Legendary cosmetics are overpriced

I don't really get why they cost more than the survivor/killer they came from if they don't
1. Have their own perks
2. Have their own prestige cosmetics, and
3. Have their own respective cosmetics
It seems kinda a scam that I can, for example, buy Leon for 500 auric cells, then buy an outfit for him, which would all total up to about 1500 auric cells, which isn't bad considering he also gets his own perks and prestige cosmetics. However, let's say I buy Carlos, for 1500 auric cells (well 1485 but I'll round it). I don't get any prestige cosmetics for him, nor any perks for him, and he doesn't get any of his own cosmetics either. So, here's how I would rework the way legendary cosmetics are priced:
1. I would make them 350-400 auric cells. After all, all they are is simply a skin, and don't get their own cosmetics. Which brings me to my next point:
I would also add the option to show legendary survivors/killers in the character selection tab.
Another thing I would do is give them prestige cosmetics. Maybe if they don't add the second option, they could put the prestige cosmetics in the store.
They dont even have their own portait in the menu. They are overpriced but bhvr wont do anything
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This is a glass half full, half empty moment.
You compare legendary skins to survivors and say they are overpriced. I look at survivors and see how cheap they actually are.
A company needs to make money, and i much more prefer it that their most expensive things are optional skins you can buy if you want to support bhvr rather then the actual gameplay elements
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Too late. Legendary skins sells well long time ago and they will. Why do you think they make so many of them for the past months?
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Facts. Most skins are overpriced, but people that buy them effectively subsidize DLCs for the rest of us.
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Skins, including legendary characters, are solely optional and cosmetical. I would love for them to be cheaper, sure, but I rather have the actual content as cheap as they are now.
also, you kinda didn’t mention that legendary get their own lobby animations (for killers I think even in-game) and voice actings, which also aren’t that cheap to create.
prestige cosmetics and potential mix/match cosmetics to buy would be very cool however.
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As long as people out there buy them there's no incentive for BHVR to make them cheaper. And people do buy them sadly.
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Gamebalance, playernumbers, sells - all they care about is stats. Don't agree on the gamebalance, but that's not the topic here.
And it's fair enough liscended chars alone are sold for ~5 bucks. So if you want them for the perks, it's a very fair price and not much pay to win. Are most cosmetics overpriced, esp. legacy skins which you can't even mix? Absolutly. But you don't need to buy them, it's that simple. Also i can't mention enough how important shards still are. Earning them with playtime was a really smart thing to do. This and the free rifts are only possible because people buying skins. So... tx, i guess.
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I'm not buying any of them since they're all horribly overpriced. They already cost more than the basegame during a regular Steam sale, it's quite ridiculous.
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5 dollars for a skin is not cheap 😭
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I agree, the resources need to make a legendary skin vs the price compared to the resources needed to make a killer vs the price makes no sense at all.
I cannot understand why people ask for more legendary skins, it's literally asking for their favourite character to be disgraced and for them to be ripped off.
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What is and isn't cheap is relative ofcourse but where i live 5 bucks is like half a meal at a fast food place
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The pricing of the cosmetics are most likely contractually stipulated to be a certain amount in the case of licensed content. Considering every time they make a sale a portion of that sale goes to the rights holder.