Should 99% gates exist?
I’m curious for a valid reason as to why or why it shouldn’t be a thing.
Meaning if you believe it should still exist
or you believe it shouldn’t exist
99%the gate make the end game system totally meanless.
But TBH I don't really mind 99%the gate, the endgame system itself is already meanless,the timer is too long that even survivor spend 2minutes to die on hook the timer is still not run out.
Can we have the old remember me back?
I still don't got it why should they nerf it for end game system.
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Its okay for 99% gate.
They just need to add 1sec startup animation for most survivors' action.
- 1sec to stop Gen regressing, which greatly reduce Gen tapping.
- 1sec to open a 99% gate, this will put more risk to 99% gate
- 1sec to continue healing progress, make 99% heal Resilience more risk
And so on...
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As long as the EGC works the way it does, yes, 99 gates should remain untouched.
The EGC does not need to be even stronger for the killer than it already is.
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I don't mind exit gates being 99'd. Would be a cool Remember Me buff though if they added an effect to it where it passively regresses the exit gate opening progress on top of making the progress take longer to open.
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Gates should automatically regress at the same speed survivors can open them.
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What make you think that EGC is stong now?
Can you teach me?
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The killer could just go open the gate themselves to start EGC and apply that pressure
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From a thematic standpoint it doesn't make sense.
The entire match Survivors want to complete their objectives and finish them, except for the literal last objective (The Switch), if they feel they're in a comfortable position, to go unhook or Cleanse Totems, search Chests, etc.
The Killer is also in their weakest position with regards to how they interact with Survivor Objectives at this point too. They can only... Auto-complete the Survivors Objective for them?
It'd be nice if instead of it opening the Gate, the Killer Interacting with a Powered Switch would "Damage" the Switch with a Basic Attack, allowing the Switch to regress. Regressing Switches would not have any indication they are regressing without the use of a Perk. "Damaging" a Switch causes the Bulbs to burst, no longer allowing Switch progress to be seen visually. "Damaging" a Switch causes a power fluctuation on the other Switch, causing the lights to flicker for a short duration. "Damaging" both Switches cause a breaker to trip, opening both Exit Gates.
This would at least allow Killers to demolish Survivor goals in line with the rest of the Trial (EG: Pallets, Generators), However given that you can only choose one to regress (without conceding), it presents a choice: Have Survivors already put a decent amount of time into this switch? Should I chase the Survivor off the Switch, or Damage it first? Do I think the Survivor is in this area, and they've 25%'ed it already, meaning causing this Switch to regress will likely prevent them from being able to escape, or give the Survivor the signal that I'm literally standing at the other Switch? Or perhaps the lack of a visual progress indicator mean that on a map with more LoS between the Exit Gates, the Survivor will be able to stagger powering the Gate without you noticing as you perform patrols across the shortest visual path to the Switch? Perhaps you may take advantage of this to try to double-back on that switch quickly?
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It isn't necessarily that strong for the killer right now, but it can provide an advantage to the killer by putting survivors on a time limit and it can also occasionally force survivors away from safe loops. If a survivor is at a loop where they can't run away without getting hit (especially relevant if they're injured), but the killer otherwise can't catch them at the loop without breaking a dropped pallet, normally the killer is forced to break the pallet. But once EGC starts, the killer can just wait and keep them there and the survivor has to act, even if they go down for it.
Removing the option to 99 gates would make it stronger because it'd force survivors to open gates instead of leaving them 99'd which would start the timer sooner.
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all making gates regress would do is just make survivors immediately leave instead of trying for a end game save. Which is just very boring.
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Taking it away will just end those altruistic snowballs which benefit the killer after gens are done. If 99% gates regressed then most survivors would just leave. I remember one of the devs saying they tested regressing the exit gates and gave it up quickly because the impact was too great or some such. Basically they gave up the idea fast, which tells you all you need to know about whether it'll ever happen or not.
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Maps like Midwich would become hostage situations until killer gets their 4K. Gates would need to be spread apart so it doesn't turn into a secondary objective to fight for.
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The problem with a regressing gate is the killer only has to walk between them to cause a stalemate. As soon as you hear the last gen pop you patrol the two gates and force survivors off them until they regress.
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I agree. The most fun for both sides is clutch end game all or nothing plays. While I do think 99% gates are dumb, it's not worth trading for those amazing end games.
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The gates shouldn't regress normally but they should buff remember me at least.
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I don't like when Survivors 99% gates because it offten backfires more than help your team.
I saw many situations where me or someone would be downed just because the gate wasn't opened and that extra 1-2 seconds really metters in close situations.
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I think 99'd gates are a valid strategy, just like 99'd gens are.
It doesn't prevent hostage situations or standoffs, as the killer can open them anytime, so endgame collapse still does its work.
And it allows a little more time for coordination to teams that might not have it on comms. If the gate was 99'd, it doesn't remove all risk. The survivor on hook is still getting closer to death any second. Or closer to being downed if they're in chase.
I think it's a little bit exaggerated to say 99'd gates are so powerful or unfair or such.
I could definitely see a perk attributed to regressing the switch progress, it would be super niche but that doesn't usually stop BHVR.
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I think they should even improve this mechanic by letting the survivor fully charge the exit gate action and then making them press (for example) F to open the door instead of opening it by mistake.
Much like basekit unbreakable where survivors have to fully charge the recovery bar and then have to press F to get up by themselves
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EGC's only purpose is to put a hard time limit on the match that both roles can start with some fancy visuals attached.
Does it accomplish that? Yes, both survivors and the killer can open the gate.
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Wow that sounds like good tension in my horror game.
And if they just 99%’ed a Gen, which they can communicate with the HUD in some capacity for SoloQ, the Killer would be able to interact with it.
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Why can’t both Killer and Survivor work on Generators then?
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Why would you be able to? You have two different objectives. You either kill the survivors, or they do generators to end the game, why would you be doing generators?
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From a competitive standpoint if the Killer Opens the Exit Gate, the EGC doesn't apply the same amount of pressure.
It removes the time-commitment of Survivors from opening the Exit Gate.
Trying to Hook a Survivor near an Exit Gate to camp near an open exit doesn't make sense because the Unhooked Survivor gets Endurance even during the EGC.
If you're not an insta-down Killer you can't really act as a gatekeeper, as Survivors can simply choose to exit via the other entrance anyway.
All in all, the EGC is only ever really pressure when Survivors open it too early themselves, while the Killer is still in chase/patrolling a Hook. The Killer opening the Exit Gate is more or less concession of the match.
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That's the point I'm making. Why does the Switch interaction between both roles lead to the same outcome, at minimum?
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Yes :)
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It's fine because you have perks blood warden, no way out and remember me, though I think blood warden might need a small buff, maybe.
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I don't think they need to add basekit gate regression but adding it to a weak perk like Remember Me would be a nifty idea.
It wouldn't suddenly make loads of people bring it but it'd help make it a more meanigful endgame perk.
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Because it's a commonality between the roles. If you feel like the survivors are refusing to open the gate you can open it yourself. You can also make blood warden plays this way too.
Also, the purpose of you being able to is to force end a match - there used to be no timer or collapse, so even with the doors open the match would never end. You being able to open the door or the survivors ensures the game ends.
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Yes, in the cases of BW and NOED, the wisest course of action would be to 99 gates, that is if you want to risk saving your teammate(s). This also gives the killer another chance at possibly downing/hooking more survivors. So it's a risk for both sides and can be equally rewarding, for survivors they can get 4 people out, for killers they could activate BW and get more kills.
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Survivors 99% gates primarily because EGC exists. Before that, it would only ever be 99ed if you were wary of bloodwarden. EGC exists just so that the killer can force the game to end.
So the fact that survivors 99% gates so frequently in the first place is already an indirect buff to killers. Depending on how close the chase is and the angle survivors are running to the gate from, it can mean life or death. It is a risk to open gates but also a risk to 99% gates.
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More often than not 99ing gates isn't even the right play. - Though, somewhat often it's also pretty inconsequential that it isn't the right play.
99ing a gate can buy the necessary time for end game chases / rescues (someone is chasing at a significant distance of the gate. No one knows how long the chase will last. Since everyone is alive egc will be rather short. So wait with actually opening the gate until the chased is either downed or can make it out the gate with a hit).
99ing a gate can also completely screw over an entire team in that very same scenario if the call to not open the gate yet was wrong; if you have to open the gate you can't take a hit. Additionally, someone who needs to make a detour to open the gate and is downed in the process at the switch won't be heal-techable, while if they could have just W-keyed that would have a pretty high chance of success. If this situation happens after a rescue that has most/all survs injured not having the gate open already is a near guaranteed snowball frequently giving the killer at least one additional kill and can wipe an entire team.
Which means to say: leave it in. It's a strategic choice and since the main purpose of egc is to bring the match to an end and that end can be triggered by the killer as well there's really no issue with it, imo.
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Has gen regression taught us nothing?
Gate regression should NEVER exist.
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I had the exact same thought and questions when I read that :D
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This is something I've thought about a bit. I think we could have gate switch regression, but it should have thresholds of progress that, once reached, cannot regress past.
Putting it simply, divide the gate into four "segments". If you release the switch, it regresses the segment is on, but won't regress further. These thresholds would be at 25%, 50%, and 75%. So if you 99'd a gate and let go, it would regress to 75% and stop there. This should line up with the lights that appear above the gate.
I've also considered this idea for generators but gen regression has been smashed so hard that it barely matters now.
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I hate the 99ing of the gates, but this comment right here is very vaild. If i'm playing Pig and they've completed all gens and I have anyone running around with an active trap..i'm opening the gate, best of luck to ya 😂
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Killer should be able to damage it like a gen.
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It isn't strong at all, it even has a hand-holding slowdown effect when there's a hook or a down.
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I didn’t really mean that it is that strong right now, but it would become stronger if 99ing gates was no longer possible. Which does not need to happen. It’s not meant to give the killer kills as much as it is meant to just ensure the game ends in a timely manner.
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Honestly they should just have a timer until the match ends then.
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No because I am sick of my idiotic teammates constantly doing it for no reason. 99ing gates is something people do because they think it makes them look smart.
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It should exist.
99ing gates is the counter to Blood Warden and it also helps with making end game hook saves.