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Pig Mains, Any Tips?


So before I took a month off of DBD I was a Clown main and getting back into DBD I've gotten really rusty and I've noticed that my play style has completely changed and doesn't suit the Clown atm so I wanted to get into Pig :)

Any tips from those who main her? I love beiung sneaky and I love traps so I think I'll really enjoy her once I get to know her some more.


  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073
    First and foremost, unless you're going to pull the backwards walk thing like a bunch of Legion players seem to be doing, don't expect many if any kills from RBTs.

    Also on that subject, if the last remaining survivor has an active RBT on their head, just go crouch on top of hatch. The number of people that will attempt to shove you off instead of saving themselves is mind numbing.

    Don't bother with any add-ons that give status effects or affect Jigsaw Box skill checks. Not worth your time.

    Combat straps are broken in a good way. While it states it only SLIGHTLY increases the speed of a crouch it literally cuts the time in half.

    Amanda's Letter is not junk, it's the same thing as a Scratched Mirror for Myers: ie VERY map dependent.

    Do not be afraid if you get a big map because they have the potential to keep the RBT wearers off of gens for that much longer since there are more boxes and generally more spread out. It's also on these bigger maps you'll see the most RBT related deaths.

    Do not blow through all your RBTs right off. Try to keep it to one to two survivors at a time. If it looks like you're getting gen rushed, try and save some for the end since they can not leave if they're wearing one except through hatch.

    Some people specifically target RBT wearers right off the hook but that's not a good strategy as far as I'm concerned since you've removed that individual from working on generators for the duration they wear one. It CAN work as a strategy but only so far as any ordinary camping/tunneling strategy can work in that if the survivors stop being altruistic, you're screwed.
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Not a Pig main but I play a solid Pig.

    Best add-on combos:
    1) Video Tape/Combat Straps - Let's you use ambush to mind game at most pallets/loops. Also let's you play more stealthy more of the time. Generally the top choice because it's cheap and gives you the most options.
    2) Tampered Timer/Annotated Plan (purple) - This is if you want trap kills. 5 boxes, 2 minute timer. Survivors need to be very optimal in their pathing or get very lucky and get the trap off on the first or second one. My friend and I tested, if you are perfect with pathing you can do all 5 with about 15 seconds to spare. That means if you catch them running to a box and chase them in the other direction, then leave them there is a high chance they will die to the trap.
    3) Face Mask/Slow Toxin - Blindness and Exhaustion. Both very powerful and makes survivors panic.
    4) Stacked Gears - Increasing time to search boxes. Good to make them waste a bit more time, especially if you don't have Ruin.

    My perk build is Whispers, Ruin, Nurse's Calling, and Blood Warden.

    Whispers is great overall perk, and very good on Pig because she is stealth. Simply walk near a gen/totem/box/gate while crouched and if it procs they are there. Let's you know survivors are doing something without going all the way up to it, which means you can take a less obvious path to surprise them from an odd angle.

    Ruin because slow the game JUST A LIL BIT. My general rule of thumb is to not use a trap until Ruin goes down or a gen pops. Exception if I catch the obsession, screw that dude he gets a trap right meow.

    NC you could probably swap for BBQ, but the idea is that while stealth you can sneak up on people healing. This one you can take or leave really.

    Blood Warden is, IMO, an absolute must on Pig. Always save 1 trap for endgame. When the gates power, find someone and down them ASAP. Ignore the doors, just focus on getting that guy down so you can proc BW. Put your trap on them, and if the gates aren't opened yet you can leave them slugged since they can't escape anyway. Doing this you can always be sure to proc BW by hooking the guy with the trap (or even better if you catch a second survivor hook them to proc BW, let the trap guy worry about his trap).

    Ultimately perks are up to you though.

    Biggest DON'Ts would be:
    1) Don't always be crouching. When you need to get somewhere just go there. Only crouch around if you know you have the time.
    2) Don't spam your traps. Spread them out. Like I said, wait until Ruin/1 gen before first trap. Save the next for when the next gen pops. Save 1 for endgame. If you spam all your traps, survivors won't do gens and take the traps off with no pressure. Then you lose because once you are out of traps/Ruin it's gen rush time.
    3) Please for the love of Jebus, don't tunnel the guy with the trap. I see so many Pig's do this and lose because of it. If the trap is active you can leave them alone. Maybe chase them away from a box, or slug them. If you legit just find them and stuff sure take the hook. But if the timer is going and they just got saved go after someone else. All you do by tunneling the guy with the trap is signal to the other 3 survivors to gen rush, and they will and you will only get that 1 guy (sometimes you might not even get them too).
    4) Don't be surprised if survivors aren't falling for ambush. Good survivors are hard to surprise, especially because Pig makes a very audible breathing sound. If survivors seem like they are always aware of where you are, there is a chance they have Spine Chill/Prem. You won't surprise these guys. Also examine your own pathing. You may feel stealthy but you will be easily spotted by survivors. Case and point, wide open areas don't even bother with crouch. Around buildings and stuff though, yea use that ish because you have more stuff to block their line of sight.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    First and foremost, unless you're going to pull the backwards walk thing like a bunch of Legion players seem to be doing, don't expect many if any kills from RBTs.
    From personal experience (on PS4), it is sorta possible to make a push on forcing the RBTs below red ranks.  Doesn't mean you spend all your time making the trap go off as soon as the clock starts tickin', but if you catch wind of someone who's hit more than one wrong box after the timer has already started, harassing them a little and pushing them in the wrong direction a bit (especially if you can avoid triggering a chase in the process) can sometimes be JUUUUUUST enough to screw them over.

    In red ranks, this is much less feasible because Survivors are generally just that much more efficient.
  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    She has a lot of perk versatility. Use that to your advantage because she's good with pretty much any build out there. So much so, that you may find yourself running out of ideas. But I will say....stay away from hexes. It may seem like a good idea on paper, but until they make hexes not suck, keep them out of your main repertoire.

    Knock out
    Bitter Murmer
    Monitor and Abuse
    Haunted Ground
    Make your choice

    If you pick any perk that has a terror radius mod to it like caulrophobia which give the survivor icons, that pretty much give away the fact that you're approaching, use these while playing less than stealthy. Or you're just gonna force people to run away, which is sometimes good but most of the time bad.

    Theres a cool interaction with her stealth and monitor and abuse. People don't realize it but when you crouch your terror radius doesn't immediately go away. Monitor on the other hand forces it to drop to 0 pretty much immediately. Its a really good mind game perk.

    Her best maps are Lery's memorial, and the meatplant.

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    I'm not a Pig main but I have over 500 hours playing killer and 700 playing survivor, Pig isn't that great. If you like a stealth killer go Myers or Wraith and arguably even Freddy they all have stronger add ons and better power and that's the biggest issue with Pig is that her add ons are junk, her gimmick is very survivor sided. Her perks are all bad even MYC which is only good on Nurse and Hag. I legit never enjoyed playing her thought so I have a negative bias.
    I mean you can do ok with her, most of the time I see pigs just insidious camp hook players and wait for an unhook. Main issue she has is finding survivors and building momentum to win the game. She's like Doc + Wraith with all the drawbacks.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @akbays35 said:
    I'm not a Pig main but I have over 500 hours playing killer and 700 playing survivor, Pig isn't that great. If you like a stealth killer go Myers or Wraith and arguably even Freddy they all have stronger add ons and better power and that's the biggest issue with Pig is that her add ons are junk, her gimmick is very survivor sided. Her perks are all bad even MYC which is only good on Nurse and Hag. I legit never enjoyed playing her thought so I have a negative bias.
    I mean you can do ok with her, most of the time I see pigs just insidious camp hook players and wait for an unhook. Main issue she has is finding survivors and building momentum to win the game. She's like Doc + Wraith with all the drawbacks.

    I used to be a Freddy main and I kicked losts of ass with him, he can focus on more than one person at a time which is how I like to play. I like strategy and Pig looks like she has a good strategy game with her traps if used properly and has good RNG. I've gone against some really good Pigs and they're my favrotie killers to go against. I know Pig is like some other killers with no loop game game but I've been seeing that interesting Ambush attack at loops and thought that would be great to learn.

  • Salty_Pearl
    Salty_Pearl Member Posts: 1,367
    edited December 2018

    Try to be as stealthy as possible in order to ambush survivors. Video tape +Combat Straps will be your best friends since they help Ambush soo much. As for RBTs, they are pretty weak imo but just try to use them to stall. She's also not good with loops so try to use Ambush to bait them to use a pallet or try to mind game them to vault to the other side. :)

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @PigMainBigBrain @thesuicidefox @Khroalthemadbomber Thank you guys very much, I was thinking of you guys when I made this post but couldn't remember your names. I had a few matches today, the first one was awful because it was Rotten Fields, corn vision. But all the ones after that were amazing, I love sneaking and hiding my TR to trick them into going back to the Gen if I lose them, the Ruin is so hopeful with the traps and I actually had one game where it miraculously stayed up for longer than 5 seconds lol.

    I'm not really using the VHS Tape much because I'm not dashing, I've been finding it much more effective to just stand back up when I'm close enough and I've caught everyone off guard like that so right now I'm using the Combat Straps and Bag of Gears until I can get more of the Toxins and Facemask I think it's called. And damn that Rules set no 2 really should be basekit.

    Until I can get better perks I'm using Rancor, SB, BBQ & Chilli, and Ruin.I have Blood Warden but it's only rank 2, I would use Remember Me but it's only Rank 1. I have Spirit Fury but I'm waiting to get Enduring or it's pointless.

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    @HatCreature said:

    @akbays35 said:
    I'm not a Pig main but I have over 500 hours playing killer and 700 playing survivor, Pig isn't that great. If you like a stealth killer go Myers or Wraith and arguably even Freddy they all have stronger add ons and better power and that's the biggest issue with Pig is that her add ons are junk, her gimmick is very survivor sided. Her perks are all bad even MYC which is only good on Nurse and Hag. I legit never enjoyed playing her thought so I have a negative bias.
    I mean you can do ok with her, most of the time I see pigs just insidious camp hook players and wait for an unhook. Main issue she has is finding survivors and building momentum to win the game. She's like Doc + Wraith with all the drawbacks.

    I used to be a Freddy main and I kicked losts of ass with him, he can focus on more than one person at a time which is how I like to play. I like strategy and Pig looks like she has a good strategy game with her traps if used properly and has good RNG. I've gone against some really good Pigs and they're my favrotie killers to go against. I know Pig is like some other killers with no loop game game but I've been seeing that interesting Ambush attack at loops and thought that would be great to learn.

    If you're wanting to learn more about Pig check out Monto and Truetalent's videos, they play the game a crazy amount and would give the best examples of how to play her. Another advice I would give is to stack up Pig's endgame with NOED and or Bloodwarden since her traps at endgame can be very strong.

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073
    @HatCreature awww thank you! Also Merry Christmas or whatever it is you celebrate!

    Just remembered another quick thing. That video tape add-on (for the life of me can't remember the name) you can use it to counter Dead Hard plays to dodge your dash attack. I've got to redo my commentary on one of my Pig recordings, but in it was a moment when a David Dead Harded through me, and with a quick flick I was able to spin back around and drop him. It has a fair amount of mobility once you learn how to use it.
  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @Khroalthemadbomber said:
    @HatCreature awww thank you! Also Merry Christmas or whatever it is you celebrate!

    Just remembered another quick thing. That video tape add-on (for the life of me can't remember the name) you can use it to counter Dead Hard plays to dodge your dash attack. I've got to redo my commentary on one of my Pig recordings, but in it was a moment when a David Dead Harded through me, and with a quick flick I was able to spin back around and drop him. It has a fair amount of mobility once you learn how to use it.

    Merry Xmas :) oh that's cool I would never have thought of that. I guess there's more use to the Ambush than I thought there was, I'll start experimenting.