2.0.0 Downgrades for HillBilly main


A really sad update for hillbilly main. Why? two things. First, theres only 1 Cosmetic set for him and it looks less detailed like the other 2 original killers (wraith and trapper)

Secondly if you guys didnt noticed, the hillbilly's voice is more deeper pitch and its sound odd and weird.

Message to devs: Please revert his voice back to the old days and make more clothing for him.


  • lxjilyfe
    lxjilyfe Member Posts: 6

    need more cosmetics for billy boi plz

  • Vert3x
    Vert3x Member Posts: 125

    Yeah he always lacked of customization.

  • RuneStarr
    RuneStarr Member Posts: 850

    His new voice/sounds are so bad :( It makes me want to start respecting pallets so I don't have to hear it lol.

    On the plus side, Billy crop top cosmetics are alright. Mountain man billy is just not my aesthetic. Hoping for something better for him next chapter.

  • Mr_Jay_Stark
    Mr_Jay_Stark Member Posts: 539
    Is it just me or does he sound like Godzilla? Btw side note doesn’t his new cosmetic make him look like macho man randy savage?