Anti Franklin's Demise perk

Can we please get an anti Franklin's Demise perk? If a survivor wants to protect their item, let them use a perk slot. In most cases, it will just waste a perk slot, but I'd still like the option. Survivors can't remove the killer's add-ons, so let us protect our items if we choose to. Merci BHVR.
This would be really nice.
Death Grip- somethingsomething steely resolve. Eliminates skill checks while using an item. Retain item when it would otherwise be knocked from your grasp.
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Why is everyone obsessed with countering every little thing a killer can do? Franklins isn't supposed to be countered by design. Items are a luxury, not an entitlement. Learn to play without them, you'll be better for it.
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Built to last and playing in SWF are the best franklins counter
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I'd rather have a solo perk
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We can't ignore the fact that there shouldn't be a perk that extracts 5-10k BP from another player's account by design without any opportunity for a countermeasure.
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You can still recover the item and escape with it keeping the item. You can even loot items during the match.
It's hardly unfair for the killer to have franklins when items don't have to be purchased before heading into every match
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Its called dropping the item in a convenient spot
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I don't think you understand what luxury means. Items are forced to be bought while a player levels. The entire game is balanced around survivors bringing them. In fact, they are expected to bring them. A luxury is something few are meant to have and is somewhat difficult to get.
Items are, in many matches, a necessity, and at the very least they are a tool expected to be used.
By the way, Franklin's is easily countered with Built to Last, as well as just sitting your item on the ground, so saying that it isn't supposed to be countered is also wrong.
As to the OP, @NovaKane, I think White Ward should have the OP's suggestion built into it. They should also make the broken key a single use item that knocks an add-on out of the killer's hands. Counterable by a Black Ward.
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Its called "R" on your keyboard.
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Broken keys shouldn't do that, it doesn't even make sense for them to do that.
As for an anti-Franklin perk, it's a silly idea. Because they aren't going to ship a perk like that in a vacuum instead it will likely come with a killer perk that either invalidates its function or causes an even more detrimental scenario than Franklin's ever could.
The game can be played perfectly fine without items and the game is balanced more towards not using items than using them. It's part of reason why items tend to need more nerfs than any sort of buff because they tend to unbalance the game in specific areas. They are meant to be used, but nothing is meant to be used without risk. Franklin's introduces a fair amount of risk to using items and there is already ways in game to mitigate that risk somewhat. Taking tools out of the killer's toolbox or making hyper niche counters via perks isn't going to make the solo experience any better because a lot of the solo experience is predicated on usually not having the time invested to know how to use the mitigation tools and techniques already available to them.
Also, can we just stop asking for counter perks for a while? Like ask for something that will genuine improve the experience of playing the game for everyone no matter what they play rather junk that just serves to irritate whatever side you don't care to invest time into.
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Pretty sure we should stay away from perks that totally nullify the affects of others
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Yea as soon as you know the killer has Franklins just drop your medkit. Doesn't work so well with other items though I suppose.
Anyway I was thinking it would have been cool since Medkit addons are being changed, for there to be an addon to help against Franklins. An outright counter to it seemed too much though, but having an addon that prevents losing any charges whilst on the ground would be cool.
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Is this why there are winstreak squads that do hundreds of escapes in a row without using items, or only using items found in the trial?
Believe it or not, the game isn't balanced around your team bringing an instant 25% gen progress with another 40% done at lightning speed, or 4 self-heals and an instaheal, or a map that hard counter killer powers and gives you exact totem locations.
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"Junk that just serves to irritate whatever side you don't care to invest time into."
You're literally describing Franklin's for many players. It doesn't even counter much of anything besides medkits. By the time you hit a toolbox, the charges are already gone. There's no reason to counter a key or a flashlight, especially after this upcoming mid-chapter. It's mostly an anti-medkit or anti-fun perk.
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Toolbox is empty after 10secs in the game, Keys and Maps who cares and Flashlights... well, not the end of the world.
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This would be good. Could even have the item "lose" a few charges due to "damage" from Franklin's.
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Survs loading in with "Death Grip" would be like:
Interesting idea ntl.
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You can hop in a locker to prevent the killer from hitting you and then you can die without losing your item.
But honestly it's better to just let it go. Items aren't that rare in the bloodweb to throw a hassle over.
There is a perk that allows you to ger medkits, there is one that allows you to get flashlights and there are perks that make getting the random items you get better.
Play a couple of matches with a loot build and sole survivor if you play solo and getting items shouldn't be a problem
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Built to last
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You consider it an anti-fun perk.
Now, I'm not exactly what fun it inhibits considering items are usually the some of the most non-interactive things in when you're not using a flashlight. Franklin's can be used strategically to force survivors into disadvantageous situations due to them being too obsessed with getting the item back setting them up for easier hooks.
Like if you're that hung up about an item you probably should work on learning how to mitigate being deprived of its use via the things in the game rather than advocating for a tailor made hard counter which is an actual anti-fun move. That's the kind of thing you file next to people wanting killer powers to suddenly stop working or changed to be essentially ineffective rather than learn to overcome them with the perfectly viable tools already available to them. That's like killers wanting perks that counters survivors being able to run.
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Actually its rare because of many pointless things to spawn.Like, 17-18 difference types of BP offering. Hatch spawn shack/main. Basement spawn shack/main. Survivor spawn offering. Mist offering that give no impact. Many useless addon.
I feel I can only get 2 items per level 50 BW
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You can definitely get more than two per bloodweb at lvl 50.
There are 3 types of flashlights and keys, 2 types of maps, 6 types of toolboxes, 4 types of med kits
That's not counting the event variants and firecrackers/party starters.
So you can definitely get more than two items out of 50 BW, but that also depends on how you approach doing the bloodweb to get maximum value vs what the entity eats.
Survivors have a lot of stuff, but most of it has a use the only things that are truly worthless are mist reagents and luck offerings as luck is the least valuable and underused background stat in the game.It only works on Kobe-ing off hook and literally nothing else and the modifier is extremely small.
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Killers are the exact same way though...
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White ward?
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Wait, you're serious.
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Instead of a direct Franklin's counter, what about something else that inadvertantly does it? I had an idea for a simple perk that allows you carry two items. Kind of like MUL-T carrying 2 equipments in Risk of Rain 2. Just have franklins only affect the first item and the second one stored is fine.
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Yeah, i do agree there is way to much clutter. Would be nice if there was atleast one yellow or higher rarity item to spawn on bloodwebs. Especially now that medkits will be toned down.
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I've always felt franklins should refund the item to the survivors after the match. That way it helps the killer win the natch but doesn't ruin someones red rarity item.
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No, you can't.
Deal with it.
Survivors are really toddlers whining when something bothers them.
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That's like saying a swf running hyperfocus, stakeout and slamming gens steals bloodpoints from me because the game ends before I can make use of my killer add-ons.
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Franklin's counters White Ward :p
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If I want to waste a perk slot for it, why are most of you complaining? If it's so unnecessary, then all the killers should be happy that I don't want to use a STRONGER perk. To everyone saying " get better at the game" should I not use DH, Sprint burst, gen rush perks, cuz you also don't like those perks. I run Bond, kindred, Distortion and open handed. Why is it so bad to want a non sweaty perk to you? All the perks I run are team beneficial except Distortion.
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the only thing that a luxury in this game is the perks that are stuck behind a pay wall that's luxury as only few people have access to it. i can guarantee their a lot of people own bubba just for the 1 perk alone because it the BEST and barley play him theirs no survivor perk that changes the game that much outright
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the only thing that luxury in this game are the perks as they change that way the survivors have to play the game no survivor perks changes that games gameplay out right like BBQ & chill does legit biggest example of luxury or Merciless Storm that make skill cheeks' INPOSSIABLE FOR NEW PLAYERS that purely stuck behind the onryo (THATS pay to win) and the shrine is a joke them trying to cover their own asses so they don't get banned IN CERTIAN COUNTRYS it called loopholes every company abuses them their a lot of bubbss player only own him for his 1 perk and that it that luxury not spend time into a GAME AND GETTING ANOTHER PLAYER TO SMACK IT WAYA LIKE IT NEVER HAPPENED MOST PLAYERS ONLY MAKE 15K BLOD POINTS PER MATCH SO 20 MINUTES OF WORK IS NON ESZISTENT SOUNDS DUMB AND NO ONE WILL KEEP PLAYING ESPECIASLLY NEW PLAYERS
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You can use whatever you want, but this isn't about using something that is already in the game.
You're asking for a direct counter to a perk that you can easily counter with existing tools within in the game. Trying to frame it as "If I get this counter then I won't use something stronger" is weird. If you don't want to run sweaty perks then don't, but direct hard counters are by their very definition sweaty considering you only counter things to either gain a competitive edge or remove a competitive edge from your opponent. You're already not even running a sweaty build so it's really just as simple as "get better at the game".
People have been self countering Franklin's for literal years at this point. Why can you not do the same?
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Just bring an offering that prevent the loss of your items and addons or just drop it somewhere and then pick it back up, you will still get the item in the bloodweb because bloodpoints are not hard to get
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I always bring in party streamers and cakes. I just don't want the killer to take my item or just drop it mid chase because someone else can take it. Built to last can work if nobody takes my item but I gotta go find it and then recharge it which is very inefficient. I'd like to just have an Anti Franklin's perk and play my match using my items exactly when it's suitable to me.
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This would be a nice buff to Ace in the Hole. Make it so that you don't drop your item with the perk. Maybe lose some charges if Franklin's Demise.
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Even if this perk existed, survivors still wouldn't use it and complain about the 1 out of 100+ games they play where they didn't encounter franklins. The perk would have no value if the killer didn't bring franklins unlike franklins which can always have value, because survivors can loot items.
This counter perk would only make sense, if killers had some innate way to knock items out of their hands or if there were a lot of perks that interacted with items like aura reading perks. But it's a single perk and building an entire perk to counter a single perk is just a bad idea.
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The counter to Franklins is just go pick your item back up. I don't think survivors should have a counter to it, it's there for a purpose.
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So we're in agreement that making a perk to counter franklin's is a silly idea. Nice.
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I already said I believe it's a waste of a perk slot but it's just a perk I would like the option to have. Almost all the perks over the past year aren't good either. I'm just expressing what I personally would like. Would a killer rather see a wasted perk used in a perk slot in endgame or just meta perks? The question answers itself. I'm nit saying this us a must have situation, but the devs are out of ideas anuway. I don't expect this to be made, I just want it.
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Just drop item and pick it up when you need it, wow such easy counter, not even needed a perk slot.