Survivors, how many of you......

MetaBuildSurvivor Member Posts: 61

Survivors, I'm just curious how many of you DC, ######### on hook or otherwise leave the game when facing the 3gen killers like Skull Merchant or the Knight.

Honestly, Just can't bother to play a 60 minutes game, (which is like equal to 3-4 regular matches, without any chases), just a killer that patrol his three gen, and thus feel the need to kill myself on hook..

Survivors, how many of you...... 18 votes

I stay for the entire 1 hour match.
LunarApocYoli1422omgitscawlinWsmith25stonedchoo 5 votes
I kill myself as soon as possible.
MetaBuildSurvivorConfusedSurvivor 2 votes
I Instantly DC.
I wait to see if the killer camps three gens.
NeaKarlssonDimekAnnso_xphilward1953HalloulleHugTheHageatmypeanutWitchOfCraftNightmarefanShmellarWhyjustywhy 11 votes


  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,389
    edited March 2023
    I wait to see if the killer camps three gens.

    I like to play for either "the lolz" or for pips. If i play for the lolz I can usually get one or two laughs out of a skully match - but since I don't pretend to be trying to break the three gen the matches are usually not that long. And if skully (or knighty boy or someone else who's very good at three genning) doesn't three gen, well, then I guess I'll find out soon enough as well.

    If I play for pips I don't expect an escape. So I try to get one gen in the beginning, then get a decent amount of unhooks/heals in --- and then I usually play hide and seek with skully for stealth points (works especially well when I have distortion and they have nowhere to hide) and/or collect a bunch of "escaped chase" score events by barely running into the three gen area and into her.... and then promptly leave again. I do that for nine minutes and since most others aren't in for the long haul either the match is usually over by the thenth minute when everyone picked a gen and just sticks it until they get grabbed. That's usually still a pip so I got what I wanted. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And again; if it's not actually three genning I'll find out soon enough as well.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611
    I wait to see if the killer camps three gens.

    I wouldn't mind a longer game if it just meant a long game, but usually it's associated with the killer not chasing anyone and just patrolling their gens. I never DC or killer myself on hook, but in these cases I will absolutely try to sacrifice myself for the team, aka either try to get the killer's attention or commit to a gen even if it gets me killed.