn't add much depth to the gameplay but instead limits the killer's effectiveness.

Moreover, I am also disappointed that Hillbilly's addons are going to be nerfed furthermore. Most of his addons are useless and don't provide any real benefits. The only viable addons are the speed and lopro chains, and even those do not provide a significant advantage in high-rank gameplay. And soon even speed addons will cease to exist.

I would like to know the reasoning behind these decisions made by the developers. Hillbilly is one of the iconic killers in Dead by Daylight, and I believe that he deserves better balancing and more viable addons to choose from. I hope the developers can address these concerns in the future updates and make Hillbilly a more viable and fun killer to play as, not only to be fun to play against.

Thank you for reading.