Huh, So This Is A Thing?
I honestly thought there would be some sort of joke, but it seems like an actual thing, for some reason? I know it is for April Fools but like, what purpose does it actually serve for April Fools?
Honestly, not too sure on how to think about it, but one thing does in fact bother me about this is that Iridescent Shard count is always going to end in 9 or 4 instead of 0 or 5... but it's honestly not even that huge of a deal. Unless that's the idea for the joke?
Am I missing something here?
It will forever bug people who like clean numbers. The evil evil jokesters.
That aside, we think it's just a nice like thing for a.... holiday? hopefully people just enjoy it
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Now they need to eventually let us spend 4 shards.
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Every April Fools, they let us spend 1 Iridescent Shard... until the final year, they just stop and force us to keep our Iridescent Shard count lol.
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I played a while back, when shards were given based on how many minutes you spend in a match, when the system changed i was left with 4 or 9 at the end. After few years of it bugging me, I've decided to ask support if they could round the number down, and they did! (I even got some BPs then)
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I remember that being a thing back in the day.