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Unfinished animations of killers and errors associated with them.

Creator Member Posts: 360
edited December 2018 in General Discussions

Why does Michael have a broken animation in the 3rd stage of evil? When I hit someone on the 3rd stage of evil, I see the following: the knife in Michael’s hand suddenly changes its position, the blow occurs, then Michael inspects the knife and then a logical animation should start, where Michael continues to hold the knife blade down, as from the 3rd person , but instead he continues to hold the knife just like in the 2nd stage. Why it happens? Why don't the developers want to fix his animation? Even in the game, after hitting, he already starts the animation when he again holds the knife with the blade down, but it stops and the knife again stands in a pose as in the 2nd stage of evil.

In the screenshots above, you can see that the knife was supposed to be with the blade down after hitting the survivor, but the animation at this point is interrupted and returns to its original state of the 2nd evil stage.

And further. What the hell is that? What's up with Michael's body? What about its textures ??!?!?! Why is it terribly stretched?!?!? DEVELOPERS RETURN THE KILLER'S CAMERA IN HIS HEAD !!! DO NOT LEAVE THE CAMERA IN THE BREAST, NECK AND SHOULDERS OF THE KILLER. In the head, return the camera to the head! Most of the animations (especially Memento Mori) if you play with ShadowBornom have terrible flaws. At the Clown, for example, you can see his real face, which LICKS AIR AND NOT A FINGER!


  • Creator
    Creator Member Posts: 360

    When you watch the GIF animation, pay attention to the left side!

  • Creator
    Creator Member Posts: 360

    I apologize in advance for any errors made in the text.